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More Good News!

June 11, 2020

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, we asked the department to help us celebrate good news. Here are some snippets of other good news stories throughout the department…

Shana Gleeson, MD, and Ethan Marin, MD, PhD, were asked by Richard Formica, MD, to help put together a manuscript discussing the management of kidney transplant recipients during the current pandemic. “Despite being immersed in the clinical care of our patients they both said yes without hesitation and have produced a manuscript that I think they and our institution can be proud of. I bring this to your attention because once this has passed and we are back to normal, sometime in the future, these two will come up for promotion. I would like this email to be saved because in the future the context may be lost, but I believe these two embody what it means to be part of our faculty and I would like that to be remembered,” said Formica.

Stephen Huot, MD, PhD, wanted to give a “Shout out to our chief residents in Medicine and across GME who have been remarkably collaborative and helpful as our medicine service has vacated some areas and occupied others. We have needed to move call room assignments as part of this and I have been totally impressed by the professionalism and leadership demonstrated by our chief residents.”

Richard Marottoli, MD, MPH, through the teams for COACH/GWEP (Geriatric Workplace Enhancement Project) and ADRC (Alzheimer’s Disease Research Center), have sent regular newsletters on COVID-related topics to providers to older adults in the community and to community partners.

Ryan McNeil, PhD, and his team won the Canadian Hillman Prize in journalism for their “Crackdown” podcast.

Spouses Jennifer Ouellet, MD, and Gregory Ouellet, MD, MHS, coordinated a group of medical students to get groceries delivered to older adults, and donated supplies picked up and distributed as needed.

Marie Robert, MD, worked within her primary department (pathology) to assist departments like her secondary appointment within Internal medicine. Her team sent an email to our faculty and staff requesting folks to donate blood or money to food banks. “In just a few days that single email generated a positive response from 80 people across all sectors of our department donating needed blood and supporting those experiencing food shortages. We are so glad to find ways to help.”