Rabin Dahal
Assistant Professor of PsychiatryCards
Pressure-induced superconductivity in a novel germanium allotrope
Deng L, Zhang J, Sakai Y, Tang Z, Adnani M, Dahal R, Litvinchuk A, Chelikowsky J, Cohen M, Hemley R, Guloy A, Ding Y, Chu C. Pressure-induced superconductivity in a novel germanium allotrope. Materials Today Physics 2024, 41: 101338. DOI: 10.1016/j.mtphys.2024.101338.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPressure-induced superconductivityPressure-dependent resistivity measurementsElectronic topological transitionStructure of GeElectronic structure of GeStructural phase transitionHigh-pressure studiesSuperconductivity enhancementSuperconducting stateTopological transitionMaximum TcSuperconductivitySuperconductivity researchExperimental discoveryPhase transitionSuperconducting performanceElectronic structureResistivity measurementsFundamental scienceRaman measurementsGermaniumAmbient pressureAllotropesDensity functional theory analysisTransition
Mood Disorders in Transplantation: Bipolar Disorder Spectrum
Dahal, R., Zimbrean, P.C. (2022). Mood Disorders in Transplantation: Bipolar Disorder Spectrum. In: Zimbrean, P.C., Sher, Y., Crone, C., DiMartini, A.F. (eds) Transplant Psychiatry. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-15052-4_2Chapters
Mood Disorders in Transplantation: Bipolar Disorder Spectrum
Dahal R, Zimbrean P. Mood Disorders in Transplantation: Bipolar Disorder Spectrum. 2022, 13-22. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-15052-4_2.ChaptersBipolar disorderEnd-stage organ failureNeuropsychiatric adverse effectsRole of psychotropicsOrgan transplant recipientsSolid organ transplantationStandard immunosuppressantsPharmacological managementTransplant outcomesTransplant recipientsOrgan failureDisease burdenBipolar disorder spectrumSuccessful transplantationOrgan transplantationMood disordersGeneral populationTransplantationPatientsAdverse effectsDisorder spectrumDisordersPsychological effectsNonadherenceImmunosuppressants
Cognitive Enhancers
Dahal R, Tampi R. Cognitive Enhancers. 2021, 279-286. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-58663-8_31.ChaptersPsychological and Neuropsychological Testing
Dahal R. Psychological and Neuropsychological Testing. 2021, 159-169. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-58663-8_20.Chapters
Risk Factors and Prevalence of Mental Illness
Zimbrean P, Dahal R. Risk Factors and Prevalence of Mental Illness. 2020, 195-214. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-47668-7_13.ChaptersRisk factorsMental illnessPosttraumatic stress disorderMental distressMental health screeningCommon mental illnessHealth screeningMajor depressionIllnessStress disorderPrevalenceSomatic manifestationsAvailable literatureDistressPost-migration phasesDifferent studiesMethodological differencesPosttraumatic growthSyndromeFactors
Evaluation of Risk Factors for Antipsychotic Polypharmacy in Inpatient Psychiatry Units of a Community Hospital: A Retrospective Analysis
Paudel S, Dahal R, Mathias J, Arjyal S, Markovic L. Evaluation of Risk Factors for Antipsychotic Polypharmacy in Inpatient Psychiatry Units of a Community Hospital: A Retrospective Analysis. Community Mental Health Journal 2019, 55: 750-754. PMID: 30805754, DOI: 10.1007/s10597-019-00381-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAntipsychotic polypharmacyPsychiatric emergency visitsInpatient psychiatry unitRisk factorsEmergency visitsRetrospective analysisPsychiatry unitSubstance abusePotential risk factorsSevere mental illnessNon-APP groupSchizophrenia spectrum disordersAntipsychotic monotherapyPsychiatric admissionsCommunity hospitalPsychiatric hospitalizationSchizoaffective disorderApp groupMental illnessPolypharmacyHistory of violenceVisitsDisordersDepressionSpectrum disorder
Depression in Wilson Disease- What you need to know
Dahal R., Zimbrean P, “ Depression in Wilson Disease- What you need to know”. Copper Connection. Dec 2018.Publications for non-academic audiences
Clinical Care
Clinical Specialties
Psychiatry; Psychosomatic Medicine; Geriatric Psychiatry
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