Jason Lang, PhD
A Systematic Review of Brief, Child-Completed Adversity Screening Measures
Lange B, Nelson A, Randall K, Connell C, Lang J. A Systematic Review of Brief, Child-Completed Adversity Screening Measures. Journal Of Child And Family Studies 2024, 33: 3272-3285. DOI: 10.1007/s10826-024-02905-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchScreening measuresEmpirical supportPsychometric informationViolence exposureChildren's completionAdversity typesGrey literatureAdversityData extractionSystematic reviewMultiple measuresAssessment formEthnic discriminationHealth concernAcademic databasesSupportChildbirthAbuseHealthNeglectItemsConcernsState Policy Strategies for the Workforce Emergency in Behavioral Health.
Hoge M, Kelly A, Paris M, Lang J. State Policy Strategies for the Workforce Emergency in Behavioral Health. Psychiatric Services 2024, appips20230617. PMID: 39285738, DOI: 10.1176/appi.ps.20230617.Peer-Reviewed Case Reports and Technical NotesEffects of child trauma screening on trauma‐informed multidisciplinary evaluation and service planning in the child welfare system
Connell C, Swanson A, Genovese M, Lang J. Effects of child trauma screening on trauma‐informed multidisciplinary evaluation and service planning in the child welfare system. Journal Of Traumatic Stress 2024, 37: 337-343. PMID: 38193592, DOI: 10.1002/jts.23001.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRecord reviewMultidisciplinary evaluationTrauma screeningLong-term sequelaeRetrospective record reviewPrevalence of exposureEvidence-based interventionsTrauma-focused servicesTrauma-related symptomsProvider recommendationEarly identificationPTE exposureService planningChild welfare systemRandom sampleScreening procedureFormal screening procedureTraumatic eventsChild maltreatmentSignificant improvementChildrenExposureScreeningScreening processLt
The Prevalence and Treatment of Adjustment Disorders Among Children at Outpatient Mental Health Clinics
Lee P, Lang J, Bodley M, Vanderploeg J, Marshall T. The Prevalence and Treatment of Adjustment Disorders Among Children at Outpatient Mental Health Clinics. Evidence-Based Practice In Child And Adolescent Mental Health 2023, 9: 499-511. DOI: 10.1080/23794925.2023.2292035.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCognitive behavioral therapyEvidence-based treatmentsAdjustment disorderUse of CBTProblem severityPost-traumatic stress disorderOutpatient mental health clinicChildren ages 3Subsample of childrenMental health clinicsConduct problemsMental health disordersStress disorderOhio ScalesHigh functioningRoutine clinical careLower problem severityChild demographic characteristicsAge 3Type of treatmentUsual careCommon diagnosisRoutine careOutpatient clinicLimited research