Diffusion and Perfusion MRI to Differentiate Treatment-Related Changes Including Pseudoprogression from Recurrent Tumors in High-Grade Gliomas with Histopathologic Evidence
Prager A, Martinez N, Beal K, Omuro A, Zhang Z, Young R. Diffusion and Perfusion MRI to Differentiate Treatment-Related Changes Including Pseudoprogression from Recurrent Tumors in High-Grade Gliomas with Histopathologic Evidence. American Journal Of Neuroradiology 2015, 36: 877-885. PMID: 25593202, PMCID: PMC4731220, DOI: 10.3174/ajnr.a4218.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTreatment-related changesRecurrent tumorsHigh-grade gliomasSurgical resectionRecurrent high-grade gliomaLow relative cerebral blood volumeSubanalysis of patientsUtility of DWIRelative cerebral blood volumeTreatment-related effectsCerebral blood volumeWilcoxon rank sum testConventional MR imagingRank sum testConsecutive patientsHistopathologic evidenceMass lesionDSC perfusionRadiation therapyBlood volumeGrade gliomasPatientsLow perfusionTumorsDSC maps
Phase II Study of Bevacizumab, Temozolomide, and Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma
Omuro A, Beal K, Gutin P, Karimi S, Correa DD, Kaley TJ, DeAngelis LM, Chan TA, Gavrilovic IT, Nolan C, Hormigo A, Lassman AB, Mellinghoff I, Grommes C, Reiner AS, Panageas KS, Baser RE, Tabar V, Pentsova E, Sanchez J, Barradas-Panchal R, Zhang J, Faivre G, Brennan CW, Abrey LE, Huse JT. Phase II Study of Bevacizumab, Temozolomide, and Hypofractionated Stereotactic Radiotherapy for Newly Diagnosed Glioblastoma. Clinical Cancer Research 2014, 20: 5023-5031. PMID: 25107913, PMCID: PMC4523080, DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.ccr-14-0822.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsObjective response rateOverall survivalRadiotherapy schedulesMedian overall survivalPhase II studyHypofractionated Stereotactic RadiotherapyPhase II trialApparent diffusion coefficient ratioRelative cerebral blood volumeDynamic susceptibility contrast perfusion MRICerebral blood volumeNeuropsychological test scoresMedian PFSPersistent hypermetabolismAdjuvant temozolomidePrimary endpointII studyII trialPoor OSStandard dosesFDG-PETPrognostic valuePoor prognosisHistorical controlsTumor volume
MRI perfusion in determining pseudoprogression in patients with glioblastoma
Young RJ, Gupta A, Shah AD, Graber JJ, Chan TA, Zhang Z, Shi W, Beal K, Omuro AM. MRI perfusion in determining pseudoprogression in patients with glioblastoma. Clinical Imaging 2012, 37: 41-49. PMID: 23151413, PMCID: PMC4755513, DOI: 10.1016/j.clinimag.2012.02.016.Peer-Reviewed Original Research