Mark Beitel, PhD
Research Scientist in the Child Study CenterCards
Contact Info
Child Study Center
230 Frontage Street
New Haven, CT 06519
United States
Research Scientist in the Child Study Center
I am a Research Scientist in the Child Study Center, Assistant Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, and Lecturer in Ethnicity, Race, and Migration at Yale University. I am also a licensed clinical psychologist and psychotherapy researcher with more than 70 authored or coauthored scientific publications. I am interested in patient variables (demographic and diagnostic), therapist variables (technique use), and patient-therapist interaction variables (working alliance) that affect psychotherapy process and outcome. I conduct qualitative and quantitative research and have a longstanding interest in patients who present with co-occurring chronic physical pain and opioid dependence. My colleagues and I have published widely on the demographic, clinical, and treatment-related correlates of these intersecting problems. For the past decade, I have been very involved in Native American mental health and regularly consult to Tribal governments regarding matters of policy and practice. I co-direct the Program for American Indian Health and direct The Native American Psychotherapy Research Project at Yale, which provides a forum to study psychotherapy process and outcome with Native American patients. For a variety of reasons, Native Americans have largely been left out of psychotherapy research, yet receive hundreds of thousands of behavioral health contacts per year. To fill this gap in the literature, my lab has fostered connections with both urban and reservation-based Native clinical partners. To date, we have investigated expectations about counseling (Beitel et al., 2013), therapist technical activity (Beitel et al., 2018), working alliance (Beitel, et al., 2021), and session quality (Beitel, et al., in press) with Native psychotherapy patients. We have just completed a scoping review and clinical case comparison of published case studies of Native American patients in psychotherapy. I designed and regularly teach a course titled Native American Mental Health (ERM 412 / PSYCH 312) for undergraduates in Yale College, offer an elective (Psychotherapy Research Seminar) for Psychiatry residents at Yale, and in 2022 served as Visiting Professor (part-time, virtual) at Aaniiih Nakoda College, a Tribal college in Montana where I offered a course titled Clinical Topics Seminar for Social Service professionals.
Child Study Center
Research ScientistPrimaryPsychiatry
Assistant Clinical ProfessorSecondary
Other Departments & Organizations
Education & Training
- PhD
- Fordham University, Clinical Psychology (2003)
- MA
- New School for Social Research, Psychology (1996)
- AB
- University of Michigan, Psychology Honors Program (1994)
Medical Research Interests
Research at a Glance
Yale Co-Authors
Publications Timeline
Research Interests
Declan Barry, PhD
Lynn Madden, PhD, MPA
Christopher Cutter, PhD
Robert Kerns, PhD
Andrey Zinchuk, MD, MHS
Corey Roos, PhD
Mental Disorders
Personality Assessment
Indians, North American
Featured Publications
Native American College Students in Counseling: Results From a Large-Scale, Multisite Effectiveness Study
Isadore K, Hayes J, Cutter C, Beitel M. Native American College Students in Counseling: Results From a Large-Scale, Multisite Effectiveness Study. Psychotherapy 2024, 61: 173-183. PMID: 38753391, DOI: 10.1037/pst0000526.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAmerican college studentsNative American college studentsAcademic distressNative American clientsCollege studentsEffect of counselingWhite clientsAmerican clientsPsychological distressCourse of treatmentCollege counseling settingPractice-research networkLevels of psychological distressWhite studentsPsychological distress symptomsHigher levels of distressResponse to counselingLevels of distressHierarchical linear modelingMinoritized college studentsCounseling settingsNaturalistic dataMental healthAmerican studentsDistressSession Quality and Impact in Psychotherapy With American Indian Clients
Myhra LL, Gone JP, Barry DT, Cutter CJ, Faria AB, Beitel M. Session Quality and Impact in Psychotherapy With American Indian Clients. Psychological Services 2022, 20: 86-93. PMID: 35298233, DOI: 10.1037/ser0000634.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchA First Look at the Working Alliance in Psychotherapy With American Indians
Beitel M, Gone JP, Myhra LL, Cutter CJ, Barry DT. A First Look at the Working Alliance in Psychotherapy With American Indians. Psychotherapy 2021, 58: 248-253. PMID: 32757575, DOI: 10.1037/pst0000338.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsAmerican Indian patientsIndian patientsWorking Alliance InventoryTherapy-related variablesAlliance InventoryUrban outpatient clinicShort formCollection of patientsWorking allianceOutpatient clinicAmerican IndiansPatientsOutpatient psychotherapyTreatment deliveryPsychotherapeutic modalitiesImportant next stepPsychotherapyRobust predictorTherapistsRepresentative groupClinicNormative sampleComparison sampleExperiences of Burnout among Drug Counselors in A Large Opioid Treatment Program: A Qualitative Investigation
Beitel M, Oberleitner L, Muthulingam D, Oberleitner D, Madden LM, Marcus R, Eller A, Bono MH, Barry DT. Experiences of Burnout among Drug Counselors in A Large Opioid Treatment Program: A Qualitative Investigation. Substance Use & Addiction Journal 2018, 39: 211-217. PMID: 29522381, DOI: 10.1080/08897077.2018.1449051.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsExperience of burnoutDrug counselorsTreatment programJob-related demandsIndividual semi-structured interviewsWork engagementCounselor burnoutBurnoutCounselor feedbackPhysiological symptomsSemi-structured interviewsCounselorsQualitative investigationParticipantsPossible experienceSystem-level changesCounselor descriptionsExperienceProgram settingsOpioid treatment programsTreatment gapMultidisciplinary teamEngagementProgramTranscribedPsychotherapy With American Indians: An Exploration of Therapist-Rated Techniques in Three Urban Clinics
Beitel M, Myhra LL, Gone JP, Barber JP, Miller A, Rasband A, Cutter CJ, Schottenfeld RS, Barry DT. Psychotherapy With American Indians: An Exploration of Therapist-Rated Techniques in Three Urban Clinics. Psychotherapy 2018, 55: 45-51. PMID: 29565621, DOI: 10.1037/pst0000156.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsDrug Counselor Responses to Patients’ Pain Reports: A Qualitative Investigation of Barriers and Facilitators to Treating Patients with Chronic Pain in Methadone Maintenance Treatment
Beitel M, Oberleitner L, Kahn M, Kerns RD, Liong C, Madden LM, Ginn J, Barry DT. Drug Counselor Responses to Patients’ Pain Reports: A Qualitative Investigation of Barriers and Facilitators to Treating Patients with Chronic Pain in Methadone Maintenance Treatment. Pain Medicine 2017, 18: 2152-2161. PMID: 28177509, DOI: 10.1093/pm/pnw327.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsOpioid use disorderMethadone maintenance treatmentChronic painDrug counselorsMaintenance treatmentTreatment needsUse disordersMedical providersCo-occurring chronic painMethadone maintenance treatment programPain management referralsChronic noncancer painPatient-related barriersMethadone-maintained patientsTreatment of patientsMaintenance treatment programPatients' treatment needsNoncancer painMedication regimensPain managementManagement referralsTreatment adherencePatient improvementPatient reportsPainPhysical activity, psychiatric distress, and interest in exercise group participation among individuals seeking methadone maintenance treatment with and without chronic pain
Beitel M, Stults-Kolehmainen M, Cutter CJ, Schottenfeld RS, Eggert K, Madden LM, Kerns RD, Liong C, Ginn J, Barry DT. Physical activity, psychiatric distress, and interest in exercise group participation among individuals seeking methadone maintenance treatment with and without chronic pain. American Journal On Addictions 2016, 25: 125-131. PMID: 26824197, DOI: 10.1111/ajad.12336.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsMethadone maintenance treatmentPhysical activity levelsExercise group participationChronic painPhysical activityPsychiatric distressMaintenance treatmentActivity levelsPast weekVigorous-intensity physical activityExercise of patientsIntensity physical activityExercise groupExercise interventionPainBrief self-report instrumentPatientsLow levelsSelf-report instrumentDistressWeeksDepressionTreatmentGroup participationParticipantsHumanistic experience and psychodynamic understanding: empirical associations among facets of self-actualization and psychological mindedness
Beitel M, Wald L, Midgett A, Green D, Cecero J, Kishon R, Barry D. Humanistic experience and psychodynamic understanding: empirical associations among facets of self-actualization and psychological mindedness. Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies 2014, 14: 137-148. DOI: 10.1080/14779757.2014.981653.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPsychological mindednessHumanistic psychologySelf-ActualizationPsychological Mindedness ScaleEmpirical connectionWestern US universityParticipant volunteersCross-sectional designConstruct levelPsychodynamic understandingMeasurable constructBrief IndexBalanced IndexShort IndexMindednessDemographic formDemographic variablesEmpirical associationPsychologyStudy variablesEthnicity/racePsychoanalysisSingle timepointUS universitiesInterdisciplinary implicationsStillness and motion: An empirical investigation of mindfulness and self-actualization
Beitel M, Bogus S, Hutz A, Green D, Cecero J, Barry D. Stillness and motion: An empirical investigation of mindfulness and self-actualization. Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies 2013, 13: 187-202. DOI: 10.1080/14779757.2013.855131.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThe psychometric properties of the iowa personality disorder screen in methadone-maintained patients: an initial investigation.
Beitel M, Peters S, Savant JD, Cutter CJ, Cecero JJ, Barry DT. The psychometric properties of the iowa personality disorder screen in methadone-maintained patients: an initial investigation. Journal Of Personality Disorders 2013, 29: 131-44. PMID: 23398100, PMCID: PMC3659190, DOI: 10.1521/pedi_2013_27_081.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsMeSH KeywordsAdultFactor Analysis, StatisticalFemaleHumansInterview, PsychologicalIowaMaleMass ScreeningMethadoneMiddle AgedOpiate Substitution TreatmentOpioid-Related DisordersPersonality AssessmentPersonality DisordersPersonality InventoryPredictive Value of TestsPsychometricsReproducibility of ResultsSurveys and QuestionnairesConceptsMethadone-maintained patientsIowa Personality Disorder ScreenRace/ethnicityDisorder ScreenSubstance useSelf-reported substance usePsychometric propertiesPain variablesTreatment characteristicsClinical utilityMeasures of psychopathologyInternalizing tendenciesPatientsTotal scoreFurther investigationTwo-factor structureTwo-factor solutionExploratory factor analysisPsychopathologyEthnicityPainInitial investigationFactorsHypersensitivity
- May 23, 2023Source: The American Journal on Addictions
The impact of body image dissatisfaction on psychological distress and health-related quality of life among patients in methadone treatment
- October 10, 2022
Patients Receiving Methadone Treatment Prefer Clinicians Use Medically Accurate and Destigmatizing Language
- April 13, 2022
YCSC Program Spotlight: The Native American Behavioral Health and Psychotherapy Research Lab
- March 22, 2022Source: Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment
Yale Study Examines Relationship Among Housing Status, Patient Characteristics, and Retention Among Individuals Enrolled in Methadone Maintenance Treatment
Get In Touch
Child Study Center
230 Frontage Street
New Haven, CT 06519
United States