section of mouse vaginal tissue
With funding from the National Institutes of Health, Akiko Iwasaki, assistant professor of immunobiology, studies immune responses to herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) infection, one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases. In this section of mouse vaginal tissue, immune-system cells (green) are seen in proximity to cells infected with HSV-2 (red).
- Vikki Abrahams, NIH, Innate Immune Responses of Trophoblasts in Pregnancy, 5 years, $1,375,632
- Anton Bennett, NIH, Myogenesis by Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases, 5 years, $1,798,500
- Hilary Blumberg, NIH, Genetics of Hippocampal Deficits in Bipolar Disorder, 5 years, $1,704,534
- Kathleen Carroll, NIH, Maximizing CBT’s Efficacy with Medication and CM, 5 years, $1,700,294
- Tian Chi, NIH, BAF Complexes in T Cell Development and Beyond, 5 years, $1,982,438
- Jonathan Dranoff, NIH, Regulation of Bile Ductular Proliferation, 5 years, $1,675,875
- Gerald Friedland, NIH, New England Program for AIDS Clinical Trial-PROACT, 1 year, $802,492
- Xiao-Bing Gao, NIH, Crosstalk of Hypocretin and MCH in Feeding Regulation, 5 years, $1,697,814
- Sankar Ghosh, NIH, Regulation of NF-κΒ Transcriptional Activity, 5 years, $1,982,438
- Karl Insogna, NIH, Role of CSF-1 in Osteoclast Function, 4 years, $1,466,995
- Akiko Iwasaki, NIH, Antiviral CTL Mobilization to the Genital Mucosa, 5 years, $1,982,438
- Susan Kaech, NIH, Regulation of Memory CD8 T Cell Development, 5 years, $1,982,438
- Harriet Kluger, NIH, Predicting Melanoma Response to BAY 43-9006/Chemotherapy, 4 years, $1,150,267
- Brian Leaderer, NIH, Indoor and Outdoor NO2 and Asthma Severity in Children, 5 years, $403,509
- Thomas McGlashan, NIH, Collaborative Longitudinal Study of Personality Disorder, 4 years, $1,005,782
- Sherry McKee, NIH, Negative Affect and Smoking Behavior in Women and Men, 2 years, $394,885
- Sukanya Narasimhan, NIH, Early Tick Salivary Antigens as Vaccine Targets, 2 years, $440,100
- Godfrey Pearlson, NIH, fMRI Imaging of Alcohol-Intoxicated Driving, 4 years, $973,672
- Vincent Quagliarello, NIH, Intervention Planning to Reduce Nursing Home Pneumonia, 1 year, $165,356
- David Rimm, NIH, Predicting Metastasis to Lymph Nodes, 4 years, $1,033,320
- Michael Robek, NIH, Modulation of HBV Replication by the Immunoproteasome, 2 years, $268,000
- Gerard Sanacora, NIH, 13C Measurement of GABA Synthesis in Depression, 5 years, $1,698,705
- David Schatz, NIH, Targeting of Somatic Hypermutation and Gene Conversion, 2 years, $449,625
- Albert Shaw, NIH, Top3 Homologues in Lymphocyte Genome Stability and Aging, 5 years, $355,175
- David Stern, NIH, Protein Kinases in Yeast DNA Checkpoint Pathways, 5 years, $1,364,264
- Brian Wong, NIH, Mechanisms of Drug Resistance in Candida albicans, 3 years, $968,420
- Diana Beardsley, RAM Capital Group, LLC, Perinatal Immune Thrombocytopenia, 1 year, $239,766
- Alfred Bothwell, L2 Diagnostics, LLC, Protection Against West Nile Virus by RNA Interference, 2 years, $292,188
- Janet Brandsma, Anacor Pharmaceuticals, Screening Anacor Compounds for in vivo Efficacy in the Cottontail Rabbit Papillomavirus (CRPV) Assay, 1 year, $151,952
- Michael Cappello, University of California - San Diego, Function/Optimization of a Nematicidal Cry Toxin Arsenal, 4 years, $23,643
- Sonia Caprio, Children’s Hospital, Boston, Health Values and Treatment of Pediatric Type 2 Diabetes, 1 year, $1,890
- Idil Cavus, The Epilepsy Project, Controlling Brain Excitability by Electrical Stimulation, 1 year, $100,000
- Gina Chung, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, The Role of Chemokines and Their Receptors in Breast Cancer, 3 years, $249,999
- R. Todd Constable, Pfizer Inc., Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Non-Invasive Characterization of Liver Fibrosis, Cirrhosis, and Hemodynamics with Application to Other Organs, 1 year, $356,127
- Ronald Duman, Organon Inc., Influence of Org 2448 and Org 26576 on Neurogenesis in Adult Hippocampus, 1 year, $221,160; National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression, Proliferation and Survival of Glia: Regulation by Stress and Antidepressants, 1 year, $100,000
- John Geibel, AstraZeneca, A.B., Multi-Tissue Analysis of AstraZeneca’s Compound Coded as AZD0865, 6 months, $150,722
- Joel Gelernter, Medical University of South Carolina, Florida Hurricanes and Older Adults: Outcomes/Resiliency, 2 years, $13,040
- Harriet Kluger, Breast Cancer Alliance Inc., Prediction of Lymph Node Involvement in Breast Cancer, 2 years, $60,000
- Harlan Krumholz, Mid America Heart Institute, SCCOR in Cardiac Dysfunction and Disease-Project 4, 4 years, $114,524
- Daniel Mathalon, American Psychiatric Association, APIRE/Kemp Fund Award for Research, 2 years, $21,500
- Russell Matthews, University of Georgia, GicNAcT-V Regulation of Cell Surface Structure/Function, 5 years, $100,757
- Linda Mayes, Community Foundation for Greater New Haven, Minding the Baby Home Visiting Program for First-Time Parents, 1 year, $20,000
- Diane McMahon-Pratt, Fort Dodge Animal Health Division of Wyeth, Visceral Leishmaniasis Vaccine Efficacy in Intradermal BALB/C Mouse Model, 2 years, $115,000
- Wang Min, AtheroGenics Inc., AtheroGenics Testing Agreement, 1 year, $45,000
- Guillermo Mor, Wayne State University, Studies of Toll-Like Receptors and Apoptosis in the Maintenance of Innate Immunity During Pregnancy, 1 year, $133,854
- Alexander Neumeister, Anxiety Disorders Association of America, Genetic Determinants of Noradrenergic Function in Panic Disorder, 1 year, $30,000
- Scott Rivkees, March of Dimes, Prevention of Brain Injury of Prematurity by Prenatal Adenosine Antagonists, 1 year, $264,779
- Sara Rockwell, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Interactions of Black Cohosh Extracts with Doxorubicin: Possible Mechanisms, 2 years, $250,000
- Nenad Sestan, March of Dimes, Molecular and Cellular Characterization of Dominant Ataxia with Hydrocephalus in the Clumsy Mutant Mouse, 3 years, $229,014
- Mark Solomon, March of Dimes, Substrates of the Anaphase Promoting Complex, 3 years, $263,652
- Stephen Strittmatter, Dr. Ralph and Marian Falk Medical Research Trust, Axonal Regeneration Therapy for Spinal Cord Injury, 3 years, $975,000
- Patrick Sung, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Role of BRCA2 in Homology-Directed Repair of DNA Breaks, 2 years, $250,000
- Agnes Vignery, Unigene Laboratories Inc., Targeted Induction of Bone Formation in vivo, 3 years, $739,360
- Fred Volkmar, Oregon Health Sciences University, Measuring Expressive and Receptive Prosody in Children with Autism, 4 years, $137,670
- Sherman Weissman, University of Massachusetts, Gene Expression in Mature Neutrophils, 4 years, $285,618
- Jason Wilken, Elsa U. Pardee Foundation, Inhibitory Potential of SErbB3: A Soluble ErbB3 Isoform, 1 year, $30,000
- Scott Woods, National Alliance for Research on Schizophrenia and Depression, Glycine vs. Placebo in Patients with Schizophrenia, 1 year, $100,000
- Derek Yach, Open Society Institute, Reducing Deaths from Tuberculosis and Tobacco Together, 1 year, $70,000
Featured in this article
- Vikki M Abrahams, PhD
- Scott Woods, MD
- Fred Volkmar, MD
- Stephen Strittmatter, MD, PhD, AB
- Linda Mayes, MD
- Harlan Krumholz, MD, SM
- Harriet Kluger, MD
- Joel Gelernter, MD
- John Geibel, DSc, MD, AGAF, MS, FRS
- Michael Cappello, MD
- Alfred Bothwell, PhD
- David F. Stern, PhD
- David G. Schatz, PhD
- Gerard Sanacora, PhD, MD
- David Rimm, MD, PhD
- Vincent Quagliarello, MD
- Sherry McKee, PhD
- Thomas McGlashan, MD
- Brian Leaderer, MPH, PhD
- Susan Kaech, PhD
- Akiko Iwasaki, PhD
- Karl Insogna, MD, FACP
- Gerald Friedland, MD
- Hilary Blumberg, MD
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