Vincent Schulz, PhD
Associate Research Scientist in Pediatrics (Neonatology)Cards
Dexamethasone Targets E2F4 to Induce Erythroid Progenitor Renewal
Papoin J, Schulz V, Khan F, Barnes B, Lipton J, Steiner L, Narla M, Gallagher P, Blanc L. Dexamethasone Targets E2F4 to Induce Erythroid Progenitor Renewal. Blood 2024, 144: 1076. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2024-211687.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDiamond-Blackfan anemiaCD34+ cellsErythroid progenitorsSteroid responsivenessExpression of E2F4Peripheral bloodBone marrowE2F4 expressionDex treatmentCultured CD34+ cellsInherited bone marrow failure syndromeMechanisms of steroid responseSide effectsBone marrow failure syndromesDiamond-Blackfan anemia patientsBone marrow erythroid progenitorsIncreased expressionMechanisms of corticosteroid actionAssociated with side effectsIncreased risk of infectionMarrow failure syndromesResponse to steroidsGene promoterSerum-free culture systemMarrow erythroid progenitorsPhenotypic and genotypic evaluation of bleeding diagnostic dilemmas: Two case studies
Gu S, Butt A, Schulz V, Rinder H, Lee A, Gallagher P, Hwa J, Bona R. Phenotypic and genotypic evaluation of bleeding diagnostic dilemmas: Two case studies. Blood Cells Molecules And Diseases 2024, 110: 102893. PMID: 39260211, DOI: 10.1016/j.bcmd.2024.102893.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInherited platelet disordersClinically significant bleedingCases of patientsHeterogeneous group of conditionsGroup of conditionsSignificant bleedingDiagnostic yieldDiagnostic dilemmaPlatelet disordersBleeding disordersEvaluating patientsPatient cohortMolecular pathogenesisMass cytometryHeterogeneous groupPatientsMultimodal approachBleedingImprove patient careDiagnosisDisordersPatient careGenetic sequencesLaboratory testing approachPotential utilityAbstract 1147: Crosstalk Between Alk5 And Mtorc1 Signaling Promotes VSMC Differentiation And The Therapeutic Effect Of Rapamycin
Chakraborty R, Chatterjee P, Dave J, Obrien B, Joshi D, Schulz V, Greif D, Hwa J, Gallagher P, Martin K. Abstract 1147: Crosstalk Between Alk5 And Mtorc1 Signaling Promotes VSMC Differentiation And The Therapeutic Effect Of Rapamycin. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis And Vascular Biology 2024, 44: a1147-a1147. DOI: 10.1161/atvb.44.suppl_1.1147.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchVascular smooth muscle cellsTherapeutic effect of rapamycinEffects of rapamycinVSMC differentiationContractile genesConsistent with in vitro findingsRapamycin treatmentCarotid artery injuryHuman coronary artery SMCsVascular smooth muscle cell differentiationIntimal hyperplasiaSmooth muscle cellsCoronary artery SMCsMTORC1 inhibitor rapamycinPhosphorylation of Smad2/3Inhibition of ALK5Smad-binding elementSmad transcription factorsALK5 activityArterial injuryArtery SMCsKnockout miceInhibition of mTORC1Vascular smooth muscle cell plasticityMuscle cells
Identification of a Novel Gene Regulatory Element in Human Erythroid Progenitor Cells
Schulz V, Lezon-Geyda K, Shan P, Papoin J, Narla M, Steiner L, Blanc L, Palis J, Gallagher P. Identification of a Novel Gene Regulatory Element in Human Erythroid Progenitor Cells. Blood 2023, 142: 9. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-186046.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchErythroid progenitor cellsActive enhancersEarly erythropoiesisChIP-seqRegulatory elementsGene expressionATAC-seqRUNX motifsGATA motifSingle nucleotide polymorphismsProgenitor cellsGATA1 bindingDisease genesEnhancer regionErythroid lineageTissue-specific transcription factorsNovel gene regulatory elementsNovel enhancer regionErythrocyte traitsGenome-wide association studiesDirect tissue-specific expressionNovel regulatory elementGene regulatory elementsHuman erythroid progenitor cellsTerminal erythroid differentiationErythroid Progenitor Cells in the Murine Bone Marrow: Parallels with Human Counterparts and Response to Acute Anemia
McGrath K, Kingsley P, Rust E, Schulz V, Koniski A, Schofield T, Vit L, Narla M, Blanc L, Steiner L, Gallagher P, Palis J. Erythroid Progenitor Cells in the Murine Bone Marrow: Parallels with Human Counterparts and Response to Acute Anemia. Blood 2023, 142: 2451. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-187741.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchGene Ontology termsErythroid progenitor cellsErythroid progenitorsOntology termsTranscription factorsProgenitor cellsMurine erythroid progenitor cellsEPO-responsive genesMurine counterpartGlobal transcriptomic studiesLineage-specific progenitor cellsHuman erythroid progenitor cellsAnalysis of genesCholesterol homeostasisHuman counterpartLate-stage erythroid progenitorsMature red blood cellsUpregulated transcription factorsMurine erythroid progenitorsRNA-seq studiesCholesterol biosynthesis genesColony-forming progenitorsBiosynthesis genesErythroid progenitor populationsMurine bone marrowRps19 and Rpl5 Play Distinct Roles in hematopoietic Stem Cell maintenance and Erythroid Differentiation
Tang Y, Ling T, Khan M, Rao R, Schulz V, Papoin J, Narla A, Lipton J, Palis J, Steiner L, Gallagher P, Narla M, Crispino J, Blanc L. Rps19 and Rpl5 Play Distinct Roles in hematopoietic Stem Cell maintenance and Erythroid Differentiation. Blood 2023, 142: 144. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-189146.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFailure of erythropoiesisErythroid differentiationVav-iCreHematopoietic stem cell maintenanceFetal hematopoiesisHematopoietic stemProtein translation ratesStem cell maintenanceRibosomal protein haploinsufficiencyGlobal protein synthesisTerminal erythroid differentiationCell compartmentExpression of RUNX1Stem cell compartmentErythroid fateProgenitor cell compartmentFetal liverRibosome biogenesisPolysome profilingNormal expression levelsRibosomal proteinsProgenitor biologyCell maintenanceScRNAseq studiesTranscription factorsMultimodality Platelet Evaluation By Mass Cytometry and Genetic Analysis in Patients with Bleeding Disorders
Gu S, Gallagher P, Butt A, Gu V, Lezon-Geyda K, Schulz V, Prozora S, Lee A, Neparidze N, Bar N, Martin K, Cornell J, Chirico G, Chakraborty R, Rinder H, Hwa J, Bona R. Multimodality Platelet Evaluation By Mass Cytometry and Genetic Analysis in Patients with Bleeding Disorders. Blood 2023, 142: 1197. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2023-177946.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBleeding tendencyBleeding disorderPlatelet markersPlatelet aggregometryMass cytometryPlatelet functionPlatelet disordersSingle-center prospective studyLow-risk groupAbnormal bleeding tendencyQualitative platelet disordersLarge patient cohortQuantitative platelet disordersCommon underlying causeGenetic variantsMultimodality evaluationTotal patientsRisk stratificationLaboratory suspicionPlatelet dysfunctionProspective studyPatient cohortUnivariate analysisPlatelet volumeRisk groups2008 – SELF-RENEWAL OF LATE-STAGE ERYTHROID PROGENITORS
Palis J, Olsen J, McGrath K, An H, Murphy K, Getman M, Schulz V, Westhoff C, Gallagher P, Chou S, Steiner L. 2008 – SELF-RENEWAL OF LATE-STAGE ERYTHROID PROGENITORS. Experimental Hematology 2023, 124: s40. DOI: 10.1016/j.exphem.2023.06.045.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
BMI1 Regulates Proliferation of Human Late-Stage Erythroid Progenitors
Olsen J, McGrath K, Murphy K, Schofield T, Getman M, Narla M, Blanc L, Schulz V, Gallagher P, Steiner L, Palis J. BMI1 Regulates Proliferation of Human Late-Stage Erythroid Progenitors. Blood 2022, 140: 8152. DOI: 10.1182/blood-2022-167830.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHistone Acetyltransferases p300 and CBP Coordinate Distinct Chromatin Remodeling Programs in Vascular Smooth Muscle Plasticity
Chakraborty R, Ostriker AC, Xie Y, Dave JM, Gamez-Mendez A, Chatterjee P, Abu Y, Valentine J, Lezon-Geyda K, Greif DM, Schulz VP, Gallagher PG, Sessa WC, Hwa J, Martin KA. Histone Acetyltransferases p300 and CBP Coordinate Distinct Chromatin Remodeling Programs in Vascular Smooth Muscle Plasticity. Circulation 2022, 145: 1720-1737. PMID: 35502657, DOI: 10.1161/circulationaha.121.057599.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHistone acetylationContractile genesContractile protein expressionPhenotypic switchingHistone acetyl transferase p300Human intimal hyperplasiaPlatelet-derived growth factor treatmentAcetyl transferase p300Key regulatory mechanismSmooth muscle cell phenotypeP300 expressionP300-dependent acetylationSmooth muscle plasticityDistinct functional interactionsMuscle cell phenotypeProtein expressionIntimal hyperplasiaRole of p300Methylcytosine dioxygenase TET2Chromatin modificationsEpigenetic regulationVSMC phenotypic switchingSpecific histoneCardiovascular diseaseMaster regulator