Isoforms of Spectrin and Ankyrin Reflect the Functional Topography of the Mouse Kidney
Stankewich MC, Moeckel GW, Ji L, Ardito T, Morrow JS. Isoforms of Spectrin and Ankyrin Reflect the Functional Topography of the Mouse Kidney. PLOS ONE 2016, 11: e0142687. PMID: 26727517, PMCID: PMC4703142, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0142687.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBowman's capsuleEndothelial cellsFunctional topographyThick ascending loopGlomerular endothelial cellsProximal tubule cellsCapillary endothelial cellsAscending loopDistal tubulesDistal nephronTubule cellsTubular segmentsKidneyRodent kidneyWestern blottingMouse kidneyImmuno-electron microscopyThick loopAnkyrin GMetabolite traffickingSpectrin scaffoldHenleNephronCapsulePodocytes
Increased Tubular Proliferation as an Adaptive Response to Glomerular Albuminuria
Guo JK, Marlier A, Shi H, Shan A, Ardito TA, Du ZP, Kashgarian M, Krause DS, Biemesderfer D, Cantley LG. Increased Tubular Proliferation as an Adaptive Response to Glomerular Albuminuria. Journal Of The American Society Of Nephrology 2011, 23: 429-437. PMID: 22193389, PMCID: PMC3294312, DOI: 10.1681/asn.2011040396.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGlomerular proteinuriaTubular injuryTubular proliferationStructural glomerular injuryProteinuric renal diseaseOnset of albuminuriaRenal tubular atrophyDiphtheria toxin receptorRenal tubular cellsProximal tubule cellsGlomerular albuminuriaRenal failureSystemic inflammationTubular damageProgressive glomerulosclerosisRenal diseaseTubular atrophyGlomerular injuryRenal responsePodocyte lossProliferative responseTubular cellsAnimal modelsProteinuriaReceptor AxlPreactivation of AMPK by metformin may ameliorate the epithelial cell damage caused by renal ischemia
Seo-Mayer PW, Thulin G, Zhang L, Alves DS, Ardito T, Kashgarian M, Caplan MJ. Preactivation of AMPK by metformin may ameliorate the epithelial cell damage caused by renal ischemia. American Journal Of Physiology. Renal Physiology 2011, 301: f1346-f1357. PMID: 21849490, PMCID: PMC3233870, DOI: 10.1152/ajprenal.00420.2010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEpithelial cell polarityMDCK cellsPlasma membrane domainsIon transport proteinsEpithelial cell organizationCellular energy sensorAMPK activator metforminMadin-Darby canine kidney cellsBasolateral plasma membraneShort hairpin RNACanine kidney cellsCell polarityImmunofluoresence localizationRenal epithelial cellsMembrane domainsNa-K-ATPaseProtein kinaseAMPK activatorPlasma membraneVesicular compartmentsAMPK activityTransport proteinsEnergy sensorMolecular consequencesBasolateral localization
Inhibition of Podocyte FAK Protects against Proteinuria and Foot Process Effacement
Ma H, Togawa A, Soda K, Zhang J, Lee S, Ma M, Yu Z, Ardito T, Czyzyk J, Diggs L, Joly D, Hatakeyama S, Kawahara E, Holzman L, Guan JL, Ishibe S. Inhibition of Podocyte FAK Protects against Proteinuria and Foot Process Effacement. Journal Of The American Society Of Nephrology 2010, 21: 1145-1156. PMID: 20522532, PMCID: PMC3152231, DOI: 10.1681/asn.2009090991.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTargeted deletion of βIII spectrin impairs synaptogenesis and generates ataxic and seizure phenotypes
Stankewich MC, Gwynn B, Ardito T, Ji L, Kim J, Robledo RF, Lux SE, Peters LL, Morrow JS. Targeted deletion of βIII spectrin impairs synaptogenesis and generates ataxic and seizure phenotypes. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2010, 107: 6022-6027. PMID: 20231455, PMCID: PMC2851889, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1001522107.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBetaIII spectrinSpinocerebellar ataxia type 5Spectrin membrane skeletonTargeted gene disruptionAmino acid transportersExcitatory amino acid transportersImpairs synaptogenesisProtein traffickingSeizure disorderGene disruptionDark Purkinje cellsMembrane skeletonAlphaII-spectrinAcid transportersMechanistic basisPurkinje cellsMembrane channelsGlutamate receptor deltaIntracellular pathwaysSpectrin bindsSynaptic proteinsSpectrinReceptor deltaProteinGolgi profiles
The commonly used β-actin-GFP transgenic mouse strain develops a distinct type of glomerulosclerosis
Guo JK, Cheng EC, Wang L, Swenson ES, Ardito TA, Kashgarian M, Cantley LG, Krause DS. The commonly used β-actin-GFP transgenic mouse strain develops a distinct type of glomerulosclerosis. Transgenic Research 2007, 16: 829-834. PMID: 17594530, DOI: 10.1007/s11248-007-9107-x.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Prevention of mesangial sclerosis by bone marrow transplantation
Guo J, Ardito TA, Kashgarian M, Krause DS. Prevention of mesangial sclerosis by bone marrow transplantation. Kidney International 2006, 70: 910-913. PMID: 16850025, DOI: 10.1038/sj.ki.5001698.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBone marrow transplantationMesangial sclerosisMarrow transplantationUrinary albumin lossSimilar therapeutic effectsOnset of diseaseWild-type BMIntrarenal administrationRenal functionRenal histologyRenal diseaseDisease onsetRenal pathologyBM cellsTherapeutic effectEngraftment levelsRenal cellsAlbumin lossKidney samplesMiceSclerosisTransplantationUntreated controlsDiseaseAdministration
Paracellular Cl- permeability is regulated by WNK4 kinase: Insight into normal physiology and hypertension
Kahle KT, MacGregor GG, Wilson FH, Van Hoek AN, Brown D, Ardito T, Kashgarian M, Giebisch G, Hebert SC, Boulpaep EL, Lifton RP. Paracellular Cl- permeability is regulated by WNK4 kinase: Insight into normal physiology and hypertension. Proceedings Of The National Academy Of Sciences Of The United States Of America 2004, 101: 14877-14882. PMID: 15465913, PMCID: PMC522037, DOI: 10.1073/pnas.0406172101.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPseudohypoaldosteronism type IIPHAII-mutant WNK4Paracellular fluxPotent antihypertensive agentTight junction proteinsTight junctionsAntihypertensive agentsParacellular ion fluxPharmacologic propertiesTight junction structureTranscellular transportersWild-type WNK4Normal physiologyHypertensionTransepithelial resistanceWNK signalingKidney epitheliumTight junction formationParacellular pathwayWNK4Effect of WNK4EpitheliumType IIWNK4 kinaseHomeostasis
Hsp27 associates with actin and limits injury in energy depleted renal epithelia.
Van Why SK, Mann AS, Ardito T, Thulin G, Ferris S, Macleod MA, Kashgarian M, Siegel NJ. Hsp27 associates with actin and limits injury in energy depleted renal epithelia. Journal Of The American Society Of Nephrology 2003, 14: 98-106. PMID: 12506142, DOI: 10.1097/01.asn.0000038687.24289.83.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGreen fluorescence proteinFluorescence energy transferATP depletionF-actinRenal epitheliumSpecific intracellular domainsCellular ATP levelsHsp27 interactionHsp27 associatesIntracellular domainLLC-PK1 cellsFluorescence proteinLateral cell boundariesHuman HSP27Phalloidin fluorescenceActinHSP27K-ATPaseCytoskeletonControl cellsATP levelsEnergy depletionCell bodiesG cellsCells
Morphology of Isolated Colonic Crypts
Robert M, Singh S, Ikuma M, Jain D, Ardito T, Binder H. Morphology of Isolated Colonic Crypts. Cells Tissues Organs 2001, 168: 246-251. PMID: 11275691, DOI: 10.1159/000047841.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Regulation of DRA and AE1 in rat colon by dietary Na depletion
Rajendran V, Black J, Ardito T, Sangan P, Alper S, Schweinfest C, Kashgarian M, Binder H. Regulation of DRA and AE1 in rat colon by dietary Na depletion. AJP Gastrointestinal And Liver Physiology 2000, 279: g931-g942. PMID: 11052990, DOI: 10.1152/ajpgi.2000.279.5.g931.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Heat-shock protein 25 induction and redistribution during actin reorganization after renal ischemia
Aufricht C, Ardito T, Thulin G, Kashgarian M, Siegel N, Van Why S. Heat-shock protein 25 induction and redistribution during actin reorganization after renal ischemia. American Journal Of Physiology 1998, 274: f215-f222. PMID: 9458842, DOI: 10.1152/ajprenal.1998.274.1.f215.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHSP-25Renal ischemiaHeat shock protein 25Ischemic renal injuryH reflowRat renal cortexControl proximal tubulesRenal injuryPostischemic recoveryRenal cortexIschemiaProximal tubulesIntracytoplasmic accumulationPeak levelsHeat shock proteinsProtein 25Actin stainingInsoluble cytoskeletal fractionPunctate accumulationsCytoskeletal disruptionSmall heat shock proteinsRegulatory roleInductionIntracellular distributionCytoskeletal fraction
Evidence that tumor necrosis factor triggers apoptosis in human endothelial cells by interleukin-1-converting enzyme-like protease-dependent and -independent pathways.
Slowik MR, Min W, Ardito T, Karsan A, Kashgarian M, Pober JS. Evidence that tumor necrosis factor triggers apoptosis in human endothelial cells by interleukin-1-converting enzyme-like protease-dependent and -independent pathways. Laboratory Investigation 1997, 77: 257-67. PMID: 9314949.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHuman endothelial cellsBcl-xLEndothelial cellsEnzyme-like proteasesType 1 TNF receptorBcl-2Antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2Protein synthesis inhibitor cycloheximideProtein Bcl-2CrmA proteinTumor necrosis factorCombination of TNFCultured human endothelial cellsZ-VADTriggers apoptosisSeparable pathwaysIndependent pathwaysTNF muteinsInhibitor cycloheximideProtein A20Necrosis factorEC injuryTNFApoptosisTNF receptorHeat-Shock Protein 27 Induction and Redistribution During Re-Organization of the Actin Cytoskeleton After Renal Ischemia. • 1636
Aufricht C, Ardito T, Thulin G, Kashgarian M, Siegel N, Van Why S. Heat-Shock Protein 27 Induction and Redistribution During Re-Organization of the Actin Cytoskeleton After Renal Ischemia. • 1636. Pediatric Research 1997, 41: 275-275. DOI: 10.1203/00006450-199704001-01655.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
A unique subset of rat and human intestinal villus cells express the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator
Ameen N, Ardito T, Kashgarian M, Marino C. A unique subset of rat and human intestinal villus cells express the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator. Gastroenterology 1995, 108: 1016-1023. PMID: 7535272, DOI: 10.1016/0016-5085(95)90198-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsProximal small intestineCrypt epithelial cellsVillus cellsSmall intestineHuman proximal small intestineCystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulatorEpithelial cellsSurface marker expressionFibrosis transmembrane conductance regulatorBrush border sucraseTransmembrane conductance regulatorIntestinal villus cellsBACKGROUND/Marker antibodiesMarker expressionUnique subsetVillus enterocytesConductance regulatorIntestineLactase expressionBrush borderGerminal matrix microvascular maturation correlates inversely with the risk period for neonatal intraventricular hemorrhage
Ment L, Stewart W, Ardito T, Madri J. Germinal matrix microvascular maturation correlates inversely with the risk period for neonatal intraventricular hemorrhage. Brain Research 1995, 84: 142-149. PMID: 7720213, DOI: 10.1016/0165-3806(94)00168-y.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeonatal intraventricular hemorrhageIntraventricular hemorrhagePostnatal dayRisk periodDay 1Blood-brain barrierNewborn beagle pupsTenth postnatal dayEndothelial cell areaBasal lamina depositionPerinatal inductionPreterm neonatesBasement membrane areaWeeks' gestationGestational agePostnatal ageGerminal matrixBeagle pupsElectron microscopic examinationLuminal areaTight junction lengthWhite matterDay 10Time pointsBeagle model
Immature renal tubules are resistant to prolonged anoxia
Gaudio K, Thulin G, Ardito T, Kashgarian M, Siegel N. Immature renal tubules are resistant to prolonged anoxia. Pediatric Nephrology 1994, 8: 784-784. DOI: 10.1007/bf00869125.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchImmature Renal Tubules Are Resistant to Prolonged Anoxia
Gaudio K, Thulin G, Ardito T, Kashgarian M, Siegel N. Immature Renal Tubules Are Resistant to Prolonged Anoxia. Pediatric Research 1994, 35: 152-156. PMID: 8165048, DOI: 10.1203/00006450-199402000-00005.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Indomethacin promotes germinal matrix microvessel maturation in the newborn beagle pup.
Ment L, Stewart W, Ardito T, Huang E, Madri J. Indomethacin promotes germinal matrix microvessel maturation in the newborn beagle pup. Stroke 1992, 23: 1132-1137. PMID: 1636188, DOI: 10.1161/01.str.23.8.1132.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNewborn beagle pupsPostnatal day 2Germinal matrixPostnatal ageBeagle pupsIntraventricular hemorrhageVessel densityDay 2Postnatal day 1Laminin depositionMechanism of actionMicrovessel maturationStudy medicationBeta 1 integrinImmunohistochemical studyPostnatal dayDose i.Animal studiesDay 1IndomethacinNewborn pupsHemorrhageBasement membrane depositionBuffered formalinCollagen stainingTHE EFFECT OF CYCLOSPORINE ADMINISTRATION ON THE CELLULAR DISTRIBUTION AND CONTENT OF CYCLOPHILIN 1
McDONALD M, ARDITO T, MARKS W, KASHGARIAN M, LORBER M. THE EFFECT OF CYCLOSPORINE ADMINISTRATION ON THE CELLULAR DISTRIBUTION AND CONTENT OF CYCLOPHILIN 1. Transplantation 1992, 53: 460-466. PMID: 1472259, DOI: 10.1097/00007890-199202010-00037.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCyclosporine metabolitesDays of CsAUntreated Wistar ratsPrevious immunohistochemical analysisCyclosporine administrationCsA therapyLymph nodesWistar ratsImmunohistochemical analysisCYP contentBiologic effectsMitochondria-endoplasmic reticulumQuantitative immunofluorescenceNuclear stainingGeneralized increaseCYP interactionsCsAEnzyme peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomeraseCellular distributionIleumKidneyUntreated controlsLiverBiological effectsConfocal microscopy