AOA Critical Issues Symposium: The Disruptive Physician: Bad Apple or Toxic Tree?
Ramirez R, Mayerson J, Lewis V, Friedman A, Lattanza L. AOA Critical Issues Symposium: The Disruptive Physician: Bad Apple or Toxic Tree? Journal Of Bone And Joint Surgery 2024 PMID: 39356743, DOI: 10.2106/jbjs.23.01262.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Digital Chondrolysis and Epiphysiolysis Associated With Snakebite
Ramirez R, Umberhandt R, Oishi S, Ezaki M. Digital Chondrolysis and Epiphysiolysis Associated With Snakebite. Journal Of Pediatric Orthopaedics 2015, 35: e60-e64. PMID: 25887837, DOI: 10.1097/bpo.0000000000000499.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsComplications of envenomationProximal interphalangeal joint fusionUnusual sequelaeLevel IVInterphalangeal joint fusionPreventive treatmentPatientsIsolated casesJoint fusionChondrolysisPediatric handVenomous bitesGrowth platePhysealAction of snake venomToxic actionEpiphysiolysisComplicationsSequelaeCases
A Line Drawn Along the Radial Shaft Misses the Capitellum in 16% of Radiographs of Normal Elbows
Ramirez R, Ryan D, Williams J, Wren T, Ibrahim D, Weiss J, Kay R, Lightdale-Miric N, Skaggs D. A Line Drawn Along the Radial Shaft Misses the Capitellum in 16% of Radiographs of Normal Elbows. Journal Of Pediatric Orthopaedics 2014, 34: 763-767. PMID: 24787305, DOI: 10.1097/bpo.0000000000000199.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRadial neckMiddle thirdRadiocapitellar linePediatric elbowRadial shaftMonteggia fracturesNormal elbowsPatient variablesLateral viewYears of ageDiagnostic Level 3Elbow injuriesPatient sizeOlder patientsLateral radiographsRadiographic measurementsPatientsAnteroposterior viewCapitellumElbowNeckRadiographsInjuryMonteggiaEvaluate injuries
Desmoid tumor in the pediatric population: a report of two cases
Ramirez R, Otsuka N, Apel D, Bowen R. Desmoid tumor in the pediatric population: a report of two cases. Journal Of Pediatric Orthopaedics B 2009, 18: 141-144. PMID: 19322113, DOI: 10.1097/bpb.0b013e3283298923.Peer-Reviewed Original Research