Chemokine C-X-C receptor 4 mediates recruitment of bone marrow-derived nonhematopoietic and immune cells to the pregnant uterusâ€
Fang YY, Lyu F, Abuwala N, Tal A, Chen AY, Taylor HS, Tal R. Chemokine C-X-C receptor 4 mediates recruitment of bone marrow-derived nonhematopoietic and immune cells to the pregnant uterus†. Biology Of Reproduction 2022, 106: 1083-1097. PMID: 35134114, PMCID: PMC9198949, DOI: 10.1093/biolre/ioac029.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsBone Marrow CellsChemokine CXCL12FemaleMiceMice, Inbred C57BLMice, Inbred DBAMice, TransgenicPregnancyReceptors, CXCR4UterusConceptsBone marrow-derived progenitor cellsBM-derived cellsPregnant deciduaPregnant uterusMarrow-derived progenitor cellsC receptor 4Pregnancy-induced increaseRecruitment of boneProgenitor cellsWild-type C57BL/6CXCL12-CXCR4 axisStem/progenitor cellsTamoxifen-inducible CreNK cellsControl miceBM donorsCXCR4 expressionTransgenic GFP miceImmune cellsReceptor 4Nonpregnant uterusChemokine CCXCL12 ligandFemale recipientsSuccessful implantation
Bone Marrow-Derived Progenitor Cells Contribute to Remodeling of the Postpartum Uterus
Tal R, Kisa J, Abuwala N, Kliman HJ, Shaikh S, Chen AY, Lyu F, Taylor HS. Bone Marrow-Derived Progenitor Cells Contribute to Remodeling of the Postpartum Uterus. Stem Cells 2021, 39: 1489-1505. PMID: 34224633, PMCID: PMC9313624, DOI: 10.1002/stem.3431.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPostpartum uterusEndometrial stem/progenitor cellsBone marrow-derived progenitor cellsMarrow-derived progenitor cellsF4/80 macrophage markerUterine tissue regenerationProgenitor cellsC57BL/6J female micePostpartum day 1Cytokeratin-positive epithelial cellsBlood vessel endotheliumStem/progenitor cellsPrepregnancy levelsBM transplantsEndometrial regenerationEndometrial cellsFemale miceMacrophage markersPan-leukocytesLuminal epitheliumBone marrowDay 1BMDCsUterine cellsVessel endothelium
Adult bone marrow progenitors become decidual cells and contribute to embryo implantation and pregnancy
Tal R, Shaikh S, Pallavi P, Tal A, López-Giráldez F, Lyu F, Fang YY, Chinchanikar S, Liu Y, Kliman HJ, Alderman M, Pluchino N, Kayani J, Mamillapalli R, Krause DS, Taylor HS. Adult bone marrow progenitors become decidual cells and contribute to embryo implantation and pregnancy. PLOS Biology 2019, 17: e3000421. PMID: 31513564, PMCID: PMC6742226, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pbio.3000421.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsBone Marrow CellsDeciduaEmbryo ImplantationFemaleHomeodomain ProteinsMaleMesenchymal Stem CellsMice, KnockoutPregnancyConceptsBM transplantsDecidual cellsPregnancy lossMesenchymal stem cellsAdult bone marrow progenitorsDecidualization-related genesBone marrow progenitorsAdult bone marrowWT donorsPhysiologic contributionSuccessful pregnancyBMDC recruitmentStromal expansionImmune cellsEndometrial cellsDeficient miceUterine expressionUterine tissueDecidual stromaPregnancyBone marrowNonhematopoietic cellsBMDCsHemochorial placentaMarrow progenitorsBone-marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells contribute to vasculogenesis of pregnant mouse uterusâ€
Tal R, Dong D, Shaikh S, Mamillapalli R, Taylor HS. Bone-marrow-derived endothelial progenitor cells contribute to vasculogenesis of pregnant mouse uterus†. Biology Of Reproduction 2019, 100: 1228-1237. PMID: 30601943, PMCID: PMC6497522, DOI: 10.1093/biolre/ioy265.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEndothelial progenitor cellsPregnant uterusImplantation sitesPregnant miceBM-derived endothelial progenitor cellsProgenitor cellsEarly pregnant uterusUterine implantation sitesContribution of BMNew blood vesselsEndometrial growthBM transplantationEndothelial cell populationEndometrial vasculaturePregnancy maintenanceDecidual vasculatureMouse recipientsGestational dayVascular endotheliumEndothelial-specific promoterBone marrowTransgenic miceMouse deciduaFlow cytometryMice
A Murine 5-Fluorouracil-Based Submyeloablation Model for the Study of Bone Marrow-Derived Cell Trafficking in Reproduction
Tal R, Liu Y, Pluchino N, Shaikh S, Mamillapalli R, Taylor H. A Murine 5-Fluorouracil-Based Submyeloablation Model for the Study of Bone Marrow-Derived Cell Trafficking in Reproduction. Endocrinology 2016, 157: 3749-3759. PMID: 27427897, PMCID: PMC6285241, DOI: 10.1210/en.2016-1418.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsStem cell factorDonor chimerismOvarian functionBone marrowIntact ovarian functionGreen fluorescent protein miceTransgenic green fluorescent protein (GFP) miceEndometrial regenerationRegimen resultsEndometrial stromaControl miceTransplant modelBM cellsBMDCsCTX-1CD31 stainingImmunohistochemical analysisDay 28Cell traffickingUterine cellsUterusBMTCD45 markersMiceCytometry analysis