Pablo Munoz LLancao, PhD
Associate Research Scientist in Cell BiologyCards
The Neuroprotective Role of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa, Wild) Supplementation in Hippocampal Morphology and Memory of Adolescent Stressed Rats
Terreros G, Pérez M, Muñoz-LLancao P, D’Espessailles A, Martínez E, Dagnino-Subiabre A. The Neuroprotective Role of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa, Wild) Supplementation in Hippocampal Morphology and Memory of Adolescent Stressed Rats. Nutrients 2024, 16: 381. PMID: 38337665, PMCID: PMC10857380, DOI: 10.3390/nu16030381.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsStressed ratsInfluence anxiety-like behaviorStress-induced dendritic atrophyVulnerability to chronic stressRat chowAnxiety-like behaviorChronically stressed ratsRestraint stress protocolNon-stressedLocomotor activitySpatial memoryY-mazeCognitive performanceHippocampal morphologyMale Sprague-Dawley ratsDendritic atrophyChronic stressPrepubertal male Sprague-Dawley ratsStress protocolNeuroprotective roleSprague-Dawley ratsDendritic lengthCA3 areaPyramidal neuronsBrain physiology
A kinesin-1 adaptor complex controls bimodal slow axonal transport of spectrin in Caenorhabditis elegans
Glomb O, Swaim G, Munoz LLancao P, Lovejoy C, Sutradhar S, Park J, Wu Y, Cason S, Holzbaur E, Hammarlund M, Howard J, Ferguson S, Gramlich M, Yogev S. A kinesin-1 adaptor complex controls bimodal slow axonal transport of spectrin in Caenorhabditis elegans. Developmental Cell 2023, 58: 1847-1863.e12. PMID: 37751746, PMCID: PMC10574138, DOI: 10.1016/j.devcel.2023.08.031.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Capillary Electrophoresis Mass Spectrometry for Scalable Single-Cell Proteomics
Shen B, Pade L, Choi S, Muñoz-LLancao P, Manzini M, Nemes P. Capillary Electrophoresis Mass Spectrometry for Scalable Single-Cell Proteomics. Frontiers In Chemistry 2022, 10: 863979. PMID: 35464213, PMCID: PMC9024316, DOI: 10.3389/fchem.2022.863979.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHigh-resolution mass spectrometryCapillary electrophoresisElectrospray ionization (ESISingle-cell proteomicsMass spectrometryCapillary electrophoresis mass spectrometryNano-flow liquid chromatographySample preparationSingle-cell technologiesSample amountCapillary microsamplingSubcellular proteomicsCellular dimensionsLiquid chromatographyMidline cellsSpectrometryProteomicsSubcellular analysisProtein groupsProteinMouse hippocampusSerial dilutionProtein digestibilityESINeurons
Data-Dependent Acquisition Ladder for Capillary Electrophoresis Mass Spectrometry-Based Ultrasensitive (Neuro)Proteomics
Choi S, Muñoz-LLancao P, Manzini M, Nemes P. Data-Dependent Acquisition Ladder for Capillary Electrophoresis Mass Spectrometry-Based Ultrasensitive (Neuro)Proteomics. Analytical Chemistry 2021, 93: 15964-15972. PMID: 34812615, DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.1c03327.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsData-dependent acquisitionHigh-resolution mass spectrometryTraditional data-dependent acquisitionAnalytical toolbox of neuroscienceCE-ESIElectrospray ionizationUltrasensitive proteomicsDynamic exclusionMass spectrometryPeptide signalsReplicate measurementsTrace amountsNeuronal marker genesIdentification success rateAnalytical toolboxIdentified proteinsNonredundant proteinsData acquisition strategyMarker genesProtein digestibilityProteinNeurobiological importanceMolecular pathwaysCultured hippocampalIonization
Male-Specific cAMP Signaling in the Hippocampus Controls Spatial Memory Deficits in a Mouse Model of Autism and Intellectual Disability
Zamarbide M, Mossa A, Muñoz-Llancao P, Wilkinson M, Pond H, Oaks A, Manzini M. Male-Specific cAMP Signaling in the Hippocampus Controls Spatial Memory Deficits in a Mouse Model of Autism and Intellectual Disability. Biological Psychiatry 2018, 85: 760-768. PMID: 30732858, PMCID: PMC6474812, DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2018.12.013.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAutism spectrum disorderCognitive deficitsIntellectual disabilitySpectrum disorderNeurodevelopmental disordersMouse model of autismFemale miceRegulates cyclic adenosine monophosphateSpatial memory deficitsModel of autismPrevalence of neurodevelopmental disordersMale micePDE4D activityMale-specific mannerMemory deficitsSpatial memoryCyclic adenosine monophosphateIntracellular signalingBehavioral studiesMolecular deficitsAutismBehavioral differencesHippocampusCC2D1ADeficits
Enhanced Peptide Detection Toward Single-Neuron Proteomics by Reversed-Phase Fractionation Capillary Electrophoresis Mass Spectrometry
Choi S, Lombard-Banek C, Muñoz-LLancao P, Manzini M, Nemes P. Enhanced Peptide Detection Toward Single-Neuron Proteomics by Reversed-Phase Fractionation Capillary Electrophoresis Mass Spectrometry. Journal Of The American Society For Mass Spectrometry 2017, 29: 913-922. PMID: 29147852, DOI: 10.1007/s13361-017-1838-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHigh-resolution mass spectrometryReversed-phaseCapillary electrophoresisMass spectrometryTandem high-resolution mass spectrometryCapillary electrophoresis mass spectrometryRates of peptide identificationsRP fractionationCE separationProtein groupsTrace-level sensitivityRP columnDetected peptidesPeptide identificationProducts of genesSpectral interferencesProtein identificationMS/MSTechnical triplicatesCytoskeletal organizationSpectrometryIdentified proteinsCo-isolatedDetection sensitivityProtein digestibilityUpregulation of Epac-1 in hepatic stellate cells by Prostaglandin E2 in liver fibrosis is associated with reduced fibrogenesis.
Schippers M, Beljaars L, Post E, Lotersztajn S, Reker-Smit C, Han B, Munoz-Llancao P, Schmidt M, Poelstra K. Upregulation of Epac-1 in hepatic stellate cells by Prostaglandin E2 in liver fibrosis is associated with reduced fibrogenesis. Journal Of Pharmacology And Experimental Therapeutics 2017, 363: jpet.117.241646. PMID: 28864467, DOI: 10.1124/jpet.117.241646.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEpac-1 activationEpac-1Hepatic stellate cellsNiflumic acidPlatelet-derived growth factor-induced proliferationLiver fibrosisFibrotic livers of miceReduced Rho-kinase activityKupffer cellsIsolated hepatic stellate cellsStellate cellsCAMP-mediated effectsGrowth factor-induced proliferationWeeks carbon tetrachlorideEffect of PGE<sub>2</sub> onEPAC-1 expressionKinase activityProtein kinase A expressionRho-kinase activityWestern blot analysisActivity in vitroProstaglandin E<sub>2</sub>Cyclo-oxygenase productsDownstream targetsCell-specific deliveryCover Image, Volume 74, Issue 3
Muñoz‐Llancao P, de Gregorio C, Heras M, Meinohl C, Noorman K, Boddeke E, Cheng X, Lezoualc'h F, Schmidt M, Gonzalez‐Billault C. Cover Image, Volume 74, Issue 3. Cytoskeleton 2017, 74: c4-c4. DOI: 10.1002/cm.21359.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMicrotubule‐regulating proteins and cAMP‐dependent signaling in neuroblastoma differentiation
Muñoz‐Llancao P, de Gregorio C, Heras M, Meinohl C, Noorman K, Boddeke E, Cheng X, Lezoualc'h F, Schmidt M, Gonzalez‐Billault C. Microtubule‐regulating proteins and cAMP‐dependent signaling in neuroblastoma differentiation. Cytoskeleton 2017, 74: 143-158. PMID: 28164467, DOI: 10.1002/cm.21355.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMicrotubule-regulating proteinsN1E-115 cellsMicrotubule-stabilizing factorsDifferentiation of N1E-115 neuroblastoma cellsPKA-AKAP interactionsMicrotubule-destabilizing proteinNeuroblastoma cellsEpac-dependent signalingFunctions of EPACDifferentiated neuroblastoma cellsInduce neuronal differentiationCAMP-dependent signalingN1E-115Analog of cyclic AMPN1E-115 neuroblastoma cellsIntracellular domainMicrotubule stabilityDb-cAMPCell biologyCell differentiationEpac activationNeuroblastoma differentiationNeuronal differentiationDifferentiated cellsNeuronal cells
Exchange Protein Directly Activated by cAMP (EPAC) Regulates Neuronal Polarization through Rap1B
Muñoz-Llancao P, Henríquez D, Wilson C, Bodaleo F, Boddeke E, Lezoualc'h F, Schmidt M, González-Billault C. Exchange Protein Directly Activated by cAMP (EPAC) Regulates Neuronal Polarization through Rap1B. Journal Of Neuroscience 2015, 35: 11315-11329. PMID: 26269639, PMCID: PMC6605123, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.3645-14.2015.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeuronal polarityAcquisition of neuronal polarityAxon specificationGenetic manipulationRap1b activationExchange proteinGuanine exchange factorKnock-outEpac signalingRegulate neuronal polarityProtein kinase A.Axon determinationRap GTPasesWild-type neuronsExchange factorActivation of protein kinase A.Polarity defectsMouse neuronsRat hippocampal neuronsMessenger cAMPMolecular eventsEpacMature axonsCAMP-dependent mechanismPharmacological inhibition