Understanding social situations: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial evaluating a novel social cognitive training versus modified problem-solving training for people with psychosis
Fiszdon J, Bell M, Fulford D, Roberts D, Dziura J, Parente L, Nasse A, Choi J. Understanding social situations: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial evaluating a novel social cognitive training versus modified problem-solving training for people with psychosis. Frontiers In Psychiatry 2024, 15: 1440476. PMID: 39238934, PMCID: PMC11374757, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2024.1440476.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPsychotic spectrum disordersSpectrum disorderAssociated with poorer social functioningSocial functioningSocial cognition trainingPoor social functioningProblem-solving trainingSocial cognitionTreatment midpointCognitive trainingOne-on-one sessionsSocial situationsEveryday problemsTraining sessionsResearch staff membersSessionsDisordersRandomized controlled trialsDay-to-day interactionsMultiple timepointsEveryday activitiesQuality of lifeParticipantsPsychosisStaff membersThe combination of donepezil and cognitive training for improving treatment outcomes for alcohol use disorder: Design of a randomized controlled trial
Yoon G, Sofuoglu M, Petrakis I, Pittman B, Bell M. The combination of donepezil and cognitive training for improving treatment outcomes for alcohol use disorder: Design of a randomized controlled trial. Contemporary Clinical Trials 2024, 145: 107657. PMID: 39111388, PMCID: PMC11423257, DOI: 10.1016/j.cct.2024.107657.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCognitive remediation therapyAlcohol use disorderAlcohol use disorder treatment outcomesNeurocognitive functionCombination of donepezilRemediation therapyUse disorderTreatment outcomesDevelopment of alcohol use disordersReduce heavy drinking daysHeavy drinking daysGlobal neurocognitive functioningImprove neurocognitive functionEnhanced neurocognitive functionImprove cognitive functionRandomized controlled trialsReduce alcohol consumptionNeurobiological evidenceDrinking daysNeurocognitive function scoresCognitive trainingVA Connecticut Healthcare SystemCognitive functionImprove treatment outcomesCognitive impairmentDisentangling negative and positive symptoms in schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder
Corbera S, Wexler B, Bell M, Pittman B, Pelphrey K, Pearlson G, Assaf M. Disentangling negative and positive symptoms in schizophrenia and autism spectrum disorder. Schizophrenia Research 2024, 271: 1-8. PMID: 39002525, PMCID: PMC11384336, DOI: 10.1016/j.schres.2024.07.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAutism spectrum disorderPositive and Negative Syndrome ScaleAutism Diagnostic Observation Schedule-GenericExperiential negative symptomsPositive symptomsNegative symptomsExploratory factor analysisSpectrum disorderNegative Syndrome ScaleTarget negative symptomsSyndrome ScaleDiscriminant function analysisSZ relativesAssociated with quality of lifeSchizophreniaSocial skillsSocial functioningDiagnostic classificationAutismFactor analysisAssociated with qualityPredictor of diagnosisSymptomsDisordersQuality of lifeWork Performance and Its Clinical Correlates in Patients With Chronic Mental Illness: The Chinese Version of Vocational Cognitive Rating Scale and the Work Behavior Inventory
Wang Y, Liu C, Chen K, Wu Y, Yen Y, Bell M, Chien Y. Work Performance and Its Clinical Correlates in Patients With Chronic Mental Illness: The Chinese Version of Vocational Cognitive Rating Scale and the Work Behavior Inventory. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal 2024, 47: 81-90. PMID: 37956062, DOI: 10.1037/prj0000590.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchWork Behavior InventoryClinical correlatesCognitive Rating ScaleComprehensive Occupational Therapy Evaluation ScaleAffective symptomsMental illnessNegative symptomsRating ScaleGreater affective symptomsChronic mental illnessSevere mental illnessPersonalized rehabilitation programsChinese versionNegative Syndrome ScalePsychometric propertiesGood convergent validityTest-retest reliabilityClinical trialsChronic patientsRehabilitation programFunction assessmentSyndrome ScaleBehavior InventoryOccupational functionSymptoms
A Mixed-Methods Implementation Evaluation of Virtual Reality Job Interview Training in IPS Supported Employment
Blajeski S, Smith M, Harrington M, Johnson J, Ross B, Weaver A, Razzano L, Pashka N, Brown A, Prestipino J, Nelson K, Lieberman T, Jordan N, Oulvey E, Mueser K, McGurk S, Bell M, Smith J. A Mixed-Methods Implementation Evaluation of Virtual Reality Job Interview Training in IPS Supported Employment. Psychiatric Services 2023, 75: 228-236. PMID: 37644829, PMCID: PMC10902191, DOI: 10.1176/appi.ps.20230023.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSerious mental illnessMental illnessMixed methods implementation evaluationIPS Supported EmploymentCommunity mental health agenciesImplementation evaluationMental health agenciesTechnology-based interventionsVirtual reality job interview trainingIllnessHealth agenciesVR-JITQuantitative findingsIndividual PlacementRecipientsSupported EmploymentFeasibility surveyMixed methods designFocus groupsStaffIndividualsFindingsDeliveryAcceptabilityRCTsEfficacy of social cognition and interaction training in outpatients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: randomized controlled trial
Fiszdon J, Dixon H, Davidson C, Roberts D, Penn D, Bell M. Efficacy of social cognition and interaction training in outpatients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders: randomized controlled trial. Frontiers In Psychiatry 2023, 14: 1217735. PMID: 37599886, PMCID: PMC10436290, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1217735.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSocial cognitionInteraction trainingSocial cognitive interventionsPotential treatment moderatorsSchizophrenia spectrum disordersCognitive interventionsBaseline neurocognitionManualized interventionSpectrum disorderTreatment moderatorsPotential moderatorsSocial functioningNeurocognitionCognitionModeratorFunctioningCurrent trialMedium effectsTrainingRole functionInterventionTreatment effectsMeasure selectionSymptomsWLCDeep Action Recognition for Cognitive Assessment
Elmi S, Bell M. Deep Action Recognition for Cognitive Assessment. 2023, 329-334. DOI: 10.1145/3594806.3594813.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchExecutive functioningCognitive AssessmentAction recognitionHuman action recognitionAction informationAccuracy scoresSkeleton-based action recognitionRhythm scoresFunctioningHuman body jointsHuman poseRecognitionMental diseasesADHDScoresSchizophreniaBody jointsDifferent datasetsReal-world applicationsAttentionAssessmentPsychiatristsThe Automated Test of Embodied Cognition: Concept, Development, and Preliminary Findings
Bell M, Hauser A, Weinstein A. The Automated Test of Embodied Cognition: Concept, Development, and Preliminary Findings. Brain Sciences 2023, 13: 856. PMID: 37371336, PMCID: PMC10296682, DOI: 10.3390/brainsci13060856.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEmbodied cognitionATEC scoresCognitive AssessmentSmall practice effectsExcellent internal consistencySubstance use disordersPractice effectsTest-retest reliabilityCognitionConcurrent measuresContemporary neuroscienceOlder adultsPhysical tasksInternal consistencyMotion capture technologyPsychometric analysisUse disordersAutomated testsPreliminary findingsCommunity controlsAge-matched community controlsConvenience sampleNeuroscienceATECTaskPsychometric properties of the mock interview rating scale for schizophrenia and other serious mental illnesses
Smith M, Burke-Miller J, Bornheimer L, Ross B, Bell M, McGurk S, Mueser K, Brown A, Prestipino J, Borghani N, Nelson K, Lieberman T, Pashka N, Razzano L, Kallen M. Psychometric properties of the mock interview rating scale for schizophrenia and other serious mental illnesses. Frontiers In Psychiatry 2023, 14: 1150307. PMID: 37181877, PMCID: PMC10172658, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2023.1150307.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchJob interview skillsJob interview trainingPsychometric propertiesInterview skillsInterview trainingTest-retest reliabilitySerious mental illnessPredictive validityInternal consistencyClassical test theory analysesMental illnessRole-play performanceRole-play assessmentInitial psychometric propertiesRasch model analysisSeven-item versionConfirmatory factor analysisInterview Rating ScaleDifferential item functioningSocial competenceAcceptable psychometric propertiesJob interviewsRating ScaleEmployment outcomesDivergent validityIntrinsic neural timescales in autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia. A replication and direct comparison study
Uscătescu L, Kronbichler M, Said-Yürekli S, Kronbichler L, Calhoun V, Corbera S, Bell M, Pelphrey K, Pearlson G, Assaf M. Intrinsic neural timescales in autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia. A replication and direct comparison study. Schizophrenia 2023, 9: 18. PMID: 36997542, PMCID: PMC10063601, DOI: 10.1038/s41537-023-00344-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIntrinsic neural timescalesPatient groupBrain areasLeft lateral occipital gyrusRight post-central gyrusAutism spectrum disorderNeural timescalesPost-central gyrusLateral occipital gyrusDirect comparison studiesSpectrum disorderOccipital gyrusSymptom severitySchizophreniaGroup differencesGyrusDisordersPresent studyGroupSeverity
Deep-Cogn: Skeleton-based Human Action Recognition for Cognitive Behavior Assessment
Elmi S, Bell M, Tan K. Deep-Cogn: Skeleton-based Human Action Recognition for Cognitive Behavior Assessment. 2022, 00: 692-699. DOI: 10.1109/ictai56018.2022.00107.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchExecutive functioningHuman action recognitionAction recognitionCognitive AssessmentAction informationAccuracy scoresSkeleton-based action recognitionRhythm scoresFunctioningBehavior assessmentHuman body jointsRecognitionHuman poseMental diseasesADHDScoresSchizophreniaBody jointsDifferent datasetsReal-world applicationsAttentionAssessmentPsychiatristsWorld applicationsVirtual Reality Job Interview Training for Adults Receiving Prison-Based Employment Services: A Randomized Controlled Feasibility and Initial Effectiveness Trial
Smith M, Parham B, Mitchell J, Blajeski S, Harrington M, Ross B, Johnson J, Brydon D, Johnson J, Cuddeback G, Smith J, Bell M, Mcgeorge R, Kaminski K, Suganuma A, Kubiak S. Virtual Reality Job Interview Training for Adults Receiving Prison-Based Employment Services: A Randomized Controlled Feasibility and Initial Effectiveness Trial. Criminal Justice And Behavior 2022, 50: 272-293. PMID: 38881730, PMCID: PMC11178324, DOI: 10.1177/00938548221081447.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchVirtual reality job interview trainingJob interview trainingVR-JITInterview trainingPrison-based servicesInterview anxietyTraining motivationJob interviewsInterview skillsFuture researchInitial effectivenessEffectiveness trialTrainingPrisonGreater employmentVocational servicesAnxietyMotivationSkillsTrialsParticipantsSAUMajor gapsSignificant improvementImplementation strategies
Automated system to measure Tandem Gait to assess executive functions in children
Zadeh M, Babu A, Jaiswal A, Kyrarini M, Bell M, Makedon F. Automated system to measure Tandem Gait to assess executive functions in children. 2021, 167-170. DOI: 10.1145/3453892.3453999.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Virtual Reality Training in Job Interviewing for People with Mental Health Disorders or Disabilities
Bell M, Smith M. Virtual Reality Training in Job Interviewing for People with Mental Health Disorders or Disabilities. 2020, 288-299. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190218058.013.25.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchVR-JITJob interviewsJob interviewingVirtual reality job interview trainingJob interview trainingJob interview skillsNecessary social skillsRole-play interviewsEnd of trainingVirtual reality trainingSocial skillsEmotional demandsInterview trainingMental health disordersInterview skillsReality trainingTraining programSkillsHealth disordersVocational rehabilitation servicesPersistent mental illnessVolunteer positionsEmployment handicapInterviewingPsychiatric disorders4.1 AN AUTOMATED DIGITAL ASSESSMENT OF EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING USING COGNITIVELY DEMANDING PHYSICAL TASKS: RELIABILITY, CONCURRENT VALIDITY, AND DISCRIMINANT VALIDITY IN A COMMUNITY SAMPLE
Bell M, Fleury C, Muppala B, Weinstein A, Abujelala M. 4.1 AN AUTOMATED DIGITAL ASSESSMENT OF EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONING USING COGNITIVELY DEMANDING PHYSICAL TASKS: RELIABILITY, CONCURRENT VALIDITY, AND DISCRIMINANT VALIDITY IN A COMMUNITY SAMPLE. Journal Of The American Academy Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2020, 59: s147. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2020.08.055.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Muppala B, Tsiakas K, Fleury C, Weinstein A, Bell M. 1.39 ACTIVATE TEST OF EMBODIED COGNITION (ATEC): A NEW AUTOMATED ASSESSMENT SYSTEM USING COGNITIVELY DEMANDING PHYSICAL TASKS TO ASSESS DEVELOPMENT OF EXECUTIVE FUNCTION. Journal Of The American Academy Of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 2019, 58: s159. DOI: 10.1016/j.jaac.2019.08.061.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCognitive assessment in children through motion capture and computer vision
Sayed S, Tsiakas K, Bell M, Athitsos V, Makedon F. Cognitive assessment in children through motion capture and computer vision. 2019, 1-6. DOI: 10.1145/3361684.3361692.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCognitive Assessment SystemCognitive tasksEmbodied cognitionCognitive AssessmentBody tasksUpper body movementsHuman activity recognition methodVideo samplesRecognition systemChildrenTaskType of activityActivity recognition methodMotion captureAssessment systemCognitionComputer visionRecognition methodExecutivesVisionAn automated assessment system for embodied cognition in children
Dillhoff A, Tsiakas K, Babu A, Zakizadehghariehali M, Buchanan B, Bell M, Athitsos V, Makedon F. An automated assessment system for embodied cognition in children. 2019, 1-6. DOI: 10.1145/3361684.3361693.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAutomated assessment systemResponse inhibitionEmbodied cognitionComputer vision methodsCognitive skillsVision methodsKinect cameraMachine learningAssessment tasksTaskAssessment systemCognitionMotion dataPreliminary data analysisChildrenBall dropData collectionData analysisMemoryPhysical activitySkillsCameraAnnotationLearningSystemTowards an automated assessment for embodied cognition in children
Buchanan B, Tsiakas K, Bell M. Towards an automated assessment for embodied cognition in children. 2019, 331-332. DOI: 10.1145/3316782.3322744.Peer-Reviewed Original Research16.3 ARE VISUAL MOTION PERCEPTION AND DETECTION OF ANIMACY CRITICAL TO HIGHER-ORDER SOCIAL COGNITIVE FUNCTION IN SCHIZOPHRENIA?
Johannesen J, Lysaker P, James A, Kenney J, Bell M. 16.3 ARE VISUAL MOTION PERCEPTION AND DETECTION OF ANIMACY CRITICAL TO HIGHER-ORDER SOCIAL COGNITIVE FUNCTION IN SCHIZOPHRENIA? Schizophrenia Bulletin 2019, 45: s114-s114. PMCID: PMC6455344, DOI: 10.1093/schbul/sbz022.062.Peer-Reviewed Original Research