Surgical Management of Breast Cancer Liver Metastasis
Rahnemai-Azar A, Selby L, Lustberg M, Pawlik T. Surgical Management of Breast Cancer Liver Metastasis. Hematology/Oncology Clinics Of North America 2025, 39: 25-35. PMID: 39510675, DOI: 10.1016/j.hoc.2024.08.012.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBreast cancer liver metastasesSystemic chemotherapyHepatic resectionAblation therapyIsolated breast cancer liver metastasesLong-term outcomes of womenProlonged disease-free intervalLocal-regional therapyCancer liver metastasesDisease-free intervalOutcomes of womenBreast cancer metastasisLong-term outcomesRegional therapyLiver metastasesOverall survivalSurgery benefitMultidisciplinary settingCancer metastasisPatientsResectionChemotherapyMetastasisTherapySurgery
Phase II study of MEK inhibitor trametinib alone and in combination with AKT inhibitor GSK2141795/uprosertib in patients with metastatic triple negative breast cancer
Prasath V, Boutrid H, Wesolowski R, Abdel-Rasoul M, Timmers C, Lustberg M, Layman R, Macrae E, Mrozek E, Shapiro C, Glover K, Vater M, Budd G, Harris L, Isaacs C, Dees C, Perou C, Johnson G, Poklepovic A, Chen H, Villalona-Calero M, Carson W, Stover D, Ramaswamy B. Phase II study of MEK inhibitor trametinib alone and in combination with AKT inhibitor GSK2141795/uprosertib in patients with metastatic triple negative breast cancer. Breast Cancer Research And Treatment 2024, 1-11. PMID: 39644403, DOI: 10.1007/s10549-024-07551-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMetastatic triple negative breast cancerProgression-free survivalCirculating tumor DNATriple negative breast cancerTrametinib monotherapyNegative breast cancerStable diseasePartial responseBreast cancerCirculating tumor DNA clearanceMedian progression-free survivalClinical benefit rateMEK inhibitor trametinibPhase II studyBiomarkers of responseTreated with chemotherapyPotential early biomarkersInhibitor trametinibOpen-labelOverall survivalConclusionIn patientsDevelopment of resistanceObjective responseTumor DNABenefit rateHealth‐Related Quality of Life in Women With Metastatic Breast Cancer: An Integrative Review
Zhan Y, Feder S, Lustberg M, Batten J, Knobf M. Health‐Related Quality of Life in Women With Metastatic Breast Cancer: An Integrative Review. Journal Of Advanced Nursing 2024 PMID: 39584570, DOI: 10.1111/jan.16643.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHealth-related quality of lifeHealth-related qualityQuality of lifeIntegrative reviewJoanna Briggs Institute appraisal checklistAssess health-related quality of lifeImprove health-related quality of lifeNon-Hispanic white womenImprove health-related qualityBreast cancer experienceFull-text papersBreast cancerProtective factorsCancer experienceIndividualised careSymptom experienceSymptom managementWeb of ScienceAppraisal checklistRacially diverse samplePhysical symptomsReview guidelinesPsychological symptomsMetastatic breast cancerWhite womenNeurologic dance training and home exercise improve motor-cognitive dual-task function similarly, but through potentially different mechanisms, among breast cancer survivors with chemotherapy-induced neuropathy: Initial results of a randomized, controlled clinical trial.
Worthen-Chaudhari L, Crasta J, Schnell P, Lantis K, Martis J, Wilder J, Bland C, Hackney M, Lustberg M. Neurologic dance training and home exercise improve motor-cognitive dual-task function similarly, but through potentially different mechanisms, among breast cancer survivors with chemotherapy-induced neuropathy: Initial results of a randomized, controlled clinical trial. Journal Of Alzheimer's Disease 2024, 13872877241291440. PMID: 39584292, DOI: 10.1177/13872877241291440.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDual-task functionSurvivors of BCHome exercisesParticipants' ratings of perceived exertionSurvivors of breast cancerRating of perceived exertionTimed-Up-and-GoBreast cancer survivorsChemotherapy-induced neuropathyWeeks of interventionBreast cancerConventional exerciseDual-task performanceCancer survivorsIntervention adherencePhysical activityDance interventionAlzheimer's diseaseProdromal Alzheimer's diseaseSocial dancePhysical exertionParticipation ratesExerciseMonths follow-upFeasibility criteriaDietary EPA and DHA enrichment of a high fat diet during doxorubicin-based chemotherapy attenuated neuroinflammatory gene expression in the brain of C57bl/6 ovariectomized mice
Ormiston K, Melink Z, Andridge R, Lustberg M, DeVries A, Murphy K, Emmers K, Ziouzenkova O, Belury M, Orchard T. Dietary EPA and DHA enrichment of a high fat diet during doxorubicin-based chemotherapy attenuated neuroinflammatory gene expression in the brain of C57bl/6 ovariectomized mice. Brain Behavior And Immunity 2024, 123: 370-382. PMID: 39313165, DOI: 10.1016/j.bbi.2024.09.021.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHOMA-IRChemotherapy-related cognitive impairmentHigh-fatDietary eicosapentaenoic acidDocosahexaenoic acidBlood-brain barrier regulationDoxorubicin-based chemotherapyFemale C57BL/6 miceLF groupEicosapentaenoic acidBody fat lossLow-fat (LFHF dietNeuroinflammatory gene expressionLipid metabolismMultiple genesReduction of oxidative stressAlterations of glucoseFat (LFHigh-fat dietGene expressionOvariectomized miceC57BL/6 miceChemotherapy agentsBreast cancerPerceptions of delayed alopecia among breast cancer survivors
Premji S, Ruddy K, Vierkant R, Larson N, Loprinzi C, Dulmage B, Lustberg M, Couch F, Olson J, Cathcart-Rake E. Perceptions of delayed alopecia among breast cancer survivors. Clinical Breast Cancer 2024 PMID: 39592290, DOI: 10.1016/j.clbc.2024.09.008.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBreast cancer survivorsMayo Clinic Breast Disease RegistryCancer survivorsChemotherapy recipientsStage I-III breast cancerI-III breast cancerBreast cancer diagnosisPersistent bothersome symptomsRespondents' median ageBreast cancer treatmentMental healthDistressing symptomsDisease RegistryCancer diagnosisCohort studyHair lossSurvivorsBreast cancerBothersome symptomsBreastRespondentsSurvey 6 yearsParticipantsBotherCancer treatmentSupportive care 2030 movement: towards unifying ambitions for global excellence in supportive cancer care—an international Delphi study
Chan R, Knowles R, Ashbury F, Bowen J, Chan A, Chin M, Olver I, Taylor C, Tinianov S, Alberti P, Bossi P, Brito-Dellan N, Cooksley T, Crawford G, Dixit N, Fitch M, Freedman J, Ginex P, Hart N, Hertz D, Jefford M, Koczwara B, Naito T, Orsey A, Ruhlmann C, Tsoukalas N, van den Hurk C, Van Sebille Y, Wardill H, Scotte F, Lustberg M, Chairs M. Supportive care 2030 movement: towards unifying ambitions for global excellence in supportive cancer care—an international Delphi study. EClinicalMedicine 2024, 76: 102825. PMID: 39309723, PMCID: PMC11415959, DOI: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2024.102825.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSupportive cancer careCancer careMultinational Association of Supportive Care in CancerPatient advocatesComprehensive survivorship careSupport care deliveryOptimal quality of lifeInternational Delphi studyTeam-based approachModified Delphi methodologyQuality of lifeSurvivorship careSupportive carePalliative careCare deliveryCare developmentSelf-managementIndividualized carePatient educationGuideline developmentDelphi roundsCancer outcomesClinical servicesMultinational AssociationPerson-centered approachLow sucrose diets protect long-term memory and EPA & DHA enriched diets alter insulin resistance in a mouse model of chemotherapy
Ormiston K, Fitzgerald J, Andridge R, Lustberg M, DeVries A, Orchard T. Low sucrose diets protect long-term memory and EPA & DHA enriched diets alter insulin resistance in a mouse model of chemotherapy. Nutrition Research 2024, 131: 39-53. PMID: 39368285, DOI: 10.1016/j.nutres.2024.09.004.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLiver lipid contentMouse model of chemotherapyLipid contentBody weightLong-term memorySucrose dietLow-sucrose dietDocosahexaenoic acidInsulin resistanceChemotherapy-related cognitive impairmentMouse modelEffects of EPA+DHADoxorubicin-based chemotherapyFemale C57BL/6 miceImpact of chemotherapyAltered insulin resistanceNegatively impacts quality of lifeInsulin resistance scoreDietResistance scoreLower sucrose consumptionEPA+DHARandomized to 1Affective side effectsEicosapentaenoic acid + docosahexaenoic acidMadarosis Among Breast Cancer Survivors
Premji S, Ruddy K, Larson N, Loprinzi C, Dulmage B, Lustberg M, Couch F, Olson J, Cathcart-Rake E. Madarosis Among Breast Cancer Survivors. Clinical Breast Cancer 2024, 24: e757-e763. PMID: 39366882, PMCID: PMC11606755, DOI: 10.1016/j.clbc.2024.09.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBreast cancer survivorsMayo Clinic Breast Disease RegistryQuality of lifeCancer survivorsProportion of breast cancer survivorsLower mental health scoresCohort studyChemotherapy recipientsMental health scoresDiagnosis of breast cancerLongitudinal cohort studyCancer-directed therapyProportion of participantsHealth scoresConsenting participantsDistressing symptomsAge of survivorsDisease RegistryMedian age of survivorsEyelash lossSurvivorsBreast cancerParticipantsEyebrow lossBreastPatterns of Physical Therapy Referral and Subsequent Attendance Among Childhood Cancer Survivors with Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy at a Regional Childhood Cancer Survivorship Clinic
Kang L, Kadan-Lottick N, Rotatori J, Kujawski S, Messerschmidt E, Auerbach C, Balsamo L, Lustberg M, Ma X, Rodwin R. Patterns of Physical Therapy Referral and Subsequent Attendance Among Childhood Cancer Survivors with Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy at a Regional Childhood Cancer Survivorship Clinic. Seminars In Oncology Nursing 2024, 40: 151716. PMID: 39164160, DOI: 10.1016/j.soncn.2024.151716.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchChildhood cancer survivorsChemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathyCharacteristics of survivorsPhysical therapyPercentage of adultsPT referralSurvivorship clinicCancer survivorsAttended PTPT attendanceNeighborhood characteristicsChemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy symptomsCancer survivorship clinicPhysical therapy referralsHigh school diplomaSurvivor educationCare coordinationOlder survivorsTherapy referralsImprove attendanceMedian percentageCancer diagnosisSchool diplomaPercentage of householdsAttendanceEffect of minocycline on changes in affective behaviors, cognitive function, and inflammation in breast cancer survivors undergoing chemotherapy: a pilot randomized controlled trial
Melink Z, Lustberg M, Schnell P, Mezzanotte-Sharpe J, Orchard T. Effect of minocycline on changes in affective behaviors, cognitive function, and inflammation in breast cancer survivors undergoing chemotherapy: a pilot randomized controlled trial. Breast Cancer Research And Treatment 2024, 208: 605-617. PMID: 39143391, PMCID: PMC11522141, DOI: 10.1007/s10549-024-07457-w.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchState-Trait Anxiety InventoryCES-DRandomized controlled trialsBC survivorsCancer survivorsEpidemiologic Studies Depression ScaleEffects of minocyclineBreast cancer survivorsCES-D scoresCognitive functionStage I-III BCSelf-reported cognitionCohort of BC survivorsBreast cancerAffective behaviorBaseline to 6Depression ScaleSub-group analysisInflammatory markersPost-chemotherapyAnxiety InventoryInterleukin-8State-TraitBaseline scoresControlled trialsMeasuring Progress in Breast Cancer Survivors With Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy After a Dance-Based Intervention Using Goal Attainment Scaling
Watson-Grace A, Bland C, Wilder J, Lantis K, Hackney M, Lustberg M, Worthen-Chaudhari L, Crasta J. Measuring Progress in Breast Cancer Survivors With Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathy After a Dance-Based Intervention Using Goal Attainment Scaling. American Journal Of Occupational Therapy 2024, 78: 7811500037p1-7811500037p1. DOI: 10.5014/ajot.2024.78s2-po37.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAdherence to a MIND Diet Pattern Is Associated With Better Cognitive Function and Less Peripheral Inflammation in Breast Cancer Survivors
Orchard T, Winschel T, Weinhold K, Melink Z, Aase D, Schnell P, Gorka S, Lustberg M, Williams N. Adherence to a MIND Diet Pattern Is Associated With Better Cognitive Function and Less Peripheral Inflammation in Breast Cancer Survivors. Current Developments In Nutrition 2024, 8: 103175. DOI: 10.1016/j.cdnut.2024.103175.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchThe survival benefit of adjuvant trastuzumab with or without chemotherapy in the management of small (T1mic, T1a, T1b, T1c), node negative HER2+ breast cancer
Johnson K, Ni A, Quiroga D, Pariser A, Sudheendra P, Williams N, Sardesai S, Cherian M, Stover D, Gatti-Mays M, Ramaswamy B, Lustberg M, Jhawar S, Skoracki R, Wesolowski R. The survival benefit of adjuvant trastuzumab with or without chemotherapy in the management of small (T1mic, T1a, T1b, T1c), node negative HER2+ breast cancer. Npj Breast Cancer 2024, 10: 49. PMID: 38898072, PMCID: PMC11187074, DOI: 10.1038/s41523-024-00652-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInvasive disease-free survivalHER2+ breast cancerAdjuvant trastuzumabOverall survivalLocoregional therapyUnivariate analysisBreast cancerBenefit of adjuvant trastuzumabBenefits of adjuvant systemic therapyMulti-institutional retrospective analysisAdjuvant systemic therapyCompare survival outcomesDisease-free survivalTrastuzumab monotherapyNode-negativeSystemic therapyCombination therapySurvival benefitStatistically significant improvementSurvival outcomesRetrospective analysisMultivariate analysisPrimary outcomeTrastuzumabTherapyPartnered dance evokes greater intrinsic motivation than home exercise as therapeutic activity for chemotherapy-induced deficits: secondary results of a randomized, controlled clinical trial
Worthen-Chaudhari L, Schnell P, Hackney M, Lustberg M. Partnered dance evokes greater intrinsic motivation than home exercise as therapeutic activity for chemotherapy-induced deficits: secondary results of a randomized, controlled clinical trial. Frontiers In Psychology 2024, 15: 1383143. PMID: 38962217, PMCID: PMC11220256, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1383143.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTherapeutic physical activityHome exercisesPhysical activitySurvivors of breast cancerSurvivors of cancerDance-based interventionsPartner dancePatient-reported outcomesRandomized controlled trialsIntrinsic motivationRandomized-controlled studyIntrinsic Motivation InventorySecondary analysisExerciseHealthy agingSocial danceSelf-determination theorySensorimotor function deficitsControlled clinical trialsDanceBreast cancerInterventionExtrinsic motivationMotivation InventoryNeuropathy diagnosisReal‐world treatment patterns of adjuvant endocrine therapy and ovarian suppression in premenopausal HR+/HER2+ breast cancer
Sukumar J, Sardesai S, Ni A, Williams N, Johnson K, Quiroga D, Ramaswamy B, Wesolowski R, Cherian M, Stover D, Gatti‐Mays M, Pariser A, Sudheendra P, George M, Lustberg M. Real‐world treatment patterns of adjuvant endocrine therapy and ovarian suppression in premenopausal HR+/HER2+ breast cancer. Cancer Medicine 2024, 13: e7317. PMID: 38895891, PMCID: PMC11185945, DOI: 10.1002/cam4.7317.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOvarian suppressionEndocrine therapyAdjuvant endocrine therapyBreast cancerClinicopathological featuresAromatase inhibitorsOS useHR+/HER2+ breast cancerOptimal adjuvant endocrine therapyHuman epidermal growth factor receptor 2Epidermal growth factor receptor 2Real-world treatment patternsCohort of premenopausal womenAnti-HER2 therapyPremenopausal breast cancerClinicopathological risk factorsMultivariable logistic regression assessed associationsLogistic regression assessed associationsPremenopausal BCPrescribed tamoxifenPremenopausal patientsPremenopausal womenBC subtypesContemporary cohortAnti-HER2Neurofilament light chains: A biomarker for vincristine-related neuropathy.
McNally G, Xu M, Voorhees T, Baiocchi R, Bond D, Epperla N, Maddocks K, Sawhala Y, Ramaswamy B, Lustberg M. Neurofilament light chains: A biomarker for vincristine-related neuropathy. Journal Of Clinical Oncology 2024, 42: 12114-12114. DOI: 10.1200/jco.2024.42.16_suppl.12114.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchChemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathyPatient-reported outcomesNF-L levelsPeripheral neuropathyTime point 3Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse EventsNational Cancer Institute Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse EventsCommon Terminology Criteria for Adverse EventsAggressive non-Hodgkin's lymphomaSymptoms of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathyDose-adjusted EPOCHNon-Hodgkin's lymphomaNF-LVincristine-induced neurotoxicityTime pointsLight chainClinician-reported outcome measuresNeurofilament light chainEuropean Organization for Research and TreatmentCycle fourLymphoma treatmentLong-term qualityBlood-based biomarkersChemotherapy typeAdverse eventsOutcomes with trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-DXd) by HER2 status and line of treatment in a large real-world database of patients with metastatic breast cancer.
Tarantino P, Lee D, Foldi J, Soulos P, Gross C, Grinda T, Winer E, Lin N, Krop I, Tolaney S, Lustberg M, Sammons S. Outcomes with trastuzumab deruxtecan (T-DXd) by HER2 status and line of treatment in a large real-world database of patients with metastatic breast cancer. Journal Of Clinical Oncology 2024, 42: 1077-1077. DOI: 10.1200/jco.2024.42.16_suppl.1077.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchReal-world progression-free survivalLines of therapyMetastatic breast cancerMedian real-world progression-free survivalT-DXdHER2+Overall survivalHER2-lowHER2- patientsBreast cancerHER2- metastatic breast cancerTreat metastatic breast cancerProgression-free survivalKaplan-Meier methodLines of treatmentDatabase of patientsRetrospective observational studyClinical trial settingHER2 casesIHC 0Trastuzumab deruxtecanHR statusHER2 statusTriple-negativeMedian ageImpact of HER2 low status on genomic signatures in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC).
Taylor M, Reddy S, Ashok Kumar P, Hariri D, Sokol E, Sivakumar S, Quintanilha J, Pavlick D, Levy M, Ross J, Lustberg M. Impact of HER2 low status on genomic signatures in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC). Journal Of Clinical Oncology 2024, 42: 1092-1092. DOI: 10.1200/jco.2024.42.16_suppl.1092.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTriple negative breast cancerComprehensive genomic profilingGenomic alterationsHER2 statusHER2 2Triple negative breast cancer groupGA frequencyReview of pathology specimensHER2 IHC expressionHER2-low statusHER2-low tumorsLack of clinical dataPD-L1 expressionTumor mutational burdenHER2 IHC scoreHER2 2+Negative breast cancerEvaluate genomic alterationsMann-Whitney U testPotential treatment optionStatistically significant differenceHER2 subgroupsPD-L1Immunotherapy biomarkersChi-square testEpisodic future thinking: A behavioral intervention to promote weight loss in breast cancer survivors.
Sukumar J, Lustberg M, Stein J, Schnell P, King J, Schimming D, Hatfield R, Quiroga D, Pariser A, Gatti-Mays M, Williams N, Cherian M, Stover D, Wesolowski R, Ramaswamy B, Tripathy D, Basen-Engquist K, Vaughn J, Sardesai S. Episodic future thinking: A behavioral intervention to promote weight loss in breast cancer survivors. Journal Of Clinical Oncology 2024, 42: e22541-e22541. DOI: 10.1200/jco.2024.42.16_suppl.e22541.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEpisodic future thinkingBehavioral interventionsBC survivorsCancer survivorsMaladaptive health behaviorsBaseline DDFuture-oriented eventsBreast cancer survivorsImpact cancer survivorsDecreased impulsivityBehavior change methodsFuture thinkingDD ratesLifestyle engagementBehavioral economic principlesImmediate gratificationDigital behavioral interventionsLifestyle counselingHealth behaviorsLifestyle interventionPromote weight lossLinear mixed effects modelsDigital healthNon-metastatic BCAverage adherence