Function and Circuitry of VIP+ Interneurons in the Mouse Retina
Park SJ, Borghuis BG, Rahmani P, Zeng Q, Kim IJ, Demb JB. Function and Circuitry of VIP+ Interneurons in the Mouse Retina. Journal Of Neuroscience 2015, 35: 10685-10700. PMID: 26224854, PMCID: PMC4518048, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.0222-15.2015.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGanglion cell layerAmacrine cell typesInner nuclear layerAmacrine cellsGanglion cellsINL cellsON pathwayGanglion cell dendritesGanglion cell typesBipolar cell terminalsWhole-cell recordingsCell typesNervous system functionSpatial tuningBipolar cell pathwaysTransgenic mouse lineGCL cellsOptic nerveGABAergic interneuronsRetinal functionCell dendritesRetinal circuitryInhibitory interneuronsNuclear layerBipolar interneurons
Disinhibition Combines with Excitation to Extend the Operating Range of the OFF Visual Pathway in Daylight
Manookin MB, Beaudoin DL, Ernst ZR, Flagel LJ, Demb JB. Disinhibition Combines with Excitation to Extend the Operating Range of the OFF Visual Pathway in Daylight. Journal Of Neuroscience 2008, 28: 4136-4150. PMID: 18417693, PMCID: PMC2557439, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.4274-07.2008.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOFF ganglion cellsAII amacrine cellsCone bipolar cellsGanglion cellsAmacrine cellsAII cellsBipolar cellsPresence of CNQXBipolar cell synapsesD-APOFF visual pathwayBipolar cell pathwaysGap junctionsGlycine releaseExcitatory responsesIonotropic glutamateSynaptic inhibitionCell synapsesON pathwayGlycine receptorsLight decrementsVisual pathwayElectrical synapsesMeclofenamic acidDaylight vision
Different Circuits for ON and OFF Retinal Ganglion Cells Cause Different Contrast Sensitivities
Zaghloul KA, Boahen K, Demb JB. Different Circuits for ON and OFF Retinal Ganglion Cells Cause Different Contrast Sensitivities. Journal Of Neuroscience 2003, 23: 2645-2654. PMID: 12684450, PMCID: PMC6742092, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.23-07-02645.2003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOFF cellsGanglion cellsSynaptic inputsContrast sensitivityExcitatory conductanceOFF retinal ganglion cellsOFF ganglion cellsBasal glutamate releaseRetinal ganglion cellsBrisk-transient cellsGuinea pig retinaBipolar terminalsPresynaptic circuitsGlutamate releaseIntracellular recordingsON pathwayPig retinaSubthreshold membrane potentialsLight incrementsL-APMembrane potentialCellsMean luminancePathwayRetina