Circulating tumor-reactive KIR+CD8+ T cells suppress anti-tumor immunity in patients with melanoma
Lu B, Lucca L, Lewis W, Wang J, Nogueira C, Heer S, Rayon-Estrada V, Axisa P, Reeves S, Buitrago-Pocasangre N, Pham G, Kojima M, Wei W, Aizenbud L, Bacchiocchi A, Zhang L, Walewski J, Chiang V, Olino K, Clune J, Halaban R, Kluger Y, Coyle A, Kisielow J, Obermair F, Kluger H, Hafler D. Circulating tumor-reactive KIR+CD8+ T cells suppress anti-tumor immunity in patients with melanoma. Nature Immunology 2024, 26: 82-91. PMID: 39609626, DOI: 10.1038/s41590-024-02023-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCD8+ T cellsAnti-tumor immunityRegulatory T cellsT cellsSubpopulation of CD8+ T cellsCytotoxic CD8+ T cellsHuman CD8+ T cellsTumor antigen-specific CD8Impaired anti-tumor immunityTumor antigen-specificPoor overall survivalTumor rejectionKIR expressionOverall survivalTumor antigensImmune evasionCellular mediatorsHuman cancersCD8MelanomaTumorTranscriptional programsFunctional heterogeneityImmunityPatientsDecoy-resistant IL-18 reshapes the tumor microenvironment and enhances rejection by anti-CTLA-4 in renal cell carcinoma
Schoenfeld D, Djureinovic D, Su D, Zhang L, Lu B, Kamga L, Mann J, Huck J, Hurwitz M, Braun D, Jilaveanu L, Ring A, Kluger H. Decoy-resistant IL-18 reshapes the tumor microenvironment and enhances rejection by anti-CTLA-4 in renal cell carcinoma. JCI Insight 2024 PMID: 39561007, DOI: 10.1172/jci.insight.184545.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAnti-CTLA-4Renal cell carcinomaIL-18IL-18BPCell carcinomaTumor microenvironmentTumor typesPatients treated with immune checkpoint inhibitorsRegulatory T cell levelsAnti-PD-1 treatmentCD8+ T cellsAnti-PD-1Immune checkpoint inhibitorsCell renal cell carcinomaNon-responder patientsMyeloid cell populationsT cell levelsCytokine interleukin-18Anti-cancer efficacySecreted binding proteinCheckpoint inhibitorsResponding patientsPreclinical modelsT cellsMurine model16S rRNA target sequencing of human tumors validates findings of Lachnoclostridium abundance in human melanomas that are heavily CD8+ T-cell infiltrated
Lu L, Johnson C, Khan S, Kluger H. 16S rRNA target sequencing of human tumors validates findings of Lachnoclostridium abundance in human melanomas that are heavily CD8+ T-cell infiltrated. European Journal Of Cancer 2024, 213: 115084. PMID: 39477777, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejca.2024.115084.Peer-Reviewed Original Research1102P Immune checkpoint inhibitor rechallenge after treatment with tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in unresectable melanoma
Warner A, Smithy J, Los C, Kalvin H, Hasson N, Amaria R, Czapla J, Schollenberger M, furness A, Hassel J, Wermke M, Gallegos J, Lutzky J, Lipson E, Sullivan R, Kluger H, Panageas K, Klobuch S, Haanen J, Shoushtari A. 1102P Immune checkpoint inhibitor rechallenge after treatment with tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in unresectable melanoma. Annals Of Oncology 2024, 35: s730-s731. DOI: 10.1016/j.annonc.2024.08.1170.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTIGIT expression in renal cell carcinoma infiltrating T cells is variable and inversely correlated with PD-1 and LAG3
Perales O, Jilaveanu L, Adeniran A, Su D, Hurwitz M, Braun D, Kluger H, Schoenfeld D. TIGIT expression in renal cell carcinoma infiltrating T cells is variable and inversely correlated with PD-1 and LAG3. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 2024, 73: 192. PMID: 39105820, PMCID: PMC11303630, DOI: 10.1007/s00262-024-03773-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRenal cell carcinomaRenal cell carcinoma tumorsT cellsTIGIT expressionCheckpoint inhibitorsPD-1Likelihood of response to therapyTumor-infiltrating T cellsCD3+ T cellsRenal cell carcinoma metastasisTreatment of renal cell carcinomaImmune checkpoint inhibitorsInfiltrating T cellsPurposeImmune checkpoint inhibitorsResponse to therapyT cell immunoglobulinCD3+ levelsMetastatic RCC specimensAdjacent normal renal tissuesNormal renal tissuesQuantitative immunofluorescence analysisCell carcinomaResistant diseasePotential therapeutic targetTissue microarrayGP100 expression is variable in intensity in melanoma
Mann J, Hasson N, Su D, Adeniran A, Smalley K, Djureinovic D, Jilaveanu L, Schoenfeld D, Kluger H. GP100 expression is variable in intensity in melanoma. Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy 2024, 73: 191. PMID: 39105816, PMCID: PMC11303354, DOI: 10.1007/s00262-024-03776-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGp100 expressionCutaneous melanomaTreatment of cutaneous melanomaAdvanced cutaneous melanomaT-cell engagersImprove patient selectionMetastatic melanomaUveal melanomaMetastatic samplesPatient selectionClinical trialsMelanomaQuantitative immunofluorescence methodGp100Improve outcomesImmunofluorescence methodTherapeutic intentDrugCellular productsExpressionTebentafuspImmunohistochemistryCauses of death and patterns of metastatic disease at the end of life for patients with advanced melanoma in the immunotherapy era
Lee D, McNamara M, Yang A, Yaskolko M, Kluger H, Tran T, Olino K, Clune J, Sznol M, Ishizuka J. Causes of death and patterns of metastatic disease at the end of life for patients with advanced melanoma in the immunotherapy era. Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research 2024, 37: 847-853. PMID: 39073002, DOI: 10.1111/pcmr.13188.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSite of metastasisPattern of metastatic diseaseMelanoma mortalityRetrospective observational cohort studyCause of cancer mortalityDistant lymph nodesObservational cohort studyDiagnosis to deathImmunotherapy eraAdvanced melanomaMetastatic diagnosisMetastatic diseaseMetastatic melanomaImmunotherapy treatmentRespiratory failureCause of deathMedian timeLymph nodesTherapeutic advancesCohort studyMelanomaImmunotherapyMechanism of deathPatientsEnd of lifePatterns of brain metastases response to immunotherapy with pembrolizumab
Mahajan A, Goldberg S, Weiss S, Tran T, Singh K, Joshi K, Aboian M, Kluger H, Chiang V. Patterns of brain metastases response to immunotherapy with pembrolizumab. Journal Of Neuro-Oncology 2024, 169: 555-561. PMID: 38963658, DOI: 10.1007/s11060-024-04754-8.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNon-small cell lung cancerBrain metastasesComplete resolutionLung cancerMedian time to CNS progressionLesion progressionNon-small cell lung cancer patientsModified RECIST criteriaPD-1 inhibitorsTrial of pembrolizumabEffective systemic treatmentResponse to immunotherapyPhase II trialCell lung cancerMethodsThis retrospective studyLocal treatment decisionsPurposeCentral nervous systemCNS progressionRECIST criteriaPD-1Local therapySystemic treatmentMRI evaluationResponse assessmentRetrospective studySpatially Informed Gene Signatures for Response to Immunotherapy in Melanoma.
Aung T, Warrell J, Martinez-Morilla S, Gavrielatou N, Vathiotis I, Yaghoobi V, Kluger H, Gerstein M, Rimm D. Spatially Informed Gene Signatures for Response to Immunotherapy in Melanoma. Clinical Cancer Research 2024, 30: 3520-3532. PMID: 38837895, PMCID: PMC11326985, DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.ccr-23-3932.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchGene signatureResistance to immunotherapyResponse to immunotherapyPrediction of treatment outcomeResistant to treatmentAccurate prediction of treatment outcomePredictive of responseImmunotherapy outcomesMelanoma patientsMelanoma specimensValidation cohortPatient stratificationDiscovery cohortTreatment outcomesImmunotherapyMelanomaTumorPatientsCohortS100BOutcomesGene expression dataGenesCD68+macrophagesExpression dataCauses of death and patterns of metastatic disease at the end of life for patients with advanced melanoma in the immunotherapy era.
Lee D, Yang A, McNamara M, Kluger H, Tran T, Olino K, Clune J, Sznol M, Ishizuka J. Causes of death and patterns of metastatic disease at the end of life for patients with advanced melanoma in the immunotherapy era. Journal Of Clinical Oncology 2024, 42: e21522-e21522. DOI: 10.1200/jco.2024.42.16_suppl.e21522.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchImmune checkpoint inhibitorsYale Cancer CenterAdvanced melanomaMetastatic diseaseMetastatic melanomaRespiratory failureSite of metastatic diseasePattern of metastatic diseaseDied of respiratory failureAnti-CTLA4 treatmentRetrospective observational cohort studyAnti-PD1 therapyDistant lymph nodesPatients aged >Site of diseaseSurvival of patientsObservational cohort studyMulti-system involvementDiagnosis to deathImmunotherapy eraAnti-PD1Checkpoint inhibitorsInstitutional review boardMetastatic sitesMetastatic diagnosisMelanocortin-1 Receptor Expression as a Marker of Progression in Melanoma
Su D, Djureinovic D, Schoenfeld D, Marquez-Nostra B, Olino K, Jilaveanu L, Kluger H. Melanocortin-1 Receptor Expression as a Marker of Progression in Melanoma. JCO Precision Oncology 2024, 8: e2300702. PMID: 38662983, PMCID: PMC11513442, DOI: 10.1200/po.23.00702.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMC1R expressionMelanoma progressionAssociated with shorter survivalStages of melanoma progressionCases of benign neviChronic sun exposureMarkers of progressionHuman melanoma tissuesBreslow thicknessMelanocortin-1Metastatic melanomaOverall survivalPrimary melanomaMetastatic tumorsMelanoma cohortReceptor expressionPredictive biomarkersAggressive melanomaPrimary lesionTissue microarrayShorter survivalMale sexQuantitative immunofluorescenceBenign neviClinical trialsVascular mimicry as a facilitator of melanoma brain metastasis
Provance O, Oria V, Tran T, Caulfield J, Zito C, Aguirre-Ducler A, Schalper K, Kluger H, Jilaveanu L. Vascular mimicry as a facilitator of melanoma brain metastasis. Cellular And Molecular Life Sciences 2024, 81: 188. PMID: 38635031, PMCID: PMC11026261, DOI: 10.1007/s00018-024-05217-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVascular mimicryBrain metastasesMouse model of metastatic melanomaIncreased risk of metastasisAssociated with tumor volumeMelanoma brain metastasesRisk of metastasisSurvival of miceFuture treatment regimensCell line modelsTumor suppressor pathwayMetastatic melanomaTumor volumeSolid tumorsTreatment regimensTumor typesPoor prognosisHippo tumor suppressor pathwayIncreased riskMouse modelDownstream targets YAPMelanomaMetastasisSuppressor pathwayTumorDigital spatial proteomic profiling reveals immune checkpoints as biomarkers in lymphoid aggregates and tumor microenvironment of desmoplastic melanoma
Su D, Schoenfeld D, Ibrahim W, Cabrejo R, Djureinovic D, Baumann R, Rimm D, Khan S, Halaban R, Kluger H, Olino K, Galan A, Clune J. Digital spatial proteomic profiling reveals immune checkpoints as biomarkers in lymphoid aggregates and tumor microenvironment of desmoplastic melanoma. Journal For ImmunoTherapy Of Cancer 2024, 12: e008646. PMID: 38519058, PMCID: PMC10961546, DOI: 10.1136/jitc-2023-008646.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCTLA-4 expression levelsCancer-associated fibroblastsAssociated with worse survivalExpression of immune checkpointsLAG-3 expressionDesmoplastic melanomaLymphoid aggregatesCTLA-4PD-1Immune checkpointsIntratumoral leukocytesLAG-3Tumor compartmentsWorse survivalCD20+B cellsIncreased expression of immune checkpointsProgrammed cell death protein 1Macrophage/monocyte markerSentinel lymph node positivityCell death protein 1Associated with poor prognosisLymph node positivityDense fibrous stromaPotential prognostic significanceCore of tumorsImmunotherapy Initiation at the End of Life in Patients With Metastatic Cancer in the US
Kerekes D, Frey A, Prsic E, Tran T, Clune J, Sznol M, Kluger H, Forman H, Becher R, Olino K, Khan S. Immunotherapy Initiation at the End of Life in Patients With Metastatic Cancer in the US. JAMA Oncology 2024, 10: 342-351. PMID: 38175659, PMCID: PMC10767643, DOI: 10.1001/jamaoncol.2023.6025.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchNon-small cell lung cancerEnd of lifeMonth of deathImmunotherapy initiationCohort studyMAIN OUTCOMEStage IV non-small cell lung cancerCharlson-Deyo comorbidity indexHigh metastatic burdenInitiation of immunotherapyNational prescribing patternsRisk-adjusted patientsImmune checkpoint inhibitorsRetrospective cohort studyStage IV melanomaPercentage of patientsHigh-volume centersLocation of metastasesLow-volume centersOdds of deathCell lung cancerNational Clinical DatabaseLow-volume facilitiesDrug Administration approvalCheckpoint inhibitorsImmunotherapy utilization in stage IIIA melanoma: less may be more
Frey A, Kerekes D, Khan S, Tran T, Kluger H, Clune J, Ariyan S, Sznol M, Ishizuka J, Olino K. Immunotherapy utilization in stage IIIA melanoma: less may be more. Frontiers In Oncology 2024, 14: 1336441. PMID: 38380358, PMCID: PMC10876869, DOI: 10.3389/fonc.2024.1336441.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchStage IIIA melanomaHigh-volume centersRisk-adjusted survivalLow-volume centersImmunotherapy utilizationAdjuvant immunotherapyStage IIIATreatment of stage III melanomaAcademic centersMultivariable Cox proportional hazards regressionStage III melanomaNational Cancer DatabaseStage III diseaseFactors associated with receiptCox proportional hazards regressionCompare patient outcomesProportional hazards regressionIII melanomaImmunotherapy receiptReceiving immunotherapyIII diseaseImmunotherapy agentsOverall survivalSurvival benefitAdjuvant treatment
CD70 is Consistently Expressed in Primary and Metastatic Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma
Huang R, Chen Z, Kroeger N, Pantuck A, Said J, Kluger H, Shuch B, Ye H. CD70 is Consistently Expressed in Primary and Metastatic Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma. Clinical Genitourinary Cancer 2023, 22: 347-353. PMID: 38195301, DOI: 10.1016/j.clgc.2023.12.003.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRenal cell carcinomaClear cell renal cell carcinomaCell renal cell carcinomaMetastatic clear cell renal cell carcinomaMetastatic renal cell carcinomaCell carcinomaClear cell carcinomaCD70 expressionMetastatic tumorsRenal tumorsTherapeutic targetAdvanced renal cell carcinomaMetastatic clear cell carcinomaCancer-specific survivalPapillary renal cell carcinomaExpression of CD70Normal renal parenchymaPrimary renal tumorsPrimary tumor tissuesPromising therapeutic targetPotential therapeutic targetHypoxia pathway proteinsHypoxia-inducible factorSarcomatoid differentiationNormal human tissues119O Long-term efficacy and patterns of response of lifileucel tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) cell therapy in patients with advanced melanoma: A 4-year analysis of the C-144-01 study
Medina T, Chesney J, Whitman E, Kluger H, Thomas S, Sarnaik A, Kirkwood J, Larkin J, Weber J, Hamid O, Wermke M, Finckenstein F, Chou J, Gastman B, Sulur G, Wu X, Shi W, Domingo-Musibay E. 119O Long-term efficacy and patterns of response of lifileucel tumor-infiltrating lymphocyte (TIL) cell therapy in patients with advanced melanoma: A 4-year analysis of the C-144-01 study. Immuno-Oncology Technology 2023, 20: 100591. DOI: 10.1016/j.iotech.2023.100591.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEducational Review: Clinical Application of Immune Checkpoint Blockade for the Treatment of Melanoma
Su D, Kluger H, Olino K. Educational Review: Clinical Application of Immune Checkpoint Blockade for the Treatment of Melanoma. Annals Of Surgical Oncology 2023, 31: 1865-1879. PMID: 37989956, DOI: 10.1245/s10434-023-14587-w.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsClinical Predictors of Survival in Patients With BRAFV600-Mutated Metastatic Melanoma Treated With Combined BRAF and MEK Inhibitors After Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors
Kahn A, Perry C, Etts K, Kluger H, Sznol M. Clinical Predictors of Survival in Patients With BRAFV600-Mutated Metastatic Melanoma Treated With Combined BRAF and MEK Inhibitors After Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors. The Oncologist 2023, 29: e507-e513. PMID: 37971411, PMCID: PMC10994263, DOI: 10.1093/oncolo/oyad300.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBRAF/MEK inhibitorsBRAF/MEK inhibitionImmune checkpoint inhibitorsBRAFV600E/K mutationsMEK inhibitorsCheckpoint inhibitorsClinical variablesMEK inhibitionRetrospective single-institution analysisIpilimumab/nivolumabFirst-line settingFirst-line therapyFirst-line treatmentMetastatic melanoma patientsLong-term outcomesPretreatment clinical variablesSingle-institution analysisStratification of patientsK mutationCombined BRAFECOG PSMedian OSRECIST 1.1Immunotherapy regimenClinical characteristicsA bedside to bench study of anti-PD-1, anti-CD40, and anti-CSF1R indicates that more is not necessarily better
Djureinovic D, Weiss S, Krykbaeva I, Qu R, Vathiotis I, Moutafi M, Zhang L, Perdigoto A, Wei W, Anderson G, Damsky W, Hurwitz M, Johnson B, Schoenfeld D, Mahajan A, Hsu F, Miller-Jensen K, Kluger Y, Sznol M, Kaech S, Bosenberg M, Jilaveanu L, Kluger H. A bedside to bench study of anti-PD-1, anti-CD40, and anti-CSF1R indicates that more is not necessarily better. Molecular Cancer 2023, 22: 182. PMID: 37964379, PMCID: PMC10644655, DOI: 10.1186/s12943-023-01884-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsStable diseasePartial responseMacrophage populationsThree-drug regimenUnconfirmed partial responsePhase I trialLimited treatment optionsMonocyte/macrophage populationNon-classical monocytesMurine melanoma modelTreatment-related changesResultsThirteen patientsWorse survivalI trialInflammatory tumorPatient populationTreatment optionsImmune cellsDisease progressionMurine studiesPreclinical modelsResistant melanomaAntigen presentationMurine modelCyTOF analysis