The neural activity of auditory conscious perception
Christison-Lagay K, Khalaf A, Freedman N, Micek C, Kronemer S, Gusso M, Kim L, Forman S, Ding J, Aksen M, Abdel-Aty A, Kwon H, Markowitz N, Yeagle E, Espinal E, Herrero J, Bickel S, Young J, Mehta A, Wu K, Gerrard J, Damisah E, Spencer D, Blumenfeld H. The neural activity of auditory conscious perception. NeuroImage 2025, 121041. PMID: 39832539, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2025.121041.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConscious perceptionPerceived trialsRight caudal middle frontal gyrusCaudal middle frontal gyrusAuditory regionsMiddle frontal gyrusAuditory association regionsBroadband gamma powerEarly auditory regionsFrontal gyrusFrontal cortexSubcortical networksGamma powerAuditory domainNeural activityThreshold taskPerceptual consciousnessSensory modalitiesAssociation regionsVisual paradigmAuditory perceptionWaves of activity
Epilepsy surgery education and practice around the globe: An ILAE taskforce report
Enslin J, Muh C, Wang X, de Olivera T, McKhann G, Damisah E, Al‐Otaibi F, Rydenhag B, Ali R, Dorfer C, Englot D, Cukiert A, Epilepsy E. Epilepsy surgery education and practice around the globe: An ILAE taskforce report. Epilepsia 2024 PMID: 39636690, DOI: 10.1111/epi.18199.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEpilepsy surgery unitInternational League Against EpilepsySurgery unitEpilepsy surgerySurgery educationDrug-resistant epilepsyHealth care providersExperience of neurosurgeonsMiddle-income countriesCare providersSurgeryLack of adequate numbersEpilepsyTaskforce reportEnhanced trainingPatientsTask ForceTrained neurosurgeonsNeurosurgeonsThe human claustrum tracks slow waves during sleep
Lamsam L, Gu B, Liang M, Sun G, Khan K, Sheth K, Hirsch L, Pittenger C, Kaye A, Krystal J, Damisah E. The human claustrum tracks slow waves during sleep. Nature Communications 2024, 15: 8964. PMID: 39419999, PMCID: PMC11487173, DOI: 10.1038/s41467-024-53477-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEANS Epilepsy surgery Brain Dissection Course Vienna 2024
Rössler K, Van Roost D, Schijns O, faculty E, Ackermans L, Delev D, Batista P, Erőss L, Fountas K, Hart M, Krüger M, von Lehe M, Campos A, Schmidt F, Strauss I, Theys T, Czech T, Damisah E, Dorfer C, Feucht M, Gelpi E, Ghizoni E, Höftberger R, Kasprian G, Novak K, Pataraia E, Quinot V, Rampp S, Shawarba J, Winter F. EANS Epilepsy surgery Brain Dissection Course Vienna 2024. Brain And Spine 2024, 4: 103924. PMID: 39524301, PMCID: PMC11543639, DOI: 10.1016/j.bas.2024.103924.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCombined neuromodulation and resection for functional cortex epilepsy: a case series.
Merenzon M, Sivaraju A, Herlopian A, Gerrard J, Quraishi I, Hirsch L, Spencer D, Damisah E. Combined neuromodulation and resection for functional cortex epilepsy: a case series. Journal Of Neurosurgery 2024, 141: 1527-1535. PMID: 38848588, DOI: 10.3171/2024.3.jns24122.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMedically refractory epilepsySeizure onset zoneFunctional cortexSeizure outcomeRefractory epilepsyMonths of follow-up dataMaximal safe resectionMedian follow-upTreated with resectionImprove seizure outcomeFocal neuromodulationFollow-up dataPreservation of functionRetrospective analysis of individualsSafe resectionPartial resectionMedian intervalCase seriesPreoperative assessmentSurgical interventionRNS deviceNeurological deficitsNo significant changesResectionRetrospective analysisSystematic 1 Hz direct electrical stimulation for seizure induction: A reliable method for localizing seizure onset zone and predicting seizure freedom
Sivaraju A, Quraishi I, Collins E, McGrath H, Ramos A, Turk-Browne N, Zaveri H, Damisah E, Spencer D, Hirsch L. Systematic 1 Hz direct electrical stimulation for seizure induction: A reliable method for localizing seizure onset zone and predicting seizure freedom. Brain Stimulation 2024, 17: 339-345. PMID: 38490472, DOI: 10.1016/j.brs.2024.03.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSeizure inductionSeizure onset zoneSurgical outcomesHabitual seizuresOnset zonePredicting seizure freedomExcellent surgical outcomesProspective cohort studyMann-Whitney testConsecutive patientsFisher's exactSeizure freedomRefractory epilepsyCohort studyPost-surgeryInsular regionsMann-WhitneyPatientsIntracranial EEGSeizuresLocalizing seizure onset zonesStimulationElectrical stimulationMedial temporal regionsTemporal regionsSeizing Control: Primary Visual Cortex Epilepsy Treated With Resection and Responsive Neurostimulation: 2-Dimensional Operative Video
Merenzon M, Lamsam L, McGrath H, Sivaraju A, Hirsch L, Cukiert A, Zibly Z, Spencer D, Damisah E. Seizing Control: Primary Visual Cortex Epilepsy Treated With Resection and Responsive Neurostimulation: 2-Dimensional Operative Video. Operative Neurosurgery 2024, 27: 262-263. PMID: 39007609, DOI: 10.1227/ons.0000000000001109.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchStatistical learning in epilepsy: Behavioral and anatomical mechanisms in the human brain
Aljishi A, Sherman B, Huberdeau D, Obaid S, Khan K, Lamsam L, Zibly Z, Sivaraju A, Turk‐Browne N, Damisah E. Statistical learning in epilepsy: Behavioral and anatomical mechanisms in the human brain. Epilepsia 2024, 65: 753-765. PMID: 38116686, PMCID: PMC10948305, DOI: 10.1111/epi.17871.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Intracranial Entrainment Reveals Statistical Learning across Levels of Abstraction
Sherman B, Aljishi A, Graves K, Quraishi I, Sivaraju A, Damisah E, Turk-Browne N. Intracranial Entrainment Reveals Statistical Learning across Levels of Abstraction. Journal Of Cognitive Neuroscience 2023, 35: 1312-1328. PMID: 37262357, DOI: 10.1162/jocn_a_02012.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchResponsive neurostimulation as a treatment for super-refractory focal status epilepticus: a systematic review and case series.
Ernst L, Raslan A, Wabulya A, Shin H, Cash S, Yang J, Sagi V, King-Stephens D, Damisah E, Ramos A, Hussain B, Toprani S, Brandman D, Shahlaie K, Kanth K, Arain A, Peters A, Rolston J, Berns M, Patel S, Uysal U. Responsive neurostimulation as a treatment for super-refractory focal status epilepticus: a systematic review and case series. Journal Of Neurosurgery 2023, 140: 201-209. PMID: 37329518, DOI: 10.3171/2023.4.jns23367.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSuper-refractory status epilepticusStatus epilepticusCase seriesTreatment optionsCase reportCollection formFocal status epilepticusRetrospective chart reviewSignificant adverse eventsEffective treatment optionResponsive neurostimulation systemUnique clinical scenarioData collection formOptimal stimulation settingsFocal SEAdverse eventsChart reviewLead placementEligibility criteriaResponsive neurostimulationTenth caseTotal casesIRB approvalStimulation settingsClinical scenariosContribution of Somatic Ras/Raf/Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Variants in the Hippocampus in Drug-Resistant Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy
Khoshkhoo S, Wang Y, Chahine Y, Erson-Omay E, Robert S, Kiziltug E, Damisah E, Nelson-Williams C, Zhu G, Kong W, Huang A, Stronge E, Phillips H, Chhouk B, Bizzotto S, Chen M, Adikari T, Ye Z, Witkowski T, Lai D, Lee N, Lokan J, Scheffer I, Berkovic S, Haider S, Hildebrand M, Yang E, Gunel M, Lifton R, Richardson R, Blümcke I, Alexandrescu S, Huttner A, Heinzen E, Zhu J, Poduri A, DeLanerolle N, Spencer D, Lee E, Walsh C, Kahle K. Contribution of Somatic Ras/Raf/Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Variants in the Hippocampus in Drug-Resistant Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. JAMA Neurology 2023, 80: 578-587. PMID: 37126322, PMCID: PMC10152377, DOI: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2023.0473.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDrug-resistant mesial temporal lobe epilepsyMesial temporal lobe epilepsyPathogenic somatic variantsTemporal lobe epilepsyMedian ageLobe epilepsyTemporal neocortexHippocampal tissueLevel 4 epilepsy centerAvailable frozen tissueSomatic variantsControl brain tissueMedial temporal lobectomyNew therapeutic targetsMolecular assaysGene panel sequencingRas/Raf/MAPK signalingAntiseizure medicationsMost patientsCommon indicationGermline genetic variantsEpilepsy centersTemporal lobectomyEpilepsy surgerySex-matched neurotypical controlsRecent advances in epilepsy surgery
Medina-Pizarro M, Spencer D, Damisah E. Recent advances in epilepsy surgery. Current Opinion In Neurology 2023, 36: 95-101. PMID: 36762633, DOI: 10.1097/wco.0000000000001134.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEpilepsy surgeryEpilepsy centersComprehensive Epilepsy CenterDrug-resistant epilepsySurgical outcome dataReasonable surgical alternativeAdequate trialAntiseizure medicationsPreoperative evaluationSurgical candidacySurgical outcomesSeizure networkSurgical alternativeEpileptogenic networksSurgical techniqueTreatment strategiesEpileptogenic regionInvasive techniquesOutcome dataSurgeryDepth electrodesHigh-resolution structural imagingSubtle abnormalitiesDiagnostic toolStructural imagingTransfrontal Approach to the Amygdala for Ablation With Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy: An Epilepsy Case Report
Lamsam L, Brigido M, Sivaraju A, Hirsch L, Spencer D, Chiang V, Damisah E. Transfrontal Approach to the Amygdala for Ablation With Laser Interstitial Thermal Therapy: An Epilepsy Case Report. Operative Neurosurgery 2023, 24: e381-e384. PMID: 36715982, PMCID: PMC10158899, DOI: 10.1227/ons.0000000000000576.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsStereotactic laser amygdalohippocampotomyLaser interstitial thermal therapyEntorhinal cortexInterstitial thermal therapyComplete ablationMesial temporal lobe epilepsyTemporal arteriovenous malformationTemporal lobe epilepsyLeft temporal arteriovenous malformationMiddle frontal gyrusPrior craniotomyOpen resectionLobe epilepsyCase reportMedial amygdalaArteriovenous malformationsAnterior entorhinal cortexTransfrontal approachAmygdalaInvasive surgeryFrontal gyrusThermal therapyIntracranial electroencephalographyResection
Temporal Dynamics of Competition between Statistical Learning and Episodic Memory in Intracranial Recordings of Human Visual Cortex
Sherman B, Graves K, Huberdeau D, Quraishi I, Damisah E, Turk-Browne N. Temporal Dynamics of Competition between Statistical Learning and Episodic Memory in Intracranial Recordings of Human Visual Cortex. Journal Of Neuroscience 2022, 42: 9053-9068. PMID: 36344264, PMCID: PMC9732826, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.0708-22.2022.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVisual cortexStatistical learningIntracranial recordingsStatistical learning taskBehavioural Memory TestMultivariate pattern analysisLong-term memoryExpense of memoryEncoding of informationHuman visual cortexStorage of experienceNew experiencesEpisodic memoryMemory researchMemory testFrequency taggingRapid streamGuide behaviorLearning taskNew predictive relationshipNeural predictionHuman intracranial EEGWeak expectationsNeural activityMemory formationRemembering the pattern: A longitudinal case study on statistical learning in spatial navigation and memory consolidation
Graves KN, Sherman BE, Huberdeau D, Damisah E, Quraishi IH, Turk-Browne NB. Remembering the pattern: A longitudinal case study on statistical learning in spatial navigation and memory consolidation. Neuropsychologia 2022, 174: 108341. PMID: 35961387, PMCID: PMC9578695, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2022.108341.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMedial prefrontal cortexStatistical learningSpatial navigationBrain systemsDistinct brain systemsIntracranial electroencephalographyOffline consolidationPerceptual experienceCortical consolidationMemory consolidationPrefrontal cortexCortical regionsFuture behaviorLearningLongitudinal case studySame patientHippocampusConsolidationProlonged retentionRapid acquisitionWeeksElectroencephalographyCortexDifferent timescalesRegularityChild Neurology: Functional Reorganization Mediating Supplementary Motor Area Syndrome Recovery in Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum
Obaid S, Qureshi HM, Aljishi A, Shaikh N, Kundishora AJ, Bronen RA, DiLuna M, Damisah E. Child Neurology: Functional Reorganization Mediating Supplementary Motor Area Syndrome Recovery in Agenesis of the Corpus Callosum. Neurology 2022, 99: 161-165. PMID: 35618432, PMCID: PMC9421776, DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000200772.Peer-Reviewed Case Reports and Technical NotesConceptsSMA syndromeFunctional recoveryCorpus callosumSupplementary motor area syndromeCorpus callosal fibersLow-grade gliomasMedial premotor cortexFunctional neuroimaging featuresSurgical resectionClinical presentationHealthy hemisphereTranscallosal fibersAcallosal patientsNeuroimaging featuresPreoperative fMRIParacentral lobuleLeft toePremotor cortexCallosal fibersPatientsSyndromeComplete ACCExact mechanismAgenesisCallosumFactors Predicting Outcome After Intracranial EEG Evaluation in Patients With Medically Refractory Epilepsy
Sivaraju A, Hirsch L, Gaspard N, Farooque P, Gerrard J, Xu Y, Deng Y, Damisah E, Blumenfeld H, Spencer DD. Factors Predicting Outcome After Intracranial EEG Evaluation in Patients With Medically Refractory Epilepsy. Neurology 2022, 99: e1-e10. PMID: 35508395, PMCID: PMC9259091, DOI: 10.1212/wnl.0000000000200569.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsTemporal lobe onsetSeizure freedomResective surgeryIndependent predictorsLesional MRIUnfavorable predictorRefractory epilepsyContinued medical treatmentEpilepsy surgical evaluationFactors Predicting OutcomeIntracranial EEG evaluationNonlesional extratemporal epilepsySubsequent seizure freedomSustained seizure freedomThorough presurgical evaluationSeizure-free outcomeClass II evidenceMedically Refractory EpilepsyRetrospective chart reviewKaplan-Meier curvesSelect clinical scenariosMultivariable regression analysisBest multivariable modelIntracranial EEGSeizure onset localizationP143. Intracranial Electrophysiology of Amygdala-Insula Interactions in Anxiety
Aljishi A, Sandhu M, Shaikh N, Wise T, Krystal J, Kaye A, Damisah E. P143. Intracranial Electrophysiology of Amygdala-Insula Interactions in Anxiety. Biological Psychiatry 2022, 91: s144-s145. DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2022.02.377.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchP142. Neural Correlates of Bodily Feedback During Spatial Threat Avoidance
Shaikh N, Sandhu M, Aljishi A, Obaid S, Gu B, Krystal J, Kaye A, Damisah E. P142. Neural Correlates of Bodily Feedback During Spatial Threat Avoidance. Biological Psychiatry 2022, 91: s144. DOI: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2022.02.376.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOptimizing the surgical management of MRI‐negative epilepsy in the neuromodulation era
McGrath H, Mandel M, Sandhu MRS, Lamsam L, Adenu‐Mensah N, Farooque P, Spencer DD, Damisah EC. Optimizing the surgical management of MRI‐negative epilepsy in the neuromodulation era. Epilepsia Open 2022, 7: 151-159. PMID: 35038792, PMCID: PMC8886105, DOI: 10.1002/epi4.12578.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDeep brain stimulationMRI-negative epilepsyInvasive monitoringResponsive neurostimulationBrain stimulationSeizure outcomeNerve stimulationMRI-negative focal epilepsyGood seizure outcomeLaser interstitial thermal therapyRetrospective chart reviewVagal nerve stimulationVagus nerve stimulationIntracranial electroencephalography monitoringClass 1Interstitial thermal therapyUnderwent resectionChart reviewMore patientsSurgical treatmentAppropriate therapySurgical managementPoor outcomeSurgical interventionSurgical outcomes