Postacute Sequelae of COVID-19 in Pediatric Patients Within the United States: A Scoping Review
Miller C, Borre C, Green A, Funaro M, Oliveira C, Iwasaki A. Postacute Sequelae of COVID-19 in Pediatric Patients Within the United States: A Scoping Review. American Journal Of Medicine Open 2024, 12: 100078. PMID: 39639960, PMCID: PMC11617896, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajmo.2024.100078.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchClinical epidemiologyPost-acute sequelae of COVID-19High risk of biasLack of standardized definitionsPost-acute sequelaeRisk of biasSequelae of COVID-19United StatesScoping reviewComprehensive literature searchUS childrenShort follow-up durationFollow-up durationInclusion criteriaFemale sexOlder ageRisk factorsSARS-CoV-2 infectionLiterature searchChest painHigh riskOptimal preventionPediatric patientsPersistent symptomsCOVID-19Examining Clinical Features and Severe Neurologic Disease of Parechovirus Infection in Young Infants: A Multistate Cohort Study
Evans A, Singh S, Joshi C, Filkins L, Akkoyun E, Custodio H, Daniels E, Kao C, Richardson K, Carrillo-Marquez M, Borré C, Oliveira C, Espinosa C, Mandelia Y, Mazade M, Kimberlin D. Examining Clinical Features and Severe Neurologic Disease of Parechovirus Infection in Young Infants: A Multistate Cohort Study. Clinical Infectious Diseases 2024, 79: 1479-1486. PMID: 39093815, DOI: 10.1093/cid/ciae400.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSevere neurological diseaseLongitudinal follow-up of infantsYoung infantsSevere diseaseViral co-infectionsNon-severe diseaseSpectrum of illnessNeurological diseasesParechovirus infectionLongitudinal follow-upPreterm gestationHPeV infectionClinical seizuresClinical featuresPoor feedingCerebral edemaHuman parechovirusCohort studyU.S. infantsCo-infectionHPeVRespiratory symptomsInfantsSevere casesDiseaseReduction in Unindicated Cervical Cancer Screening in Adolescents in a Large Health Care System.
Geng B, Oliveira C, Hosier H, Sheth S, Vash-Margita A. Reduction in Unindicated Cervical Cancer Screening in Adolescents in a Large Health Care System. Journal Of Lower Genital Tract Disease 2024 PMID: 39037856, DOI: 10.1097/lgt.0000000000000831.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBest Practice AdvisoryCervical cancer screeningElectronic medical recordsHealth care systemCancer screeningPap testCare systemLarger health care systemPre/post intervention studyEvidence-based guidelinesProvider notificationPostinterventionPractice advisoryIntervention studiesPreinterventionFisher's exact testHuman papillomavirus test resultsLogistic regressionRetrospective chart reviewReproductive healthMedical recordsHuman papillomavirus testingPatient characteristicsChart reviewKruskal-Wallis testRisk Factors for Pediatric Critical COVID-19: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Aparicio C, Willis Z, Nakamura M, Wolf J, Little C, Maron G, Sue P, Anosike B, Miller C, Bio L, Singh P, James S, Oliveira C. Risk Factors for Pediatric Critical COVID-19: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal Of The Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society 2024, 13: 352-362. PMID: 38780125, PMCID: PMC11519042, DOI: 10.1093/jpids/piae052.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchOdds ratioCritical COVID-19Absolute riskMeta-analysisSystematic reviewRisk stratificationConfidence intervalsInvasive mechanical ventilation requirementRisk factorsEstimate pooled odds ratiosSignificant ORsKey risk factorsPooled odds ratioCritical diseaseIntensive care unit admissionStatistically significant ORsMechanical ventilation requirementRandom-effects modelRisk of critical diseaseChronic pulmonary conditionsHealth conditionsIndependent reviewersPooled ORInclusion criteriaCOVID-19Researching COVID to enhance recovery (RECOVER) pediatric study protocol: Rationale, objectives and design
Gross R, Thaweethai T, Rosenzweig E, Chan J, Chibnik L, Cicek M, Elliott A, Flaherman V, Foulkes A, Witvliet M, Gallagher R, Gennaro M, Jernigan T, Karlson E, Katz S, Kinser P, Kleinman L, Lamendola-Essel M, Milner J, Mohandas S, Mudumbi P, Newburger J, Rhee K, Salisbury A, Snowden J, Stein C, Stockwell M, Tantisira K, Thomason M, Truong D, Warburton D, Wood J, Ahmed S, Akerlundh A, Alshawabkeh A, Anderson B, Aschner J, Atz A, Aupperle R, Baker F, Balaraman V, Banerjee D, Barch D, Baskin-Sommers A, Bhuiyan, Bind M, Bogie A, Bradford T, Buchbinder N, Bueler E, Bükülmez H, Casey B, Chang L, Chrisant M, Clark D, Clifton R, Clouser K, Cottrell L, Cowan K, D’Sa V, Dapretto M, Dasgupta S, Dehority W, Dionne A, Dummer K, Elias M, Esquenazi-Karonika S, Evans D, Faustino E, Fiks A, Forsha D, Foxe J, Friedman N, Fry G, Gaur S, Gee D, Gray K, Handler S, Harahsheh A, Hasbani K, Heath A, Hebson C, Heitzeg M, Hester C, Hill S, Hobart-Porter L, Hong T, Horowitz C, Hsia D, Huentelman M, Hummel K, Irby K, Jacobus J, Jacoby V, Jone P, Kaelber D, Kasmarcak T, Kluko M, Kosut J, Laird A, Landeo-Gutierrez J, Lang S, Larson C, Lim P, Lisdahl K, McCrindle B, McCulloh R, McHugh K, Mendelsohn A, Metz T, Miller J, Mitchell E, Morgan L, Müller-Oehring E, Nahin E, Neale M, Ness-Cochinwala M, Nolan S, Oliveira C, Osakwe O, Oster M, Payne R, Portman M, Raissy H, Randall I, Rao S, Reeder H, Rosas J, Russell M, Sabati A, Sanil Y, Sato A, Schechter M, Selvarangan R, Tejtel S, Shakti D, Sharma K, Squeglia L, Srivastava S, Stevenson M, Szmuszkovicz J, Talavera-Barber M, Teufel R, Thacker D, Trachtenberg F, Udosen M, Warner M, Watson S, Werzberger A, Weyer J, Wood M, Yin H, Zempsky W, Zimmerman E, Dreyer B, Consortium O. Researching COVID to enhance recovery (RECOVER) pediatric study protocol: Rationale, objectives and design. PLOS ONE 2024, 19: e0285635. PMID: 38713673, PMCID: PMC11075869, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0285635.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsYoung adultsClinical courseAdolescent Brain Cognitive DevelopmentCaregiver-child pairsLong-term outcomesObservational cohort studyOutcomes of COVID-19De novo cohortAdolescent Brain Cognitive Development StudySociodemographic correlatesCommunity partnersBaseline assessmentLongitudinal follow-upPotential therapeutic interventionsPediatric protocolsCohort studyCollaborative partnershipsProspective cohortFollow-upStudy protocolFederal partnersNIH Researching COVIDLong-term outcomes of COVID-19Enhanced recoveryData collectionCore outcome measurement set for research and clinical practice in post-COVID-19 condition (long COVID) in children and young people: an international Delphi consensus study “PC-COS Children”
Seylanova N, Chernyavskaya A, Degtyareva N, Mursalova A, Ajam A, Xiao L, Aktulaeva K, Roshchin P, Bobkova P, Aiyegbusi O, Anbu A, Apfelbacher C, Asadi-Pooya A, Ashkenazi-Hoffnung L, Brackel C, Buonsenso D, de Groote W, Diaz J, Dona D, Galvin A, Genuneit J, Goss H, Hughes S, Jones C, Kuppalli K, Malone L, McFarland S, Needham D, Nekliudov N, Nicholson T, Oliveira C, Schiess N, Segal T, Sigfrid L, Thorne C, Vijverberg S, Warner J, Were W, Williamson P, Munblit D, Group T, Kassim A, Chevinsky J, Choong K, Duncan R, Esposito S, Foster R, Guekht A, Jaure A, Mackenzie C, Matthies-Bonn V, Matvienko-Sikar K, McCloud L, McParland D, Miron V, Murthy S, Connel S, O’Hara M, Ogonowska-Slodownik A, Pavare J, Robertson P, Rossman J, Săndulescu O, Saydah S, Schmitt J, Semple M, Shafran R, Snipaitiene A, Søraas A, Stephenson T, Tulen L, Galaz G, Vickers D, Vilser D, Waak M, Wells J, Whittaker E, Winer M, Asmanov A, Comberiati P. Core outcome measurement set for research and clinical practice in post-COVID-19 condition (long COVID) in children and young people: an international Delphi consensus study “PC-COS Children”. European Respiratory Journal 2024, 63: 2301761. PMID: 38359962, PMCID: PMC10938351, DOI: 10.1183/13993003.01761-2023.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCore Outcome Measurement SetCore outcome setPost-COVID-19 conditionHealth outcomesConsensus studyDelphi processConsensus workshopConsensus processConsensus meetingPost-exertional symptomsRelevant health outcomesPhase 1Delphi consensus studyOutcome measurement instrumentsModified Delphi processDelphi consensus processInternational Delphi consensus studyCognitive Functioning ScaleCategorisation of outcomeMeasurement instrumentsPhase 2Young peoplePhysical functionCOVID-19 conditionsOutcome setGuidance for prevention and management of COVID-19 in children and adolescents: A consensus statement from the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society Pediatric COVID-19 Therapies Taskforce
Willis Z, Oliveira C, Abzug M, Anosike B, Ardura M, Bio L, Boguniewicz J, Chiotos K, Downes K, Grapentine S, Hersh A, Heston S, Hijano D, Huskins W, James S, Jones S, Lockowitz C, Lloyd E, MacBrayne C, Maron G, McDonough M, Miller C, Morton T, Olivero R, Orscheln R, Schwenk H, Singh P, Soma V, Sue P, Vora S, Nakamura M, Wolf J. Guidance for prevention and management of COVID-19 in children and adolescents: A consensus statement from the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society Pediatric COVID-19 Therapies Taskforce. Journal Of The Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society 2024, 13: 159-185. PMID: 38339996, PMCID: PMC11494238, DOI: 10.1093/jpids/piad116.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRisk factorsRisk stratificationPediatric intensive care medicineEffects of therapyNon-hospitalized childrenPediatric infectious diseasesSevere COVID-19Cases of infectionMeta-analysis of dataIntensive care medicineClinical characteristicsPreventive therapyPediatric populationManagement of COVID-19Fatal infectionConsensus statementSevere illnessTherapyMeta-analysisTherapeutic interventionsSARS-CoV-2Expert consensusCare medicineRe-convenedGuidance statementsInternational Care programs for Pediatric Post-COVID Condition (Long COVID) and the way forward
Brackel C, Noij L, Vijverberg S, Legghe C, Maitland-van der Zee A, van Goudoever J, Buonsenso D, Munblit D, Sigfrid L, McFarland S, Anmyr L, Ashkenazi-Hoffnung L, Bellinat A, Dias N, Edwards A, Fashina T, Juraški R, Gonçalves A, Hansted E, Herczeg V, Hertting O, Jankauskaite L, Kaswandani N, Kevalas R, Krivácsy P, Lorenz M, Malone L, McVoy M, Miller D, Morrow A, Nugawela M, Oliveira C, Oliveira P, Osmanov I, Overmars I, Paintsil E, Pinto Pereira S, Prawira Y, Putri N, Ramos R, Rasche M, Ryd-Rinder M, De Rose C, Samitova E, Jovanović T, Say D, Scott J, Shachar-Lavie I, Shafran R, Shmueli E, Snipaitiene A, Stephenson T, Ténai N, Tosif S, Turkalj M, Valentini P, Vasconcelos L, Villard L, Vilser D, Hashimoto S, Terheggen-Lagro S. International Care programs for Pediatric Post-COVID Condition (Long COVID) and the way forward. Pediatric Research 2024, 96: 319-324. PMID: 38287106, DOI: 10.1038/s41390-023-03015-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCare programPost-COVID conditionsPhysical therapyPsychological supportIn-person visitsDiagnostic testsCare pathwaysLack of standardized careFramework of prioritiesGuideline developmentStandard careIn-personMultidisciplinary teamIdentified prioritiesDaily lifeCareResearch cohortManagement of childrenAggregate dataClinically treated childrenLong-term COVID-19 sequelaePatient characteristicsConcentration difficultiesReal-life managementSpecific diagnostic tests
1747. Clinical Spectrum of a Large Multi-State U.S. Cohort of Parechovirus Infection in Neonates and Young Infants
Evans A, Filkins L, Custodio H, Daniels E, Kao C, Richardson K, Carrillo-Marquez M, Borré C, Oliveira C, Espinosa C, Bocchini J, Mandelia Y, Mazade M, Santos R, Carr S, Selvarangan R, Kimberlin D. 1747. Clinical Spectrum of a Large Multi-State U.S. Cohort of Parechovirus Infection in Neonates and Young Infants. Open Forum Infectious Diseases 2023, 10: ofad500.1578. PMCID: PMC10678563, DOI: 10.1093/ofid/ofad500.1578.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchUniversity of Mississippi Medical CenterMulticenter clinical trialHPeV infectionStudy discontinuationClinical trialsYoung infantsMedical CenterIndustry-sponsored clinical trialsSevere HPeV infectionsMedian hospitalization durationBody fluid specimensParechovirus infectionMedian ageU.S. outbreakPediatric patientsClinical spectrumHospitalization durationFluid specimensHuman parechovirusIRB approvalReport mortalityViral testingBiochemical markersBirth historyInterim analysisHuman Papillomavirus Vaccination Status and Correlates Among Mid-Adult Women: Connecticut, USA, 2016–2019
Sheth S, Johnson N, Sullivan E, Torres A, Oliveira C, Niccolai L. Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Status and Correlates Among Mid-Adult Women: Connecticut, USA, 2016–2019. Journal Of Women's Health 2023, 33: 28-32. PMID: 37943625, PMCID: PMC10794823, DOI: 10.1089/jwh.2022.0456.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMid-adult womenVaccination statusHPV vaccinationHPV vaccineHuman Papillomavirus Vaccination StatusHPV vaccination statusHuman papillomavirus vaccinationAge 26 yearsHealth care providersCross-sectional surveyPapillomavirus vaccinationUnvaccinated womenVaccinated womenVaccine informationCare providersVaccinationAdult womenVaccineWomenBehavioral correlatesCorrelatesStatusPotential benefitsYearsParticipantsExpedited Partner Therapy: A Multicomponent Initiative to Boost Provider Counseling
Markowitz M, Ackerman-Banks C, Oliveira C, Fashina O, Pathy S, Sheth S. Expedited Partner Therapy: A Multicomponent Initiative to Boost Provider Counseling. Sexually Transmitted Diseases 2023, 51: 15-21. PMID: 37921862, PMCID: PMC11413968, DOI: 10.1097/olq.0000000000001894.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPartner therapyProvider counselingMulticomponent initiativesQuasi-experimental interrupted time-series studyExpedited Partner TherapyInterrupted time series studyRecords of patientsFrequent reinfectionsInterrupted time series modelObstetric indicationsGynecology clinicTherapy prescriptionPatients' perceptionsPatient acceptanceChlamydia trachomatisPatient encountersNeisseria gonorrhoeaeTherapyRegistered NursesTime-series studyPublic insurancePatientsAcademic obstetricsCounselingSignificant increaseHuman papillomavirus vaccine effectiveness by age at vaccination: A systematic review
Ellingson M, Sheikha H, Nyhan K, Oliveira C, Niccolai L. Human papillomavirus vaccine effectiveness by age at vaccination: A systematic review. Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics 2023, 19: 2239085. PMID: 37529935, PMCID: PMC10399474, DOI: 10.1080/21645515.2023.2239085.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVaccine effectivenessSystematic reviewHuman Papillomavirus Vaccine EffectivenessVaccine-type HPV infectionYounger ageHigh vaccine effectivenessHuman papillomavirus vaccineVaccine effectiveness studiesYounger age groupsAdolescents ages 15Adolescents ages 9HPV infectionHPV vaccineVaccine initiationPapillomavirus vaccineTime vaccinationAnogenital wartsCervical abnormalitiesCervical cancerDisease outcomeAge groupsOlder ageEffectiveness studiesAge 15AgeUnindicated Cervical Cancer Screening in Adolescent Females Within a Large Healthcare System in the United States
Hosier H, Sheth S, Oliveira C, Perley L, Vash-Margita A. Unindicated Cervical Cancer Screening in Adolescent Females Within a Large Healthcare System in the United States. Obstetrical & Gynecological Survey 2023, 78: 470-472. DOI: 10.1097/ogx.0000000000001179.Commentaries, Editorials and LettersCervical cancer screeningIncidence rateUnindicated testsPatient-specific variablesCervical cancerCancer screeningHPV testingYale New Haven Health SystemCervical cancer screening testsAdolescent femalesEligible young womenRepeated cross-sectional studyWell-woman examinationsAtypical squamous cellsHealth system patientsCancer screening testsWomen ages 21Cross-sectional studyLow incidence rateLarge healthcare systemElectronic medical recordsEvidence-based strategiesSelf-reported raceGuideline adherenceHPV testDisparities in adherence to retesting guidelines in women with Trichomonas vaginalis infection
Getaneh F, Oliveira C, Pathy S, Sheth S. Disparities in adherence to retesting guidelines in women with Trichomonas vaginalis infection. American Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynecology 2023, 229: 284.e1-284.e10. PMID: 37393012, PMCID: PMC10530237, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajog.2023.06.045.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHospital-based obstetricsNon-Hispanic black womenTrichomonas vaginalis infectionPregnant subgroupsClinic populationSubgroup analysisVaginalis infectionNon-Hispanic white womenGuideline-concordant testingRetrospective cohort studyTrichomonas vaginalisMultivariable logistic regressionSingle marital statusHigh prevalence ratesNon-Hispanic blacksCharacteristics of womenBlack womenHigh rateCohort studyGynecology clinicTobacco smokingGuideline recommendationsEntire cohortAssociated FactorsPrevalence ratesUptake of Cervical Cancer Screening Among Female Patients Using a Mobile Medical Clinic
Degife E, Oliveira C, Znamierowski E, Meyer J, Sheth S. Uptake of Cervical Cancer Screening Among Female Patients Using a Mobile Medical Clinic. American Journal Of Preventive Medicine 2023, 65: 835-843. PMID: 37220860, PMCID: PMC10592483, DOI: 10.1016/j.amepre.2023.05.013.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCervical cancer screeningMobile medical clinicHealth-related social needsCervical cancerCancer screeningMedical clinicsFemale patientsCervical cancer screening uptakeCancer screening uptakeHuman papillomavirus vaccinationHigh-risk populationMultivariate logistic regressionElectronic health recordsPapillomavirus vaccinationScreening uptakePap testingRetrospective cohortPatient cohortClinic modelLower oddsPatientsUnstable housingClinicLogistic regressionCancerCytokinopathy with aberrant cytotoxic lymphocytes and profibrotic myeloid response in SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine–associated myocarditis
Barmada A, Klein J, Ramaswamy A, Brodsky N, Jaycox J, Sheikha H, Jones K, Habet V, Campbell M, Sumida T, Kontorovich A, Bogunovic D, Oliveira C, Steele J, Hall E, Pena-Hernandez M, Monteiro V, Lucas C, Ring A, Omer S, Iwasaki A, Yildirim I, Lucas C. Cytokinopathy with aberrant cytotoxic lymphocytes and profibrotic myeloid response in SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine–associated myocarditis. Science Immunology 2023, 8: eadh3455-eadh3455. PMID: 37146127, PMCID: PMC10468758, DOI: 10.1126/sciimmunol.adh3455.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMRNA vaccinesSARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinesSARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccinationC-reactive protein levelsB-type natriuretic peptidePeripheral blood mononuclear cellsCardiac tissue inflammationDeep immune profilingSerum soluble CD163Vaccine-associated myocarditisCohort of patientsBlood mononuclear cellsCytotoxic T cellsLate gadolinium enhancementHypersensitivity myocarditisElevated troponinMRNA vaccinationImaging abnormalitiesNK cellsImmune profilingKiller cellsMyeloid responseNatriuretic peptideHumoral mechanismsInflammatory cytokinesMonoclonal Antibody Use for Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Pediatric Patients: A Multicenter Retrospective Study
Sherman G, Lamb G, Sharma T, Lloyd E, Nagel J, Dandam N, Oliveira C, Sheikha H, Anosike B, Lee P, Vora S, Patel K, Sue P, Rubbab B, Yarbrough A, Ganapathi L, Nakamura M. Monoclonal Antibody Use for Coronavirus Disease 2019 in Pediatric Patients: A Multicenter Retrospective Study. Journal Of The Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society 2023, 12: 152-155. PMID: 36928172, PMCID: PMC10112679, DOI: 10.1093/jpids/piac124.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchRoutine saliva testing for SARS-CoV-2 in children: Methods for partnering with community childcare centers
Rayack E, Askari H, Zirinsky E, Lapidus S, Sheikha H, Peno C, Kazemi Y, Yolda-Carr D, Liu C, Grubaugh N, Ko A, Wyllie A, Spatz E, Oliveira C, Bei A. Routine saliva testing for SARS-CoV-2 in children: Methods for partnering with community childcare centers. Frontiers In Public Health 2023, 11: 1003158. PMID: 36817891, PMCID: PMC9936085, DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1003158.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsParents/guardiansOnline patient portalYounger age groupsSARS-CoV-2Age groupsSurveillance programSaliva collectionSARS-CoV-2 testingSARS-CoV-2 screeningWeekly saliva samplesRT-PCR testingChildcare centre staffCritical age groupRoutine surveillance toolRoutine testing programsChildcare centersCOVID-19 transmissionAsymptomatic screeningSaliva collection methodNasal swabsPatient portalsSymptomatic testingPublic health dataSaliva samplesChildcare facilitiesClinical Epidemiology of Pediatric Coronavirus Disease 2019 and its Postacute Sequelae
Habet V, Oliveira C. Clinical Epidemiology of Pediatric Coronavirus Disease 2019 and its Postacute Sequelae. Seminars In Respiratory And Critical Care Medicine 2023, 44: 066-074. PMID: 36646086, PMCID: PMC9926930, DOI: 10.1055/s-0042-1759566.Commentaries, Editorials and LettersConceptsClinical epidemiologyCOVID-19Pediatric coronavirus disease 2019Pediatric COVID-19Multisystem inflammatory syndromeAcute respiratory illnessCoronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemicCoronavirus disease 2019Disease 2019 pandemicQuality of lifeHealth care systemBenign illnessCardiogenic shockInflammatory syndromeLong COVIDPostinfectious sequelaePediatric deathsRespiratory illnessPostacute sequelaeDisease 2019Mortality rateConsiderable burdenAge groupsCare systemSequelaeImprovement of Long COVID symptoms over one year
Oliveira C, Jason L, Unutmaz D, Bateman L, Vernon S. Improvement of Long COVID symptoms over one year. Frontiers In Medicine 2023, 9: 1065620. PMID: 36698810, PMCID: PMC9868805, DOI: 10.3389/fmed.2022.1065620.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchME/CFS patientsDePaul Symptom QuestionnaireME/CFSPositive COVID-19 testPASC patientsCFS patientsPost-exertional malaiseSignificant symptom improvementCOVID-19 testSymptom improvementDiagnostic criteriaMyalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndromeCOVID-19CFS diagnostic criteriaObservational cohort studyFlu-like symptomsIrritable bowel symptomsPost-acute sequelaeLong COVID symptomsChronic fatigue syndromeClinical diagnostic criteriaSymptoms of fatigueSimilar symptom severityFixed-effects modelBowel symptoms