In addition to providing comprehensive lists of publications, we are now using the third-party tool, Dimensions, to import faculty grant listings. In the next iteration of the faculty profile, now in development, grants you elect to display publicly will be listed. In the meantime, they may be imported into the CV builder.
Dimensions uses AI to associate publicly viewable grants data with individuals, and while the system is reliable we ask that faculty “approve” the grants to confirm that they truly did participate in the grant before we associate it with them in Beatrix.
If your Dimensions profile is set up for your publications, you will also start receiving notifications about approving past, current, and pending grants. If you “accept” the grants that you are or were involved in, and “reject” the grants that are inaccurate, you will no longer receive these emails. The accepted grants will only be used for the CV builder, and will not appear on your website profile.
The user interface works the same way as it does in the publications module.