The COVID pandemic affected academic career development by requiring additional clinical care effort by clinical faculty; severely restricting research laboratory and clinical investigation; and posing considerable challenges for faculty with dependent or sick children or relatives at home.
Led by Lawrence Young, MD, vice chair for Faculty Affairs, the department streamlined appointments, reappointments and promotions processes for July 2020. On March 21, Yale University Provost Scott A. Strobel announced a one-year extension of term for all assistant professors in the traditional, CS, CE, and investigator tracks, as well as for associate professors in the traditional and investigator tracks. Laura Whitley and her assistant Catherine Severino were instrumental in implementing the term extensions and leaves of absence. Young advised faculty members about their options and worked closely with section chiefs to formulate plans regarding individual faculty. Most eligible faculty members were approved for the term extensions, but others who prepared to proceed with an application for promotion in July 2021 were encouraged to do so.
Faculty triennial and sabbatical leaves during the spring of 2020 were adversely affected by the pandemic. The increased direct patient care demands as well as the need for clinical program leadership and restructuring precluded many faculty members from taking their academic leaves. In other cases, restrictions on travel interfered with triennial and sabbatical plans.