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Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting

Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting is available on seven cytometers and performed mostly by Flow Cytometry Facility personnel. It is important to provide information about the source and Biosafety level of the cells, fluorochromes used for staining and estimated amount of material.

To sort primary human materials on any of our Aria sorters, documented proof (such as a test slip) of patient's negative results of testing for HIV, Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C has to be provided prior to sort.

For sorting unscreened human material please contact

Sort requests can be scheduled via PPMS. You must have a valid account and CoA on file to request a sort. Cancellations should be made via PPMS as well as a courtesy email to sort operator if cancellation is within 48 hours of requested sort time. Please refer to Policies to learn about our scheduling and cancellation rules.

Depending on the cell type being investigated, there are a variety of procedures for preparing cells. Before labeling cells for sorting the antibody's concentration may need to be optimized, and appropriate negative and positive controls are needed. It is important to bring cells filtered and in single cell suspension, at proper concentration and stained with fluorochromes that are suitable for the cytometer of choice.

Cell preparation and staining can be requested.

Detailed information about each sorter's capabilities is available through the links on the left column. All facility cytometers can be viewed on the Fluorochromes and filters chart to help choose the appropriate machine.