Promoting the acquisition of basic and advanced clinical skills that are essential for medical students and residents to master.
About Us
We are the primary teaching site of the Yale School of Medicine and see over 100,000 emergency department patients annually. We established our Ultrasound Division in 2002 and started our Emergency Ultrasound Fellowship in 2003. Since 2011, we have been recognized as the Emergency Ultrasound Section of the Yale Department of Emergency Medicine.
Yale is an excellent environment for teaching and research, offering immense opportunities for collaboration. Our diverse patient population as a Level 1 trauma center and cancer center includes plentiful blunt and penetrating injury, pulmonary emboli, cardiac pathologies, oncological challenges, ectopic pregnancies and much more! We constantly rely upon ultrasound to make timely clinical decisions, and our faculty and residents are very knowledgeable in point-of-care applications.
Learn more about Emergency Ultrasound at the full section website.