Resident Simulation Education
Emergency medicine residents spend dedicated time in the Yale Center for Medical Simulation during each of their four years of residency.
- PGY-1 residents spend 2 weeks in the afternoon during their ultrasound rotation
- PGY-2 and PGY-3 residents spend 2 full weeks
- PGY-4 residents spend part of their administration rotation in YCMS.
- Most PGY-4 residents chose to spend an additional 2-4 weeks in the center as an elective
During each rotation, core simulation faculty create daily schedules for residents which includes formative ACGME milestone assessment, post-graduate year specific case participation, medical student teaching, procedural training, simulation case creation and programming, debriefing course and debriefing, difficult obstetric deliveries, and mini-courses in ventilation management, sepsis, toxicology, ophthalmology, and general emergency management
EM residents spend additional time at YCM learning suturing, airway management, central venous catheter insertion, and other emergency procedural training. The simulation faculty participate in the Education/Simulation area of concentration (AOC) and present topics on adult learning theory, simulation scenario creation, and lead an all-day SimWars.
YCMS is open 830am-5pm 5 days a week and is available to all Yale-New Haven Hospital (YNHH) residents. Simulation faculty also participate in resident milestone evaluations for various Yale residency programs in conjunction with their program directors. Additional educational opportunities for YNHH residents include a “Resident as Teacher” curriculum: senior medicine residents learn and practice scenario creation, execution and debriefing during this elective. Faculty are available to work one on one with residents who perceive deficiencies and will run scenarios or supervise procedures to remediate these deficits in training.
Each year, several emergency medicine residents choose to participate in research projects with the YCMS faculty and under the guidance of faculty, present at local, regional and national conferences. All projects result in publication-quality manuscripts.