Emergency Medicine Program for Students Underrepresented in Medicine (URM)
Inaugurated in 2016, the DEM scholarship program offers an opportunity for URM medical students to spend four weeks in an emergency medicine sub-internship at Yale New Haven Hospital. Participating students are immersed in clinical medicine and have the opportunity to shadow and learn firsthand from with faculty, residents and leadership. Fourth year URM medical students in good standing who are enrolled in a U.S. LCME accredited allopathic institution are eligible to apply.
Accepted applicants will receive up to $1,500 to assist in travel and lodging during their rotation.Application Process and Requirements
After applying to our sub-internship through VSAS, interested applicants should email their CV and a statement explaining their interests in leadership and academics to Lisa Courtney at lisa.courtney@yale.edu. For questions, please also contact lisa.courtney@yale.edu.