Behavioral Health and Chronic Illness
Emergency medicine includes caring for patients with an intersection of mental illness and chronic illnesses that are exacerbated by structural barriers to care and socioeconomic disadvantages. Our faculty are funded nationally to address these challenges using novel technologies and therapeutics to target these traditionally marginalized individuals as they interface with emergency care.
Current Research and Projects
Characterizing Bias and Care Disparities with Physical Restraint Use in the Emergency Setting
National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities
Investigators: Ambrose Wong, MD, MHS
In this study, we will uncover factors that lead to disproportionate use of invasive treatment on historically marginalized populations during episodes of agitation by using computational and systems science methods on clinical texts, healthcare records, and clinician interviews.
Clinical Decision Support Tool to Assess Risk and Prevent Agitation Events
National Institute of Mental Health
Investigators: Ambrose Wong, MD, MHS
This study aims to develop and test an electronic health record-based clinical decision support tool to help clinicians appropriately invest patient-centered resources for at-risk behavioral patients and prevent symptoms of agitation from occurring.