Everyone12:00 PM1:00 PMSara N Edmond, PhDAddiction Medicine Grand Rounds: Diagnostic Uncertainty in Prescription Opioid Use: When Harms Outweigh BenefitsThis session will be held virtually via Zoom. Register via the link provided. https://yalesurvey.ca1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3ReMXcW5BYKVknYAdd event to Calendar
Yale Only12:00 PM1:00 PMDonna Windish, MD, MPH - Melissa Langhan, MD, MHSYES!: "Educational Scholarship: Expanding Beyond Curriculum Development"https://yale.zoom.us/j/7722423961Add event to Calendar
Everyone12:00 PM1:00 PMGideon Lasco, MD, PhDAddiction Medicine Grand Rounds: Substance Use and Addiction Treatment in the PhilippinesThis session will be held virtually via Zoom. Registration link forthcoming.Add event to Calendar