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How do I apply to YES?

YES has a separate NRMP number: 1089110C1. Make sure to apply for both YES and our traditional four year residency (NRMP# 1089110C0).

Can I apply to YES once I am in the traditional residency program?
There are two YES slots per PGY. We expect these slots to be filled during the NRMP match. Internal applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
How much research do I need to apply?
Highly ranked applicants have had varied pre-residency research experiences, but all shared an interest in and dedication to a research-focused career.
Do I need to know what project I will work on as a resident/fellow?
There is no expectation that incoming residents commit to a particular project. Our department is deeply invested in research with many potential mentors available to applicants. Many projects are inspired by clinical exposure.
Can I rank both YES and the traditional residency tracks? How does the interview day work?
YES applicants will have separate interview days for both the categorical residency and the YES program. Applicants must attend both interview days to be considered for YES.
Am I expected to be doing research during PGY-1 and PGY-2 years?
We prioritize clinical training and competence over research during PGY-1 and PGY-2 years. While past residents have been academically productive during this time, we are committed to establishing clinical excellence during all four years of residency.
How does the shift reduction work during the PGY-3 and PGY-4 years?

During the PGY-3 year, YES residents do not complete rotations in simulation, the Crisis Intervention Unit (Emergency Psychiatry), or electives, instead converting that time to additional months at Yale with a reduced monthly shift burden. In the past, this reduction was accomplished by having YES PGY-3s complete 6 clinical blocks over 9 blocks.

During the PGY-4 year, YES residents do not complete simulation or electives. YES PGY-4s complete 6.5 blocks of emergency department shifts over 9 blocks.

YES residents graduate along with their traditional-resident colleagues in June of their PGY-4 year, and become board-prepared at that time.

Please note that this information is subject to change based on the academic requirements of individual residents.

What is the exposure to simulation during residency?
SIM is incorporated into all four years of the traditional residency track. YES residents participate in SIM during their PGY-1 and PGY-2 years.
How does the PGY-5 year work?
During the PGY-5 (fellowship) year, the YES fellows work approximately 8 shifts per month primarily at Yale New Haven Hospital’s three EDs (York St. campus, St. Raphael campus, freestanding Shoreline ED). YES fellowship salary is commensurate with that of a PGY-5 and includes MHS tuition. Individuals not pursuing the MHS will still have open access to Yale coursework and resources.
What is the core academic coursework for the MHS degree?
  1. Summer PGY-2 to 3: Basic “crash-course” in biostatistical theory and methods
  2. Summer PGY-3 to 4: courses in biostats, qualitative methods, and quantitative methods (about 10-12 hours/week) from National Clinician Scholars Program (NCSP); optional healthcare policy coursework (1-2 hours/week)
  3. Fall PGY-4: continue NCSP biostats (optional additional research methods classes); research ethics course taught by Investigative Medicine Program (IMP) (total about 5-6 hours/week)
  4. Spring PGY-4: continue NCSP biostats (4-6 hours/week)
  5. PGY-5: Clinical research design course taught by YES faculty; grant writing course taught by IMP faculty

Class time is protected from clinical shifts for PGY-3 and 4 residents. Most coursework is taught by faculty from the National Clinical Scholars Program at Yale); more info at link below. Tuition for the all coursework is paid for by the YES program. For interested residents, additional optional coursework can be completed through almost any of Yale’s graduate schools (e.g., computer science, statistics, etc).

Curriculum Summary for Advanced Health Sciences Research (AHSR) Course Participants

I already have an advanced research degree - do I still need to complete a MHS?
The YES program is intended to enable residents to reach their academic goals. Courses of study will be catered to individual needs in discussion with YES program leadership.
What funding is available to YES residents?

YES residents are expected to apply for internal departmental research funding during their PGY-3 and PGY-4 years. Residents may apply sooner, if they have an appropriate project.

Conference funding: the Yale Emergency Medicine residency program has traditionally offered support for residents presenting their research or otherwise representing the program at national meetings. Associated costs, such as poster printing, are often covered by the department as well.

Research support: YES residents have access to faculty and departmental resources (specifically research support and statistical staff) while preparing applications for competitive national funding sources (e.g., SAEMF-RAMS).

GME Stipend: The above funding sources are in addition to the annual GME stipend offered to all residents (usually amounts to ~$1100 annually, before some costs for ACEP/SAEM dues and educational materials are covered).

Technology: The hospital issues Apple iPhones to all residents for clinical use (including data plan); some residents opt to use this as their personal cell-phone as well. A large amount of statistical and other scientific software is available to residents at low or no cost. YES residents and fellows have access to some hospital and departmental computing resources, including storage space on servers, department issued research laptops, and office working space. Through collaborations with other Yale schools and departments, additional resources may be available as well, including “wet” biomedical labs, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) support, cluster/high-performance computing access, 3-D printing and mechanical workshops.

Who are the current YES residents and fellow(s)?