The neural characteristics influencing literacy outcome in children with cochlear implants
Koirala N, Manning J, Neumann S, Anderson C, Deroche M, Wolfe J, Pugh K, Landi N, Muthuraman M, Gracco V. The neural characteristics influencing literacy outcome in children with cochlear implants. Brain Communications 2025, fcaf086. DOI: 10.1093/braincomms/fcaf086.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Neural Processing of Speech Sounds in Autistic Kindergarteners as a Predictor of Reading Outcomes
Manning B, Hosseini K, Yang E, Buzzell G, Landi N, Kim S. Neural Processing of Speech Sounds in Autistic Kindergarteners as a Predictor of Reading Outcomes. Journal Of Autism And Developmental Disorders 2024, 1-18. PMID: 39578316, DOI: 10.1007/s10803-024-06638-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEarly auditory event-related potentialsSpeech sound processingReading abilitySpeech soundsAutistic childrenReading developmentNeural processing of speech soundsAssociated with reading abilityProcessing of speech soundsResponses to speech soundsMeasures of reading abilitySignificant three-way interactionProcessing speech soundsEvent-related potentialsAuditory event-related potentialsPoor reading skillsSound processingWord recognition abilityThree-way interactionFollow-up analysisNonverbal IQBisyllabic pseudowordsNeural differencesNeural substratesNeural basisProsodic Features in Production Reflect Reading Comprehension Skill in High School Students
Breen M, Van Dyke J, Krivokapić J, Landi N. Prosodic Features in Production Reflect Reading Comprehension Skill in High School Students. Journal Of Experimental Psychology Learning Memory And Cognition 2024, 50: 1662-1682. PMID: 38647458, PMCID: PMC11493852, DOI: 10.1037/xlm0001355.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchReading comprehension skillsHigh school readersHigh school studentsComprehension skillsProsodic cuesProficient readersSchool readersDiscourse coherenceSchool studentsSemantic structureLower-level skillsYes-no questionsProsodic productionWh-questionsReading abilityReading comprehensionFluencyMulticlausal sentencesEarly readersAcoustic cuesYes-noProsodic featuresCuesShort storiesSkills
Will you read how I will read? Naturalistic fMRI predictors of emergent reading
Wat E, Jangraw D, Finn E, Bandettini P, Preston J, Landi N, Hoeft F, Frost S, Lau A, Chen G, Pugh K, Molfese P. Will you read how I will read? Naturalistic fMRI predictors of emergent reading. Neuropsychologia 2023, 193: 108763. PMID: 38141965, PMCID: PMC11370251, DOI: 10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2023.108763.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
The impact of computer–assisted technology on literacy acquisition during COVID-19-related school closures: Group–level effects and predictors of individual–level outcomes
Richter C, Siegelman N, Mahaffy K, Van Den Bunt M, Kearns D, Landi N, Sabatini J, Pugh K, Hoeft F. The impact of computer–assisted technology on literacy acquisition during COVID-19-related school closures: Group–level effects and predictors of individual–level outcomes. Frontiers In Psychology 2022, 13: 1001555. PMID: 36533015, PMCID: PMC9755674, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1001555.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEarly literacy skillsRegular school yearLetter-sound knowledgeSchool yearSchool closuresCOVID-19-related school closuresStandardized measuresSchool shutdownsLiteracy progressLiteracy skillsInstructional toolAcademic yearPerson instructionReading growthLiteracy acquisitionReading skillsReading developmentCOVID-19 pandemicRime awarenessInstructionProfile of childrenSkillsComputer-assisted technologyProgramChildrenResearcher–practitioner partnerships and in‐school laboratories facilitate translational research in reading
Landi N, Kleinman D, Agrawal V, Ashton G, Coyne‐Green A, Roberts P, Blair N, Russell J, Stutzman A, Scorrano D, Frazier N, Pugh K, Hoeft F. Researcher–practitioner partnerships and in‐school laboratories facilitate translational research in reading. Journal Of Research In Reading 2022, 45: 367-384. PMID: 36970562, PMCID: PMC10038566, DOI: 10.1111/1467-9817.12392.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEvent-Related Potentials to Speech Relate to Speech Sound Production and Language in Young Children
Harwood V, Preston J, Baron A, Kleinman D, Landi N. Event-Related Potentials to Speech Relate to Speech Sound Production and Language in Young Children. Developmental Neuropsychology 2022, 47: 105-123. PMID: 35133218, PMCID: PMC10393112, DOI: 10.1080/87565641.2022.2036154.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSpeech sound productionEvent-related potential componentN2 event-related potential componentEvent-related potentialsYoung childrenChildhood language developmentEarly childhood language developmentPhonemic sensitivitySpeech perceptionReceptive languageLanguage performanceN2 componentLanguage developmentElectrophysiological measuresHaskins LaboratoriesSound productionPotential componentsNew tokenAmplitude differenceEarly childhoodAmerican speechLanguageChildrenClinical measuresPseudowords
Reading intervention and neuroplasticity: A systematic review and meta-analysis of brain changes associated with reading intervention
Perdue M, Mahaffy K, Vlahcevic K, Wolfman E, Erbeli F, Richlan F, Landi N. Reading intervention and neuroplasticity: A systematic review and meta-analysis of brain changes associated with reading intervention. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 2021, 132: 465-494. PMID: 34856223, PMCID: PMC10327490, DOI: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2021.11.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsMeta-analytic findingsReading networkSub-cortical regionsIndividual differencesBrain mechanismsBrain activationEfficacy of interventionsIntervention programsBehavioral researchBrain changesFurther empirical researchSensory systemsEmpirical researchInterventionEvidence of changesMethodological heterogeneityTerms of interactionsTaskNeuroplasticityBrainResearchParticipantsQualitative synthesisReadingDisabilityAudiovisual Speech Perception in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Evidence from Visual Phonemic Restoration
Irwin J, Avery T, Kleinman D, Landi N. Audiovisual Speech Perception in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders: Evidence from Visual Phonemic Restoration. Journal Of Autism And Developmental Disorders 2021, 52: 28-37. PMID: 33630253, DOI: 10.1007/s10803-021-04916-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAutism spectrum disorderSpectrum disorderSpeech perceptionPhonemic restorationAudiovisual speech perceptionPhonemic restoration paradigmAudiovisual processingVisual speechNeural signaturesDiscrimination responsesAuditory cuesSpeaker's faceAuditory stimuliOnly childRestoration paradigmSyllablesReduced influenceChildrenPerceptionSpeakersDisordersFaceASDAuditoryConsonants
Prior reproductive experience modulates neural responses to infant faces across the postpartum period
Bunderson M, Diaz D, Maupin A, Landi N, Potenza MN, Mayes LC, Rutherford HJV. Prior reproductive experience modulates neural responses to infant faces across the postpartum period. Social Neuroscience 2020, 15: 650-654. PMID: 33155504, PMCID: PMC7771045, DOI: 10.1080/17470919.2020.1847729.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchComparison of Neurocognitive Outcomes in Postoperative Adolescents with Unilateral Coronal Synostosis.
Wu RT, Gabrick KS, Singh A, Landi N, Taylor JA, Bartlett SP, Persing JA, Alperovich M. Comparison of Neurocognitive Outcomes in Postoperative Adolescents with Unilateral Coronal Synostosis. Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery 2020, 146: 614-619. PMID: 32842112, DOI: 10.1097/prs.0000000000007067.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPerformance intelligence quotientVisual-motor integrationVerbal intelligence quotientIntelligence quotientMean full-scale intelligence quotientMotor integrationLeft-sided patientsRight-side patientsNonsyndromic craniosynostosisLong-term functionLarge population studiesCranial vaultHigh motor coordinationMotor achievementsUnilateral coronal synostosisFull-scale intelligence quotientIndependent predictorsFemale patientsStudy cohortNeurodevelopmental assessmentAverage intelligence quotient scoresMean ageControl subjectsNeurocognitive outcomesIntelligence quotient scoresN400 amplitude, latency, and variability reflect temporal integration of beat gesture and pitch accent during language processing
Morett LM, Landi N, Irwin J, McPartland JC. N400 amplitude, latency, and variability reflect temporal integration of beat gesture and pitch accent during language processing. Brain Research 2020, 1747: 147059. PMID: 32818527, PMCID: PMC7493208, DOI: 10.1016/j.brainres.2020.147059.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchManifesto for new directions in developmental science
Barbot B, Hein S, Trentacosta C, Beckmann JF, Bick J, Crocetti E, Liu Y, Rao SF, Liew J, Overbeek G, Ponguta LA, Scheithauer H, Super C, Arnett J, Bukowski W, Cook TD, Côté J, Eccles JS, Eid M, Hiraki K, Johnson M, Juang L, Landi N, Leckman J, McCardle P, Mulvey KL, Piquero AR, Preiss DD, Siegler R, Soenens B, Yousafzai AK, Bornstein MH, Cooper CR, Goossens L, Harkness S, van IJzendoorn M. Manifesto for new directions in developmental science. New Directions For Child And Adolescent Development 2020, 2020: 135-149. PMID: 32960503, DOI: 10.1002/cad.20359.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Neurocognitive Markers of Developmental Dyslexia
Shuai L, Frost S, Landi N, Mencl W, Pugh K. Neurocognitive Markers of Developmental Dyslexia. 2019, 277-306. DOI: 10.1017/9781108553377.013.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDyslexia and Its Neurobiological Basis
Jasińska K, Landi N. Dyslexia and Its Neurobiological Basis. 2019, 625-646. DOI: 10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190672027.013.25.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDevelopmental dyslexiaProfile of impairmentSkilled readingSpelling abilityPoor decodingCognitive processesCognitive performanceNeurobiological evidenceDevelopmental theoryNeurobiological basisBehavior connectionsNeural systemsDyslexiaReadingTypical levelsNeuroimagingMasteryIntelligenceImpairmentMultiple factorsChildrenDisordersDecodingContextConsiderable heterogeneity
Atypical phonemic discrimination but not audiovisual speech integration in children with autism and the broader autism phenotype.
Irwin J, Avery T, Turcios J, Brancazio L, Cook B, Landi N. Atypical phonemic discrimination but not audiovisual speech integration in children with autism and the broader autism phenotype. 2017, 138-143. DOI: 10.21437/avsp.2017-26.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCurrent Tobacco-Smoking and Neural Responses to Infant Cues in Mothers
Rutherford H, Maupin A, Landi N, Potenza M, Mayes L. Current Tobacco-Smoking and Neural Responses to Infant Cues in Mothers. Parenting 2017, 17: 1-10. DOI: 10.1080/15295192.2017.1262176.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInfant cuesNeural responsesN170 event-related potential componentEvent-related potential (ERP) measuresEvent-related potential componentInfant face perceptionMaternal neural responseEvent-related potentialsFace perceptionEmotional infantNon-smoking mothersChild developmentMaternal physical healthPhysical healthPostpartum smokingPotential componentsSmoking statusMaternal brainPotential measuresCuesCurrent tobacco smokingCurrent smoking statusCurrent smokingTobacco smokingMothers
An event related potentials method for assessing audiovisual speech integration: Implications for children with autism spectrum disorders
Irwin J, Brancazio L, Turcios J, Avery T, Landi N. An event related potentials method for assessing audiovisual speech integration: Implications for children with autism spectrum disorders. The Journal Of The Acoustical Society Of America 2016, 140: 3444-3444. DOI: 10.1121/1.4971110.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchAutism spectrum disorderSpeech integrationSpectrum disorderAudiovisual speech perceptionAV speech integrationAudiovisual speech integrationTypes of stimuliAV processingAudiovisual speechAV stimuliAudiovisual integrationSpeech perceptionSpeech stimuliAuditory noiseVisual stimuliPerceptual studiesVisual informationClear exemplarsStimuliPrevious researchSyllablesAuditoryChildrenNovel measureProcessing problemsNeuroimaging Perspectives on Skilled and Impaired Reading and the Bilingual Experience
Jasińska K, Frost S, Molfese P, Landi N, Mencl W, Rueckl J, Pugh K. Neuroimaging Perspectives on Skilled and Impaired Reading and the Bilingual Experience. Literacy Studies 2016, 12: 25-49. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-30478-6_3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFluent readingComprehensive neurobiological modelProcessing speed impairmentBilingual experiencePhonological awarenessDevelopmental dyslexiaImpaired readingCognitive processesReading developmentNeurobiological modelsUnderlying deficitSpeed impairmentPhonological processesNeural systemsMultilingual experiencesBehavioral researchRelevant behavioral researchRecent researchReadingImpairmentDyslexiaResearchExperienceSkilledMultiple sources
Correction to “Maternal neural responses to infant cries and faces: relationships with substance use”
Landi N, Montoya J, Kober H, Rutherford H, Mencl W, Worhunsky P, Potenza M, Mayes L. Correction to “Maternal neural responses to infant cries and faces: relationships with substance use”. Frontiers In Psychiatry 2013, 3: 115. PMCID: PMC3566562, DOI: 10.3389/fpsyt.2012.00115.Commentaries, Editorials and Letters