Pregnancy-Related Factors and Breast Cancer Risk for Women Across a Range of Familial Risk
McDonald J, Liao Y, Knight J, John E, Kurian A, Daly M, Buys S, Huang Y, Frost C, Andrulis I, Colonna S, Friedlander M, Hopper J, Chung W, Genkinger J, MacInnis R, Terry M, Amor D, Andrews L, Antill Y, Balleine R, Beesley J, Bennett I, Bogwitz M, Bodek S, Botes L, Brennan M, Brown M, Buckley M, Burke J, Butow P, Caldon L, Campbell I, Cao M, Chakrabarti A, Chauhan D, Chauhan M, Chenevix-Trench G, Christian A, Cohen P, Colley A, Crook A, Cui J, Courtney E, Cummings M, Dawson S, deFazio A, Delatycki M, Dickson R, Dixon J, Edwards S, Farshid G, Fellows A, Fenton G, Field M, Flanagan J, Fong P, Forrest L, Fox S, French J, Friedlander M, Gaff C, Gattas M, George P, Greening S, Harris M, Hart S, Harraka P, Hayward N, Hopper J, Hoskins C, Hunt C, James P, Jenkins M, Kidd A, Kirk J, Koehler J, Kollias J, Lakhani S, Lawrence M, Lee J, Li S, Lindeman G, Lippey J, Lipton L, Lobb L, Loi S, Mann G, Marsh D, McLachlan S, Meiser B, Milne R, Nightingale S, O'Connell S, O'Sullivan S, Gallego Ortega D, Pachter N, Pang J, Pathak G, Patterson B, Pearn A, Phillips K, Pieper E, Ramus S, Rickard E, Ragunathan A, Robinson B, Saleh M, Skandarajah A, Salisbury E, Saunders C, Saunus J, Savas P, Scott R, Scott C, Sexton A, Shaw J, Shelling A, Srinivasa S, Simpson P, Southey M, Spurdle A, Taylor J, Taylor R, Thorne H, Trainer A, Tucker K, Visvader J, Walker L, Williams R, Winship I, Young M, Zaheed M. Pregnancy-Related Factors and Breast Cancer Risk for Women Across a Range of Familial Risk. JAMA Network Open 2024, 7: e2427441. PMID: 39186276, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2024.27441.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPregnancy-related factorsFull-term pregnancyBC riskNulliparous womenProspective Family Study CohortBreast Cancer Family RegistryBreast cancerBC diagnosisER-negative BCCohort studyHazard ratioCancer Family RegistryBreast cancer riskPersonal history of BCBC family historyCohort study of womenHistory of BCCohort of womenCox proportional hazards regression modelsProportional hazards regression modelsStudy of womenER-negative diseaseFamily RegistryHazards regression modelsScreening guidelinesAn exploratory analysis of the impact of area-level exposome on geographic disparities in aggressive prostate cancer
Wiese D, DuBois T, Sorice K, Fang C, Ragin C, Daly M, Reese A, Henry K, Lynch S. An exploratory analysis of the impact of area-level exposome on geographic disparities in aggressive prostate cancer. Scientific Reports 2024, 14: 16900. PMID: 39075110, PMCID: PMC11286755, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-63726-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSocial determinants of health domainsElevated oddsTract-level povertyAggressive prostate cancer casesExposome researchDesign targeted interventionsAssociated with raceAggressive prostate cancerSocial determinantsCancer burdenHealth domainsGeographic disparitiesLocal cancer burdenHealth insuranceLogistic regressionExposome factorsAssociation studiesRisk factorsOddsResidential locationExposomeGeographical areasExploratory analysisProstate cancerHealth
NCCN Guidelines® Insights: Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic, Version 2.2024.
Daly M, Pal T, Maxwell K, Churpek J, Kohlmann W, AlHilli Z, Arun B, Buys S, Cheng H, Domchek S, Friedman S, Giri V, Goggins M, Hagemann A, Hendrix A, Hutton M, Karlan B, Kassem N, Khan S, Khoury K, Kurian A, Laronga C, Mak J, Mansour J, McDonnell K, Menendez C, Merajver S, Norquist B, Offit K, Rash D, Reiser G, Senter-Jamieson L, Shannon K, Visvanathan K, Welborn J, Wick M, Wood M, Yurgelun M, Dwyer M, Darlow S. NCCN Guidelines® Insights: Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian, and Pancreatic, Version 2.2024. Journal Of The National Comprehensive Cancer Network 2023, 21: 1000-1010. PMID: 37856201, DOI: 10.6004/jnccn.2023.0051.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGenetic/Familial High-Risk AssessmentNCCN guidelinesHigh-risk assessmentProstate cancerLP variantsGenetic counseling/testingNCCN Guidelines InsightsRisk of breastLi-Fraumeni syndromeUterine cancerOvarian cancerBreast cancerHereditary predispositionCare strategiesRisk reduction strategiesPathogenic variantsCancerBreastOvarianGender diverse peopleImportant updatesGuidelinesAssessmentSyndromePancreatic
Polygenic risk modeling for prediction of epithelial ovarian cancer risk
Dareng EO, Tyrer JP, Barnes DR, Jones MR, Yang X, Aben KKH, Adank MA, Agata S, Andrulis IL, Anton-Culver H, Antonenkova NN, Aravantinos G, Arun BK, Augustinsson A, Balmaña J, Bandera EV, Barkardottir RB, Barrowdale D, Beckmann MW, Beeghly-Fadiel A, Benitez J, Bermisheva M, Bernardini MQ, Bjorge L, Black A, Bogdanova NV, Bonanni B, Borg A, Brenton JD, Budzilowska A, Butzow R, Buys SS, Cai H, Caligo MA, Campbell I, Cannioto R, Cassingham H, Chang-Claude J, Chanock SJ, Chen K, Chiew YE, Chung WK, Claes KBM, Colonna S, Cook L, Couch F, Daly M, Dao F, Davies E, de la Hoya M, de Putter R, Dennis J, DePersia A, Devilee P, Diez O, Ding Y, Doherty J, Domchek S, Dörk T, du Bois A, Dürst M, Eccles D, Eliassen H, Engel C, Evans G, Fasching P, Flanagan J, Fortner R, Machackova E, Friedman E, Ganz P, Garber J, Gensini F, Giles G, Glendon G, Godwin A, Goodman M, Greene M, Gronwald J, Hahnen E, Haiman C, Håkansson N, Hamann U, Hansen T, Harris H, Hartman M, Heitz F, Hildebrandt M, Høgdall E, Høgdall C, Hopper J, Huang R, Huff C, Hulick P, Huntsman D, Imyanitov E, Isaacs C, Jakubowska A, James P, Janavicius R, Jensen A, Johannsson O, John E, Jones M, Kang D, Karlan B, Karnezis A, Kelemen L, Khusnutdinova E, Kiemeney L, Kim B, Kjaer S, Komenaka I, Kupryjanczyk J, Kurian A, Kwong A, Lambrechts D, Larson M, Lazaro C, Le N, Leslie G, Lester J, Lesueur F, Levine D, Li L, Li J, Loud J, Lu K, Lubiński J, Mai P, Manoukian S, Marks J, Matsuno R, Matsuo K, May T, McGuffog L, McLaughlin J, McNeish I, Mebirouk N, Menon U, Miller A, Milne R, Minlikeeva A, Modugno F, Montagna M, Moysich K, Munro E, Nathanson K, Neuhausen S, Nevanlinna H, Yie J, Nielsen H, Nielsen F, Nikitina-Zake L, Odunsi K, Offit K, Olah E, Olbrecht S, Olopade O, Olson S, Olsson H, Osorio A, Papi L, Park S, Parsons M, Pathak H, Pedersen I, Peixoto A, Pejovic T, Perez-Segura P, Permuth J, Peshkin B, Peterlongo P, Piskorz A, Prokofyeva D, Radice P, Rantala J, Riggan M, Risch H, Rodriguez-Antona C, Ross E, Rossing M, Runnebaum I, Sandler D, Santamariña M, Soucy P, Schmutzler R, Setiawan V, Shan K, Sieh W, Simard J, Singer C, Sokolenko A, Song H, Southey M, Steed H, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Sutphen R, Swerdlow A, Tan Y, Teixeira M, Teo S, Terry K, Terry M, Thomassen M, Thompson P, Thomsen L, Thull D, Tischkowitz M, Titus L, Toland A, Torres D, Trabert B, Travis R, Tung N, Tworoger S, Valen E, van Altena A, van der Hout A, Van Nieuwenhuysen E, van Rensburg E, Vega A, Edwards D, Vierkant R, Wang F, Wappenschmidt B, Webb P, Weinberg C, Weitzel J, Wentzensen N, White E, Whittemore A, Winham S, Wolk A, Woo Y, Wu A, Yan L, Yannoukakos D, Zavaglia K, Zheng W, Ziogas A, Zorn K, Kleibl Z, Easton D, Lawrenson K, DeFazio A, Sellers T, Ramus S, Pearce C, Monteiro A, Cunningham J, Goode E, Schildkraut J, Berchuck A, Chenevix-Trench G, Gayther S, Antoniou A, Pharoah P. Polygenic risk modeling for prediction of epithelial ovarian cancer risk. European Journal Of Human Genetics 2022, 30: 349-362. PMID: 35027648, PMCID: PMC8904525, DOI: 10.1038/s41431-021-00987-7.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Functional annotation of the 2q35 breast cancer risk locus implicates a structural variant in influencing activity of a long-range enhancer element
Baxter J, Johnson N, Tomczyk K, Gillespie A, Maguire S, Brough R, Fachal L, Michailidou K, Bolla M, Wang Q, Dennis J, Ahearn T, Andrulis I, Anton-Culver H, Antonenkova N, Arndt V, Aronson K, Augustinsson A, Becher H, Beckmann M, Behrens S, Benitez J, Bermisheva M, Bogdanova N, Bojesen S, Brenner H, Brucker S, Cai Q, Campa D, Canzian F, Castelao J, Chan T, Chang-Claude J, Chanock S, Chenevix-Trench G, Choi J, Clarke C, Collaborators N, Colonna S, Conroy D, Couch F, Cox A, Cross S, Czene K, Daly M, Devilee P, Dörk T, Dossus L, Dwek M, Eccles D, Ekici A, Eliassen A, Engel C, Fasching P, Figueroa J, Flyger H, Gago-Dominguez M, Gao C, GarcÃa-Closas M, GarcÃa-Sáenz J, Ghoussaini M, Giles G, Goldberg M, González-Neira A, Guénel P, Gündert M, Haeberle L, Hahnen E, Haiman C, Hall P, Hamann U, Hartman M, Hatse S, Hauke J, Hollestelle A, Hoppe R, Hopper J, Hou M, Investigators K, Investigators A, Ito H, Iwasaki M, Jager A, Jakubowska A, Janni W, John E, Joseph V, Jung A, Kaaks R, Kang D, Keeman R, Khusnutdinova E, Kim S, Kosma V, Kraft P, Kristensen V, Kubelka-Sabit K, Kurian A, Kwong A, Lacey J, Lambrechts D, Larson N, Larsson S, Le Marchand L, Lejbkowicz F, Li J, Long J, Lophatananon A, LubiÅ„ski J, Mannermaa A, Manoochehri M, Manoukian S, Margolin S, Matsuo K, Mavroudis D, Mayes R, Menon U, Milne R, Taib N, Muir K, Muranen T, Murphy R, Nevanlinna H, O’Brien K, Offit K, Olson J, Olsson H, Park S, Park-Simon T, Patel A, Peterlongo P, Peto J, Plaseska-Karanfilska D, Presneau N, Pylkäs K, Rack B, Rennert G, Romero A, Ruebner M, Rüdiger T, Saloustros E, Sandler D, Sawyer E, Schmidt M, Schmutzler R, Schneeweiss A, Schoemaker M, Shah M, Shen C, Shu X, Simard J, Southey M, Stone J, Surowy H, Swerdlow A, Tamimi R, Tapper W, Taylor J, Teo S, Teras L, Terry M, Toland A, Tomlinson I, Truong T, Tseng C, Untch M, Vachon C, van den Ouweland A, Wang S, Weinberg C, Wendt C, Winham S, Winqvist R, Wolk A, Wu A, Yamaji T, Zheng W, Ziogas A, Pharoah P, Dunning A, Easton D, Pettitt S, Lord C, Haider S, Orr N, Fletcher O. Functional annotation of the 2q35 breast cancer risk locus implicates a structural variant in influencing activity of a long-range enhancer element. American Journal Of Human Genetics 2021, 108: 1190-1203. PMID: 34146516, PMCID: PMC8322933, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2021.05.013.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBreast cancer risk lociCredible causal variantsCancer risk lociRegulatory elementsCausal variantsRisk lociCell type-specific transcriptionDeletion alleleTranscription factor binding regionsIdentified putative regulatory elementsChIP-seq dataPutative regulatory elementsCell type-specific expressionSignal 2ChIP-seqFunctional annotationStructural variantsDNase IBinding regionCRISPR assayIGFBP5 promoterEstrogen receptor-positive breast cancerReceptor-positive breast cancerRisk of estrogen receptor-positive breast cancerLoci
Polygenic risk scores and breast and epithelial ovarian cancer risks for carriers of BRCA1 and BRCA2 pathogenic variants
Barnes DR, Rookus MA, McGuffog L, Leslie G, Mooij TM, Dennis J, Mavaddat N, Adlard J, Ahmed M, Aittomäki K, Andrieu N, Andrulis IL, Arnold N, Arun BK, Azzollini J, Balmaña J, Barkardottir RB, Barrowdale D, Benitez J, Berthet P, Białkowska K, Blanco AM, Blok MJ, Bonanni B, Boonen SE, Borg Å, Bozsik A, Bradbury AR, Brennan P, Brewer C, Brunet J, Buys SS, Caldés T, Caligo MA, Campbell I, Christensen LL, Chung WK, Claes KBM, Colas C, Collonge-Rame M, Cook J, Daly M, Davidson R, de la Hoya M, de Putter R, Delnatte C, Devilee P, Diez O, Ding Y, Domchek S, Dorfling C, Dumont M, Eeles R, Ejlertsen B, Engel C, Evans D, Faivre L, Foretova L, Fostira F, Friedlander M, Friedman E, Frost D, Ganz P, Garber J, Gehrig A, Gerdes A, Gesta P, Giraud S, Glendon G, Godwin A, Goldgar D, González-Neira A, Greene M, Gschwantler-Kaulich D, Hahnen E, Hamann U, Hanson H, Hentschel J, Hogervorst F, Hooning M, Horvath J, Hu C, Hulick P, Imyanitov E, Isaacs C, Izatt L, Izquierdo A, Jakubowska A, James P, Janavicius R, John E, Joseph V, Karlan B, Kast K, Koudijs M, Kruse T, Kwong A, Laitman Y, Lasset C, Lazaro C, Lester J, Lesueur F, Liljegren A, Loud J, Lubiński J, Mai P, Manoukian S, Mari V, Mebirouk N, Meijers-Heijboer H, Meindl A, Mensenkamp A, Miller A, Montagna M, Mouret-Fourme E, Mukherjee S, Mulligan A, Nathanson K, Neuhausen S, Nevanlinna H, Niederacher D, Nielsen F, Nikitina-Zake L, Noguès C, Olah E, Olopade O, Ong K, O’Shaughnessy-Kirwan A, Osorio A, Ott C, Papi L, Park S, Parsons M, Pedersen I, Peissel B, Peixoto A, Peterlongo P, Pfeiler G, Phillips K, Prajzendanc K, Pujana M, Radice P, Ramser J, Ramus S, Rantala J, Rennert G, Risch H, Robson M, Rønlund K, Salani R, Schuster H, Senter L, Shah P, Sharma P, Side L, Singer C, Slavin T, Soucy P, Southey M, Spurdle A, Steinemann D, Steinsnyder Z, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Sutter C, Tan Y, Teixeira M, Teo S, Thull D, Tischkowitz M, Tognazzo S, Toland A, Trainer A, Tung N, van Engelen K, van Rensburg E, Vega A, Vierstraete J, Wagner G, Walker L, Wang-Gohrke S, Wappenschmidt B, Weitzel J, Yadav S, Yang X, Yannoukakos D, Zimbalatti D, Offit K, Thomassen M, Couch F, Schmutzler R, Simard J, Easton D, Chenevix-Trench G, Antoniou A. Polygenic risk scores and breast and epithelial ovarian cancer risks for carriers of BRCA1 and BRCA2 pathogenic variants. Genetics In Medicine 2020, 22: 1653-1666. PMID: 32665703, PMCID: PMC7521995, DOI: 10.1038/s41436-020-0862-x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEpithelial ovarian cancerPathogenic variant carriersProspective cohortPolygenic risk scoresVariant carriersCancer riskRisk scoreStrong associationEOC riskHigh-grade serous epithelial ovarian cancerSerous epithelial ovarian cancerER-positive BCBRCA2 pathogenic variantsCarriers of BRCA1Absolute risk differenceEpithelial ovarian cancer riskGeneral population estimatesOvarian cancer riskHR estimatesBRCA2 pathogenic variant carriersBRCA1 carriersBRCA1/2 carriersOvarian cancerBC riskEstrogen receptorFine-mapping of 150 breast cancer risk regions identifies 191 likely target genes
Fachal L, Aschard H, Beesley J, Barnes DR, Allen J, Kar S, Pooley KA, Dennis J, Michailidou K, Turman C, Soucy P, Lemaçon A, Lush M, Tyrer JP, Ghoussaini M, Moradi Marjaneh M, Jiang X, Agata S, Aittomäki K, Alonso MR, Andrulis IL, Anton-Culver H, Antonenkova NN, Arason A, Arndt V, Aronson KJ, Arun BK, Auber B, Auer PL, Azzollini J, Balmaña J, Barkardottir RB, Barrowdale D, Beeghly-Fadiel A, Benitez J, Bermisheva M, BiaÅ‚kowska K, Blanco AM, Blomqvist C, Blot W, Bogdanova NV, Bojesen SE, Bolla MK, Bonanni B, Borg A, Bosse K, Brauch H, Brenner H, Briceno I, Brock IW, Brooks-Wilson A, Brüning T, Burwinkel B, Buys SS, Cai Q, Caldés T, Caligo MA, Camp NJ, Campbell I, Canzian F, Carroll JS, Carter BD, Castelao JE, Chiquette J, Christiansen H, Chung WK, Claes KBM, Clarke CL, Collée J, Cornelissen S, Couch F, Cox A, Cross S, Cybulski C, Czene K, Daly M, de la Hoya M, Devilee P, Diez O, Ding Y, Dite G, Domchek S, Dörk T, dos-Santos-Silva I, Droit A, Dubois S, Dumont M, Duran M, Durcan L, Dwek M, Eccles D, Engel C, Eriksson M, Evans D, Fasching P, Fletcher O, Floris G, Flyger H, Foretova L, Foulkes W, Friedman E, Fritschi L, Frost D, Gabrielson M, Gago-Dominguez M, Gambino G, Ganz P, Gapstur S, Garber J, GarcÃa-Sáenz J, Gaudet M, Georgoulias V, Giles G, Glendon G, Godwin A, Goldberg M, Goldgar D, González-Neira A, Tibiletti M, Greene M, Grip M, Gronwald J, Grundy A, Guénel P, Hahnen E, Haiman C, HÃ¥kansson N, Hall P, Hamann U, Harrington P, Hartikainen J, Hartman M, He W, Healey C, Heemskerk-Gerritsen B, Heyworth J, Hillemanns P, Hogervorst F, Hollestelle A, Hooning M, Hopper J, Howell A, Huang G, Hulick P, Imyanitov E, Isaacs C, Iwasaki M, Jager A, Jakimovska M, Jakubowska A, James P, Janavicius R, Jankowitz R, John E, Johnson N, Jones M, Jukkola-Vuorinen A, Jung A, Kaaks R, Kang D, Kapoor P, Karlan B, Keeman R, Kerin M, Khusnutdinova E, Kiiski J, Kirk J, Kitahara C, Ko Y, Konstantopoulou I, Kosma V, Koutros S, Kubelka-Sabit K, Kwong A, Kyriacou K, Laitman Y, Lambrechts D, Lee E, Leslie G, Lester J, Lesueur F, Lindblom A, Lo W, Long J, Lophatananon A, Loud J, LubiÅ„ski J, MacInnis R, Maishman T, Makalic E, Mannermaa A, Manoochehri M, Manoukian S, Margolin S, Martinez M, Matsuo K, Maurer T, Mavroudis D, Mayes R, McGuffog L, McLean C, Mebirouk N, Meindl A, Miller A, Miller N, Montagna M, Moreno F, Muir K, Mulligan A, Muñoz-Garzon V, Muranen T, Narod S, Nassir R, Nathanson K, Neuhausen S, Nevanlinna H, Neven P, Nielsen F, Nikitina-Zake L, Norman A, Offit K, Olah E, Olopade O, Olsson H, Orr N, Osorio A, Pankratz V, Papp J, Park S, Park-Simon T, Parsons M, Paul J, Pedersen I, Peissel B, Peshkin B, Peterlongo P, Peto J, Plaseska-Karanfilska D, Prajzendanc K, Prentice R, Presneau N, Prokofyeva D, Pujana M, Pylkäs K, Radice P, Ramus S, Rantala J, Rau-Murthy R, Rennert G, Risch H, Robson M, Romero A, Rossing M, Saloustros E, Sánchez-Herrero E, Sandler D, Santamariña M, Saunders C, Sawyer E, Scheuner M, Schmidt D, Schmutzler R, Schneeweiss A, Schoemaker M, Schöttker B, Schürmann P, Scott C, Scott R, Senter L, Seynaeve C, Shah M, Sharma P, Shen C, Shu X, Singer C, Slavin T, Smichkoska S, Southey M, Spinelli J, Spurdle A, Stone J, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Sutter C, Swerdlow A, Tamimi R, Tan Y, Tapper W, Taylor J, Teixeira M, Tengström M, Teo S, Terry M, Teulé A, Thomassen M, Thull D, Tischkowitz M, Toland A, Tollenaar R, Tomlinson I, Torres D, Torres-MejÃa G, Troester M, Truong T, Tung N, Tzardi M, Ulmer H, Vachon C, van Asperen C, van der Kolk L, van Rensburg E, Vega A, Viel A, Vijai J, Vogel M, Wang Q, Wappenschmidt B, Weinberg C, Weitzel J, Wendt C, Wildiers H, Winqvist R, Wolk A, Wu A, Yannoukakos D, Zhang Y, Zheng W, Hunter D, Pharoah P, Chang-Claude J, GarcÃa-Closas M, Schmidt M, Milne R, Kristensen V, French J, Edwards S, Antoniou A, Chenevix-Trench G, Simard J, Easton D, Kraft P, Dunning A. Fine-mapping of 150 breast cancer risk regions identifies 191 likely target genes. Nature Genetics 2020, 52: 56-73. PMID: 31911677, PMCID: PMC6974400, DOI: 10.1038/s41588-019-0537-1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCausal variantsTranscription factorsTarget genesActive gene regulatory regionsHigh-confidence target genesGenomic feature annotationsGenome-wide association studiesBreast cancer risk variantsGene regulatory regionsCredible causal variantsGene ontology pathwaysChromatin interactionsFunctional annotationGenomic regionsOntology pathwaysRegulatory regionsGenomic featuresCancer driversGene expressionAssociation studiesAssociation analysisGenesLinkage disequilibriumRisk variantsHigh posterior probability
Identification of four novel susceptibility loci for oestrogen receptor negative breast cancer
Couch F, Kuchenbaecker K, Michailidou K, Mendoza-Fandino G, Nord S, Lilyquist J, Olswold C, Hallberg E, Agata S, Ahsan H, Aittomäki K, Ambrosone C, Andrulis I, Anton-Culver H, Arndt V, Arun B, Arver B, Barile M, Barkardottir R, Barrowdale D, Beckmann L, Beckmann M, Benitez J, Blank S, Blomqvist C, Bogdanova N, Bojesen S, Bolla M, Bonanni B, Brauch H, Brenner H, Burwinkel B, Buys S, Caldes T, Caligo M, Canzian F, Carpenter J, Chang-Claude J, Chanock S, Chung W, Claes K, Cox A, Cross S, Cunningham J, Czene K, Daly M, Damiola F, Darabi H, de la Hoya M, Devilee P, Diez O, Ding Y, Dolcetti R, Domchek S, Dorfling C, dos-Santos-Silva I, Dumont M, Dunning A, Eccles D, Ehrencrona H, Ekici A, Eliassen H, Ellis S, Fasching P, Figueroa J, Flesch-Janys D, Försti A, Fostira F, Foulkes W, Friebel T, Friedman E, Frost D, Gabrielson M, Gammon M, Ganz P, Gapstur S, Garber J, Gaudet M, Gayther S, Gerdes A, Ghoussaini M, Giles G, Glendon G, Godwin A, Goldberg M, Goldgar D, González-Neira A, Greene M, Gronwald J, Guénel P, Gunter M, Haeberle L, Haiman C, Hamann U, Hansen T, Hart S, Healey S, Heikkinen T, Henderson B, Herzog J, Hogervorst F, Hollestelle A, Hooning M, Hoover R, Hopper J, Humphreys K, Hunter D, Huzarski T, Imyanitov E, Isaacs C, Jakubowska A, James P, Janavicius R, Jensen U, John E, Jones M, Kabisch M, Kar S, Karlan B, Khan S, Khaw K, Kibriya M, Knight J, Ko Y, Konstantopoulou I, Kosma V, Kristensen V, Kwong A, Laitman Y, Lambrechts D, Lazaro C, Lee E, Le Marchand L, Lester J, Lindblom A, Lindor N, Lindstrom S, Liu J, Long J, Lubinski J, Mai P, Makalic E, Malone K, Mannermaa A, Manoukian S, Margolin S, Marme F, Martens J, McGuffog L, Meindl A, Miller A, Milne R, Miron P, Montagna M, Mazoyer S, Mulligan A, Muranen T, Nathanson K, Neuhausen S, Nevanlinna H, Nordestgaard B, Nussbaum R, Offit K, Olah E, Olopade O, Olson J, Osorio A, Park S, Peeters P, Peissel B, Peterlongo P, Peto J, Phelan C, Pilarski R, Poppe B, Pylkäs K, Radice P, Rahman N, Rantala J, Rappaport C, Rennert G, Richardson A, Robson M, Romieu I, Rudolph A, Rutgers E, Sanchez M, Santella R, Sawyer E, Schmidt D, Schmidt M, Schmutzler R, Schumacher F, Scott R, Senter L, Sharma P, Simard J, Singer C, Sinilnikova O, Soucy P, Southey M, Steinemann D, Stenmark-Askmalm M, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Swerdlow A, Szabo C, Tamimi R, Tapper W, Teixeira M, Teo S, Terry M, Thomassen M, Thompson D, Tihomirova L, Toland A, Tollenaar R, Tomlinson I, Truong T, Tsimiklis H, Teulé A, Tumino R, Tung N, Turnbull C, Ursin G, van Deurzen C, van Rensburg E, Varon-Mateeva R, Wang Z, Wang-Gohrke S, Weiderpass E, Weitzel J, Whittemore A, Wildiers H, Winqvist R, Yang X, Yannoukakos D, Yao S, Zamora M, Zheng W, Hall P, Kraft P, Vachon C, Slager S, Chenevix-Trench G, Pharoah P, Monteiro A, GarcÃa-Closas M, Easton D, Antoniou A. Identification of four novel susceptibility loci for oestrogen receptor negative breast cancer. Nature Communications 2016, 7: 11375. PMID: 27117709, PMCID: PMC4853421, DOI: 10.1038/ncomms11375.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsGenome-wide significant associationGenome-wide association studiesBreast cancer risk lociSusceptibility lociCancer risk lociNovel susceptibility lociEQTL studiesICOGS arrayRisk lociAssociation studiesUnidentified locusLociPPIL3WDR43Common variantsNegative breast cancerFamilial relative riskCancer etiologyER-negative casesTRMT61BEstrogen receptor-negative breast cancerER-negative breast cancerKLF5BRCA1Breast cancer
Treatment of infertility does not increase the risk of ovarian cancer among women with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation
Gronwald J, Glass K, Rosen B, Karlan B, Tung N, Neuhausen S, Moller P, Ainsworth P, Sun P, Narod S, Lubinski J, Kotsopoulos J, Group B, Lynch H, Cybulski C, Kim-Sing C, Friedman S, Senter L, Weitzel J, Singer C, Eng C, Mitchell G, Huzarski T, McCuaig J, Eisen A, Gilchrist D, Blum J, Zakalik D, Pal T, Daly M, Weber B, Snyder C, Fallen T, Chudley A, Lunn J, Donenberg T, Kurz R, Saal H, Garber J, Rennert G, Sweet K, Rappaport C, Lemire E, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Olopade O, Merajver S, Bordeleau L, Cullinane C, Friedman E, McKinnon W, Wood M, Rayson D, Meschino W, Costalas J, Reilly R, Vadaparampil S, Offit K, Kauff N, Euhus D, Kwong A, Isaacs C, Couch F, Manoukian S, Byrski T, Elser C, Panchal S, Armel S, Demsky R, Nanda S, Metcalfe K, Poll A, Foulkes W, Robidoux A, Warner E, Maehle L, Evans G, Pasini B, Ginsburg O, Cohen S, Jakubowska A, Little J. Treatment of infertility does not increase the risk of ovarian cancer among women with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation. Fertility And Sterility 2015, 105: 781-785. PMID: 26698676, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2015.11.034.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAgedBRCA1 ProteinBRCA2 ProteinCase-Control StudiesChi-Square DistributionDNA Mutational AnalysisFemaleFertilityFertility Agents, FemaleFertilization in VitroGenetic Predisposition to DiseaseHumansInfertilityInsemination, ArtificialLogistic ModelsMiddle AgedMultivariate AnalysisMutationOdds RatioOvarian NeoplasmsPregnancyReproductive Techniques, AssistedRisk AssessmentRisk FactorsSurveys and QuestionnairesTreatment OutcomeYoung AdultConceptsRisk of ovarian cancerOvarian cancerTreatment of infertilityBRCA2 mutationsEstimate odds ratiosBRCA2 mutation carriersConditional logistic regressionFertility medicationsDiagnosis of ovarian cancerCase-control studyOdds ratioBRCA mutationsMutation carriersLogistic regressionAdministered questionnairesIVF treatmentBRCA2BRCA1CancerInfertilityInfertility treatmentWomenRiskMedicationTreatmentBRCA2 Polymorphic Stop Codon K3326X and the Risk of Breast, Prostate, and Ovarian Cancers
Meeks HD, Song H, Michailidou K, Bolla MK, Dennis J, Wang Q, Barrowdale D, Frost D, EMBRACE, McGuffog L, Ellis S, Feng B, Buys S, Hopper J, Southey M, Tesoriero A, Investigators K, James P, Bruinsma F, Campbell I, Group A, Broeks A, Schmidt M, Hogervorst F, HEBON, Beckman M, Fasching P, Fletcher O, Johnson N, Sawyer E, Riboli E, Banerjee S, Menon U, Tomlinson I, Burwinkel B, Hamann U, Marme F, Rudolph A, Janavicius R, Tihomirova L, Tung N, Garber J, Cramer D, Terry K, Poole E, Tworoger S, Dorfling C, van Rensburg E, Godwin A, Guénel P, Truong T, Collaborators G, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Damiola F, Mazoyer S, Sinilnikova O, Isaacs C, Maugard C, Bojesen S, Flyger H, Gerdes A, Hansen T, Jensen A, Kjaer S, Hogdall C, Hogdall E, Pedersen I, Thomassen M, Benitez J, González-Neira A, Osorio A, de la Hoya M, Segura P, Diez O, Lazaro C, Brunet J, Anton-Culver H, Eunjung L, John E, Neuhausen S, Ding Y, Castillo D, Weitzel J, Ganz P, Nussbaum R, Chan S, Karlan B, Lester J, Wu A, Gayther S, Ramus S, Sieh W, Whittermore A, Monteiro A, Phelan C, Terry M, Piedmonte M, Offit K, Robson M, Levine D, Moysich K, Cannioto R, Olson S, Daly M, Nathanson K, Domchek S, Lu K, Liang D, Hildebrant M, Ness R, Modugno F, Pearce L, Goodman M, Thompson P, Brenner H, Butterbach K, Meindl A, Hahnen E, Wappenschmidt B, Brauch H, Brüning T, Blomqvist C, Khan S, Nevanlinna H, Pelttari L, Aittomäki K, Butzow R, Bogdanova N, Dörk T, Lindblom A, Margolin S, Rantala J, Kosma V, Mannermaa A, Lambrechts D, Neven P, Claes K, Van Maerken T, Chang-Claude J, Flesch-Janys D, Heitz F, Varon-Mateeva R, Peterlongo P, Radice P, Viel A, Barile M, Peissel B, Manoukian S, Montagna M, Oliani C, Peixoto A, Teixeira M, Collavoli A, Hallberg E, Olson J, Goode E, Hart S, Shimelis H, Cunningham J, Giles G, Milne R, Healey S, Tucker K, Haiman C, Henderson B, Goldberg M, Tischkowitz M, Simard J, Soucy P, Eccles D, Le N, Borresen-Dale A, Kristensen V, Salvesen H, Bjorge L, Bandera E, Risch H, Zheng W, Beeghly-Fadiel A, Cai H, Pylkäs K, Tollenaar R, van der Ouweland A, Andrulis I, Knight J, OCGN, Narod S, Devilee P, Winqvist R, Figueroa J, Greene M, L. P, Loud J, GarcÃa-Closas M, Schoemaker M, Czene K, Darabi H, McNeish I, Siddiquil N, Glasspool R, Kwong A, Park S, Teo S, Yoon S, Matsuo K, Hosono S, Woo Y, Gao Y, Foretova L, Singer C, Rappaport-Feurhauser C, Friedman E, Laitman Y, Rennert G, Imyanitov E, Hulick P, Olopade O, Senter L, Olah E, Doherty J, Schildkraut J, Koppert L, Kiemeney L, Massuger L, Cook L, Pejovic T, Li J, Borg A, Öfverholm A, Rossing M, Wentzensen N, Henriksson K, Cox A, Cross S, Pasini B, Shah M, Kabisch M, Torres D, Jakubowska A, Lubinski J, Gronwald J, Agnarsson B, Kupryjanczyk J, Moes-Sosnowska J, Fostira F, Konstantopoulou I, Slager S, Jones M, in the genome P, Antoniou A, Berchuck A, Swerdlow A, Chenevix-Trench G, Dunning A, Pharoah P, Hall P, Easton D, Couch F, Spurdle A, Goldgar D. BRCA2 Polymorphic Stop Codon K3326X and the Risk of Breast, Prostate, and Ovarian Cancers. Journal Of The National Cancer Institute 2015, 108: djv315. PMID: 26586665, PMCID: PMC4907358, DOI: 10.1093/jnci/djv315.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOvarian cancerBreast cancerVariant carriersCancer riskEstrogen receptor-negative breast cancerReceptor-negative breast cancerCancer case patientsInvasive ovarian cancerHormone-related cancersProstate cancer riskConfidence intervalsOvarian cancer riskSignificant inverse associationCox proportional hazardsSerous ovarian cancerRisk of breastBRCA1 mutation carriersPathogenic BRCA2 variantsControl patientsCase patientsInverse associationOdds ratioProstate cancerMutation carriersProportional hazardsBreast Cancer Risk Reduction, Version 2.2015.
Bevers T, Ward J, Arun B, Colditz G, Cowan K, Daly M, Garber J, Gemignani M, Gradishar W, Jordan J, Korde L, Kounalakis N, Krontiras H, Kumar S, Kurian A, Laronga C, Layman R, Loftus L, Mahoney M, Merajver S, Meszoely I, Mortimer J, Newman L, Pritchard E, Pruthi S, Seewaldt V, Specht M, Visvanathan K, Wallace A, Bergman M, Kumar R. Breast Cancer Risk Reduction, Version 2.2015. Journal Of The National Comprehensive Cancer Network 2015, 13: 880-915. PMID: 26150582, DOI: 10.6004/jnccn.2015.0105.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Common Genetic Variation at BARD1 Is Not Associated with Breast Cancer Risk in BRCA1 or BRCA2 Mutation Carriers
Spurdle A, Marquart L, McGuffog L, Healey S, Sinilnikova O, Wan F, Chen X, Beesley J, Singer C, Dressler A, Gschwantler-Kaulich D, Blum J, Tung N, Weitzel J, Lynch H, Garber J, Easton D, Peock S, Cook M, Oliver C, Frost D, Conroy D, Evans D, Lalloo F, Eeles R, Izatt L, Davidson R, Chu C, Eccles D, Selkirk C, Daly M, Isaacs C, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Sinilnikova O, Buecher B, Belotti M, Mazoyer S, Barjhoux L, Verny-Pierre C, Lasset C, Dreyfus H, Pujol P, Collonge-Rame M, Rookus M, Verhoef S, Kriege M, Hoogerbrugge N, Ausems M, van Os T, Wijnen J, Devilee P, Meijers-Heijboer H, Blok M, Heikkinen T, Nevanlinna H, Jakubowska A, Lubiński J, Huzarski T, Byrski T, Durocher F, Couch F, Lindor N, Wang X, Thomassen M, Domchek S, Nathanson K, Caligo M, Jernström H, Liljegren A, Ehrencrona H, Karlsson P, Ganz P, Olopade O, Tomlinson G, Neuhausen S, Antoniou A, Chenevix-Trench G, Rebbeck T. Common Genetic Variation at BARD1 Is Not Associated with Breast Cancer Risk in BRCA1 or BRCA2 Mutation Carriers. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 2011, 20: 1032-1038. PMID: 21393566, PMCID: PMC3089675, DOI: 10.1158/1055-9965.epi-10-0909.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBreast cancer riskAssociated with breast cancer riskBRCA2 mutation carriersBRCA1/2 mutation carriersCancer riskMutation carriersAssociated with risk of breast cancerElevated breast cancer riskBreast cancer risk assessmentRisk of breast cancerBARD1 Cys557Ser variantCancer prevention strategiesPooled effect estimatesCancer risk assessmentAssociated with riskModifiers of riskBRCA2 carriersBRCA1 carriersInherited BRCA1Risk modificationAnalysis of haplotypesPrevention strategiesEffect estimatesKnowledge of factorsBRCA1/2
Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer due to mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2
Petrucelli N, Daly M, Feldman G. Hereditary breast and ovarian cancer due to mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2. Genetics In Medicine 2010, 12: 245-259. PMID: 20216074, DOI: 10.1097/gim.0b013e3181d38f2f.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBRCA1/2 mutationsBRCA2 mutationsHereditary breastTesting of at-risk relativesFamily history of cancerOvarian cancerAt-risk relativesPrimary prevention optionsHistory of cancerPrevalence of BRCA1/2 mutationsEstimates of penetranceAshkenazi Jewish populationCancer riskProphylactic surgeryPrevention optionsFamily historyBRCA2 genesEarly interventionFamily membersBRCA2Increased surveillanceFamilial mutationsBRCA1/2BRCA1Jewish population
Modification of Ovarian Cancer Risk by BRCA1/2-Interacting Genes in a Multicenter Cohort of BRCA1/2 Mutation Carriers
Rebbeck T, Mitra N, Domchek S, Wan F, Chuai S, Friebel T, Panossian S, Spurdle A, Chenevix-Trench G, Singer C, Pfeiler G, Neuhausen S, Lynch H, Garber J, Weitzel J, Isaacs C, Couch F, Narod S, Rubinstein W, Tomlinson G, Ganz P, Olopade O, Tung N, Blum J, Greenberg R, Nathanson K, Daly M. Modification of Ovarian Cancer Risk by BRCA1/2-Interacting Genes in a Multicenter Cohort of BRCA1/2 Mutation Carriers. Cancer Research 2009, 69: 5801-5810. PMID: 19584272, PMCID: PMC2751603, DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.can-09-0625.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAcid Anhydride HydrolasesAdultAgedAged, 80 and overAtaxia Telangiectasia Mutated ProteinsBRCA1 ProteinBRCA2 ProteinCarrier ProteinsCell Cycle ProteinsDNA Repair EnzymesDNA-Binding ProteinsEndodeoxyribonucleasesFanconi Anemia Complementation Group ProteinsFemaleGene FrequencyGenotypeHaplotypesHeterozygoteHumansMiddle AgedMRE11 Homologue ProteinMutationNuclear ProteinsOvarian NeoplasmsPolymorphism, Single NucleotideProtein Serine-Threonine KinasesRad51 RecombinaseRisk FactorsRNA HelicasesTumor Suppressor ProteinsUbiquitin-Protein LigasesConceptsAssociated with ovarian cancer riskOvarian cancer riskBRCA1/2 mutation carriersCancer riskMutation carriersElevated ovarian cancer riskOvarian cancer risk assessmentBRCA1/2 mutationsInherited BRCA1/2 mutationsBRCA2 mutation carriersCancer risk assessmentStatistically significant associationBRCA2 carriersBRCA1 carriersEvaluated haplotypesKnowledge of factorsHaplotype associationSignificant associationOvarian cancerRare haplotypesMulticenter cohortBRCA2BRIP1BRCA1/2Haplotypes
AURKA F31I Polymorphism and Breast Cancer Risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Carriers: A Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 Study
Couch F, Sinilnikova O, Vierkant R, Pankratz V, Fredericksen Z, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Coupier I, Hughes D, Hardouin A, Berthet P, Peock S, Cook M, Baynes C, Hodgson S, Morrison P, Porteous M, Jakubowska A, Lubinski J, Gronwald J, Spurdle A, kConFab, Schmutzler R, Versmold B, Engel C, Meindl A, Sutter C, Horst J, Schaefer D, Offit K, Kirchhoff T, Andrulis I, Ilyushik E, Glendon G, Devilee P, Vreeswijk M, Vasen H, Borg A, Backenhorn K, Struewing J, Greene M, Neuhausen S, Rebbeck T, Nathanson K, Domchek S, Wagner T, Garber J, Szabo C, Zikan M, Foretova L, Olson J, Sellers T, Lindor N, Nevanlinna H, Tommiska J, Aittomaki K, Hamann U, Rashid M, Torres D, Simard J, Durocher F, Guenard F, Lynch H, Isaacs C, Weitzel J, Olopade O, Narod S, Daly M, Godwin A, Tomlinson G, Easton D, Chenevix-Trench G, Antoniou A, behalf of the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 O. AURKA F31I Polymorphism and Breast Cancer Risk in BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Carriers: A Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 Study. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 2007, 16: 1416-1421. PMID: 17627006, PMCID: PMC2775799, DOI: 10.1158/1055-9965.epi-07-0129.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsBRCA2 mutation carriersBreast cancer riskAssociated with breast cancer riskConsortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2BRCA2 carriersF31I polymorphismMutation carriersCancer riskModify risk of breast cancerRisk of breast cancerBreast cancer risk estimationModifiers of cancer riskAmplification of AURKABilateral prophylactic oophorectomyInactivation of BRCA1Sporadic breast tumorsPredisposition to cancerBRCA2 mutationsProphylactic oophorectomyCancer risk estimatesMenopausal statusBreast tumorsBreast cancerBRCA2Abnormal chromosome segregation
BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Carriers, Oral Contraceptive Use, and Breast Cancer Before Age 50
Haile R, Thomas D, McGuire V, Felberg A, John E, Milne R, Hopper J, Jenkins M, Levine A, Daly M, Buys S, Senie R, Andrulis I, Knight J, Godwin A, Southey M, McCredie M, Giles G, Andrews L, Tucker K, Miron A, Apicella C, Tesoriero A, Bane A, Pike M, Whittemore A, Investigators K. BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Carriers, Oral Contraceptive Use, and Breast Cancer Before Age 50. Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers & Prevention 2006, 15: 1863-1870. PMID: 17021353, DOI: 10.1158/1055-9965.epi-06-0258.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAustraliaBreast NeoplasmsCanadaCarcinoma in SituCarcinoma, Ductal, BreastCase-Control StudiesContraceptives, OralFemaleGenes, BRCA1Genes, BRCA2Genetic Predisposition to DiseaseHeterozygoteHumansLogistic ModelsMiddle AgedMutationReceptors, EstrogenReceptors, ProgesteroneRisk FactorsSurveys and QuestionnairesTime FactorsUnited StatesConceptsRisk of breast cancerBRCA2 mutation carriersOral contraceptive useMutation carriersAssociated with breast cancer riskIncreased risk of breast cancerBreast cancerOral contraceptivesContraceptive useBreast cancer riskUnconditional logistic regressionDuration of oral contraceptive useBRCA1 mutation carriersDuration of useCase-control analysisEffects of oral contraceptivesCancer riskFamily historyModify practicesElevated riskLogistic regressionIncreased riskBRCA2Family relationshipsBRCA1
Oral Contraceptives and the Risk of Breast Cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Carriers
Narod S, Dubé M, Klijn J, Lubinski J, Lynch H, Ghadirian P, Provencher D, Heimdal K, Moller P, Robson M, Offit K, Isaacs C, Weber B, Friedman E, Gershoni-Baruch R, Rennert G, Pasini B, Wagner T, Daly M, Garber J, Neuhausen S, Ainsworth P, Olsson H, Evans G, Osborne M, Couch F, Foulkes W, Warner E, Kim-Sing C, Olopade O, Tung N, Saal H, Weitzel J, Merajver S, Gauthier-Villars M, Jernstrom H, Sun P, Brunet J. Oral Contraceptives and the Risk of Breast Cancer in BRCA1 and BRCA2 Mutation Carriers. Journal Of The National Cancer Institute 2002, 94: 1773-1779. PMID: 12464649, DOI: 10.1093/jnci/94.23.1773.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRisk of breast cancerIncreased risk of breast cancerBRCA1 mutation carriersBRCA2 mutation carriersMutation carriersOral contraceptive useBRCA2 carriersAssociated with risk of breast cancerIncreased riskRisk of early-onset breast cancerIncreased risk of early-onset breast cancerBreast cancerOdds ratioOral contraceptivesHistory of ovarian cancerEarly-onset breast cancerConfidence intervalsConditional logistic regressionBreast cancer susceptibility genesAssociated with riskYear of birthCancer susceptibility genesContraceptive useCase-control studyPairs of women
Epidemiology and risk assessment for ovarian cancer.
Daly M, Obrams G. Epidemiology and risk assessment for ovarian cancer. Seminars In Oncology 1998, 25: 255-64. PMID: 9633839.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIncidence of ovarian cancerOral contraceptive useOvarian cancerAssociated with increased ovarian cancer riskIncidence rate of ovarian cancerContraceptive useRisk of ovarian cancerRate of ovarian cancerOvarian cancer riskAsian American womenNative American womenPregnancy historyHawaiian womenFamily historyCancer riskWoman's riskRisk factorsIncidence rateAmerican womenCancerAfrican AmericansWomenCosmetic talcIncidenceUnited States
Breast Cancer Among Radiologic Technologists
Swift M, Daly M, Bernstein L, Love S. Breast Cancer Among Radiologic Technologists. JAMA 1996, 276: 369-369. PMID: 8683810, DOI: 10.1001/jama.1996.03540050029009.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsRisk of breast cancerRadiologic technologistsBreast cancer incidenceBreast cancer riskBreast cancer casesBreast cancer diagnosisBreast cancerCancer incidenceCancer riskYears of certificationCancer casesBreast cancer inductionLow-dose ionizing radiationCancer diagnosisLow doses of ionizing radiationIndex dateCalendar yearExposure to relatively low dosesDoses of ionizing radiationExposure to ionizing radiationLength of timeLow dosesBreastCancer inductionIonizing radiation
Ovarian cancer risk counseling: a guide for the practitioner.
Daly M, Lerman C. Ovarian cancer risk counseling: a guide for the practitioner. Oncology 1993, 7: 27-34; discussion 34, 37-8, 41. PMID: 8280574.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLong-term disease-free survivalStage III or IV diseaseDisease-free survivalEpithelial ovarian cancerEarly stage diseaseNon-specific symptomsIV diseaseImmunologic compromiseOvarian cancerStage diseaseGynecologic cancerChemotherapeutic approachesDiagnosed casesNatural historyPainful deathDiseaseCancerDeathUnited StatesPainPatientsMalnutritionYearsSurvivalSymptoms