An exploratory analysis of the impact of area-level exposome on geographic disparities in aggressive prostate cancer
Wiese D, DuBois T, Sorice K, Fang C, Ragin C, Daly M, Reese A, Henry K, Lynch S. An exploratory analysis of the impact of area-level exposome on geographic disparities in aggressive prostate cancer. Scientific Reports 2024, 14: 16900. PMID: 39075110, PMCID: PMC11286755, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-024-63726-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSocial determinants of health domainsElevated oddsTract-level povertyAggressive prostate cancer casesExposome researchDesign targeted interventionsAssociated with raceAggressive prostate cancerSocial determinantsCancer burdenHealth domainsGeographic disparitiesLocal cancer burdenHealth insuranceLogistic regressionExposome factorsAssociation studiesRisk factorsOddsResidential locationExposomeGeographical areasExploratory analysisProstate cancerHealth
Implementation of Germline Testing for Prostate Cancer: Philadelphia Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference 2019.
Giri VN, Knudsen KE, Kelly WK, Cheng HH, Cooney KA, Cookson MS, Dahut W, Weissman S, Soule HR, Petrylak DP, Dicker AP, AlDubayan SH, Toland AE, Pritchard CC, Pettaway CA, Daly MB, Mohler JL, Parsons JK, Carroll PR, Pilarski R, Blanco A, Woodson A, Rahm A, Taplin ME, Polascik TJ, Helfand BT, Hyatt C, Morgans AK, Feng F, Mullane M, Powers J, Concepcion R, Lin DW, Wender R, Mark JR, Costello A, Burnett AL, Sartor O, Isaacs WB, Xu J, Weitzel J, Andriole GL, Beltran H, Briganti A, Byrne L, Calvaresi A, Chandrasekar T, Chen DYT, Den RB, Dobi A, Crawford ED, Eastham J, Eggener S, Freedman ML, Garnick M, Gomella PT, Handley N, Hurwitz MD, Izes J, Karnes RJ, Lallas C, Languino L, Loeb S, Lopez AM, Loughlin KR, Lu-Yao G, Malkowicz SB, Mann M, Mille P, Miner MM, Morgan T, Moreno J, Mucci L, Myers RE, Nielsen SM, O'Neil B, Pinover W, Pinto P, Poage W, Raj GV, Rebbeck TR, Ryan C, Sandler H, Schiewer M, Scott EMD, Szymaniak B, Tester W, Trabulsi EJ, Vapiwala N, Yu EY, Zeigler-Johnson C, Gomella LG. Implementation of Germline Testing for Prostate Cancer: Philadelphia Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference 2019. Journal Of Clinical Oncology 2020, 38: 2798-2811. PMID: 32516092, PMCID: PMC7430215, DOI: 10.1200/jco.20.00046.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsConceptsGermline testingFamily historyAdditional family historyHereditary cancer assessmentMetastatic disease treatmentAge 40 yearsClinical trial eligibilityPost-test discussionMultidisciplinary consensus conferenceProstate cancer treatmentMismatch repair genesCurrent practice challengesHereditary PCaTrial eligibilityMetastatic diseasePriority genesPathologic criteriaSomatic testingMetastatic PCaProstate cancerPCa diagnosisConsensus conferenceEvidence reviewCancer assessmentInformed consent
BRCA2 Polymorphic Stop Codon K3326X and the Risk of Breast, Prostate, and Ovarian Cancers
Meeks HD, Song H, Michailidou K, Bolla MK, Dennis J, Wang Q, Barrowdale D, Frost D, EMBRACE, McGuffog L, Ellis S, Feng B, Buys S, Hopper J, Southey M, Tesoriero A, Investigators K, James P, Bruinsma F, Campbell I, Group A, Broeks A, Schmidt M, Hogervorst F, HEBON, Beckman M, Fasching P, Fletcher O, Johnson N, Sawyer E, Riboli E, Banerjee S, Menon U, Tomlinson I, Burwinkel B, Hamann U, Marme F, Rudolph A, Janavicius R, Tihomirova L, Tung N, Garber J, Cramer D, Terry K, Poole E, Tworoger S, Dorfling C, van Rensburg E, Godwin A, Guénel P, Truong T, Collaborators G, Stoppa-Lyonnet D, Damiola F, Mazoyer S, Sinilnikova O, Isaacs C, Maugard C, Bojesen S, Flyger H, Gerdes A, Hansen T, Jensen A, Kjaer S, Hogdall C, Hogdall E, Pedersen I, Thomassen M, Benitez J, González-Neira A, Osorio A, de la Hoya M, Segura P, Diez O, Lazaro C, Brunet J, Anton-Culver H, Eunjung L, John E, Neuhausen S, Ding Y, Castillo D, Weitzel J, Ganz P, Nussbaum R, Chan S, Karlan B, Lester J, Wu A, Gayther S, Ramus S, Sieh W, Whittermore A, Monteiro A, Phelan C, Terry M, Piedmonte M, Offit K, Robson M, Levine D, Moysich K, Cannioto R, Olson S, Daly M, Nathanson K, Domchek S, Lu K, Liang D, Hildebrant M, Ness R, Modugno F, Pearce L, Goodman M, Thompson P, Brenner H, Butterbach K, Meindl A, Hahnen E, Wappenschmidt B, Brauch H, Brüning T, Blomqvist C, Khan S, Nevanlinna H, Pelttari L, Aittomäki K, Butzow R, Bogdanova N, Dörk T, Lindblom A, Margolin S, Rantala J, Kosma V, Mannermaa A, Lambrechts D, Neven P, Claes K, Van Maerken T, Chang-Claude J, Flesch-Janys D, Heitz F, Varon-Mateeva R, Peterlongo P, Radice P, Viel A, Barile M, Peissel B, Manoukian S, Montagna M, Oliani C, Peixoto A, Teixeira M, Collavoli A, Hallberg E, Olson J, Goode E, Hart S, Shimelis H, Cunningham J, Giles G, Milne R, Healey S, Tucker K, Haiman C, Henderson B, Goldberg M, Tischkowitz M, Simard J, Soucy P, Eccles D, Le N, Borresen-Dale A, Kristensen V, Salvesen H, Bjorge L, Bandera E, Risch H, Zheng W, Beeghly-Fadiel A, Cai H, Pylkäs K, Tollenaar R, van der Ouweland A, Andrulis I, Knight J, OCGN, Narod S, Devilee P, Winqvist R, Figueroa J, Greene M, L. P, Loud J, GarcÃa-Closas M, Schoemaker M, Czene K, Darabi H, McNeish I, Siddiquil N, Glasspool R, Kwong A, Park S, Teo S, Yoon S, Matsuo K, Hosono S, Woo Y, Gao Y, Foretova L, Singer C, Rappaport-Feurhauser C, Friedman E, Laitman Y, Rennert G, Imyanitov E, Hulick P, Olopade O, Senter L, Olah E, Doherty J, Schildkraut J, Koppert L, Kiemeney L, Massuger L, Cook L, Pejovic T, Li J, Borg A, Öfverholm A, Rossing M, Wentzensen N, Henriksson K, Cox A, Cross S, Pasini B, Shah M, Kabisch M, Torres D, Jakubowska A, Lubinski J, Gronwald J, Agnarsson B, Kupryjanczyk J, Moes-Sosnowska J, Fostira F, Konstantopoulou I, Slager S, Jones M, in the genome P, Antoniou A, Berchuck A, Swerdlow A, Chenevix-Trench G, Dunning A, Pharoah P, Hall P, Easton D, Couch F, Spurdle A, Goldgar D. BRCA2 Polymorphic Stop Codon K3326X and the Risk of Breast, Prostate, and Ovarian Cancers. Journal Of The National Cancer Institute 2015, 108: djv315. PMID: 26586665, PMCID: PMC4907358, DOI: 10.1093/jnci/djv315.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOvarian cancerBreast cancerVariant carriersCancer riskEstrogen receptor-negative breast cancerReceptor-negative breast cancerCancer case patientsInvasive ovarian cancerHormone-related cancersProstate cancer riskConfidence intervalsOvarian cancer riskSignificant inverse associationCox proportional hazardsSerous ovarian cancerRisk of breastBRCA1 mutation carriersPathogenic BRCA2 variantsControl patientsCase patientsInverse associationOdds ratioProstate cancerMutation carriersProportional hazards
Genetic linkage of prostate cancer risk to the chromosome 3 region bearing FHIT.
Larson G, Ding Y, Cheng L, Lundberg C, Gagalang V, Rivas G, Geller L, Weitzel J, MacDonald D, Archambeau J, Slater J, Neuberg D, Daly M, Angel I, Benson A, Smith K, Kirkwood J, O'Dwyer P, Raskay B, Sutphen R, Drew R, Stewart J, Werndli J, Johnson D, Ruckdeschel J, Elston R, Krontiris T. Genetic linkage of prostate cancer risk to the chromosome 3 region bearing FHIT. Cancer Research 2005, 65: 805-14. PMID: 15705877, DOI: 10.1158/0008-5472.805.65.3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAcid Anhydride HydrolasesAdenocarcinomaAdultAgedAged, 80 and overCase-Control StudiesChromosome MappingChromosomes, Human, Pair 3Genetic LinkageGenetic Predisposition to DiseaseHaplotypesHumansMaleMicrosatellite RepeatsMiddle AgedNeoplasm ProteinsPolymorphism, Single NucleotideProstatic NeoplasmsConceptsProstate cancer riskLOD scoreSingle nucleotide polymorphismsCancer riskLinkage analysisAllele-sharing statisticsMultipoint linkage analysisIntron 5Cases of European descentAdjacent candidate genesChromosome 3 regionRecessive mode of inheritanceCase statusMode of inheritanceAssociation TestCandidate genesEuropean descentGenetic linkageGermline variationChromosome 3pNucleotide polymorphismsFHITAffected brothersRecessive modeChromosome