Joel Greenwood
Director of Neurotechnology CoreCards
Neuropeptidergic Signaling Partitions Arousal Behaviors in Zebrafish
Woods I, Schoppik D, Shi V, Zimmerman S, Coleman H, Greenwood J, Soucy E, Schier A. Neuropeptidergic Signaling Partitions Arousal Behaviors in Zebrafish. Journal Of Neuroscience 2014, 34: 3142-3160. PMID: 24573274, PMCID: PMC3935080, DOI: 10.1523/jneurosci.3529-13.2014.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAnimalsAnimals, Genetically ModifiedArousalCalcitonin Gene-Related PeptideCholecystokininDark AdaptationFemaleGene Expression RegulationHot TemperatureLarvaLightMaleMotor ActivityNerve Tissue ProteinsNeuropeptidesOpioid PeptidesPituitary Adenylate Cyclase-Activating PolypeptidePrincipal Component AnalysisZebrafishZebrafish Proteins
Seizures, enhanced excitation, and increased vesicle number in Lis1 mutant mice
Greenwood J, Wang Y, Estrada R, Ackerman L, Ohara P, Baraban S. Seizures, enhanced excitation, and increased vesicle number in Lis1 mutant mice. Annals Of Neurology 2009, 66: 644-653. PMID: 19938147, DOI: 10.1002/ana.21775.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsExcitatory postsynaptic currentsGlutamate-mediated excitationLis1 mutant miceHippocampal slicesMouse modelCognitive impairmentGlutamate-mediated synaptic transmissionMiniature excitatory postsynaptic currentsMutant micePaired-pulse stimulation protocolVoltage-dependent calcium channelsVideo-electroencephalographic monitoringSpontaneous electrographic seizuresAcute hippocampal slicesPatch-clamp recordingsAbnormal neuronal migrationSynaptic vesicle numberNeuronal disorganizationSynapse ultrastructureElectrographic seizuresVesicle numberSeizure activityPostsynaptic currentsVideo-EEGAdditional mice
Neocortical hyperexcitability in a human case of tuberous sclerosis complex and mice lacking neuronal expression of TSC1
Wang Y, Greenwood J, Calcagnotto M, Kirsch H, Barbaro N, Baraban S. Neocortical hyperexcitability in a human case of tuberous sclerosis complex and mice lacking neuronal expression of TSC1. Annals Of Neurology 2007, 61: 139-152. PMID: 17279540, DOI: 10.1002/ana.21058.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAnimalsBlotting, WesternElectric StimulationElectrophysiologyEpilepsyExcitatory Postsynaptic PotentialsFemaleHumansImmunohistochemistryIn Vitro TechniquesInhibitory Postsynaptic PotentialsMiceMice, KnockoutNeocortexNeuronsPatch-Clamp TechniquesProto-Oncogene Proteins c-fosReceptors, AMPASynapsesTuberous SclerosisTuberous Sclerosis Complex 1 ProteinTumor Suppressor ProteinsConceptsTuberous sclerosis complexCortical tubersSynaptic currentsHuman tissue samplesMethyl-4-isoxazolepropionate (AMPA) receptorsWhole-cell patch-clamp recordingsAge-matched control miceTSC brain tissueInhibitory postsynaptic currentsTissue samplesNeocortical brain slicesExtracellular field recordingsInhibitory synaptic currentsDetailed anatomic studyAbnormal electrical dischargesExcitatory synaptic currentsPatch-clamp recordingsGross anatomic defectsLoss of laminationNeuronal firing patternsWestern blot analysisBrain tissue sectionsControl micePostsynaptic currentsAdditional mice
Neuropeptide Y modulates a G protein-coupled inwardly rectifying potassium current in the mouse hippocampus
Paredes M, Greenwood J, Baraban S. Neuropeptide Y modulates a G protein-coupled inwardly rectifying potassium current in the mouse hippocampus. Neuroscience Letters 2003, 340: 9-12. PMID: 12648746, DOI: 10.1016/s0304-3940(03)00036-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeuropeptide YMouse hippocampusAcute mouse hippocampal slicesWhole-cell patch-clamp recordingsPatch-clamp recordingsMouse hippocampal slicesNPY applicationHilar neuronsHilar interneuronsGIRK currentsY1 receptorHippocampal slicesAntiepileptic activityBrain peptidesPutative interneuronsSpecific agonistPotassium currentCell somataInterneuronsY1RG proteinsHippocampusAutoreceptorsAgonistsImmunostaining
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