Hao Huang, MD, MPH
Research Scientist in BiostatisticsCards
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Research Scientist in Biostatistics
Dr. Huang is a Research Scientist at the department of Biostatistics, Yale School of Public Health. After completing his education in Medicine and Physiology at the First Military Medical School in China, he also completed his graduate education at Yale School of Public Health. His early studies focused on the basic research and study interests included the mechanism of neuronal death after ischemia, glia cell functions in the brain, neuronal circuit, mechanisms, and regulation of sleeping and food intake. More than 10 articles were published from these studies in prestigious journals, including Journal of Neuroscience, Journal of Physiology, etc. Since 2009, his study interests have been focused on clinical studies and public health. As one of the core members in the Data Coordinating Center (DCC) for Reproductive Medicine Network (RMN) and previous National Genomic and Proteomic Network at Yale, Dr. Huang have been actively involved in many important clinical trials, including the Genomic and Proteomic Network for Preterm Birth longitudinal, case-control, and expression profile studies, the Pregnancy in Polycystic Ovary Syndrome II (PPCOSII) study, the Assessment of multiple intrauterine gestations from ovarian stimulation (AMIGOS) study, and the Effects of Physiologic Oxygen Tension on Clinical In Vitro Fertilization Outcomes (PhOx) study. He played important roles in the study design, study initiation, data monitoring, meeting and conference report preparation, data management, data integration and harmonization, statistical analysis and manuscript publications. He has authored or co-authored more than 30 publications in prestigious journals, including 2 articles published in New England Journal of Medicine. Then, Dr. Huang and his colleagues have finished the trials of “Improving Reproductive Fitness Through Pretreatment with Lifestyle Modification in Obese Women with Unexplained Infertility (FIT-PLESE)”, the pilot trial “Males, Antioxidants, and Infertility Trial (MOXI)”, the Evaluation, Validation and Refinement of Noninvasive Diagnostic Biomarkers for Endometriosis (Endo Marker) study, the Optimal treatment for women with a Persisting Pregnancy of Unknown Location- Active Treatment versus Expectant Management (The “ACTorNOT TRIAL”); results from these studies have been published in prestigious journals, including the journal of JAMA and Plos Medicine. Currently, 2 clinical trials/studies (FRIEND and PREGnant) for the new reproductive medicine consortium are in active recruitment. Dr. Huang has been serving and now serves as the Data Director and Lead Statistician of the network/consortium. He also supervises all the secondary or ancillary analyses performed within the center and part of the network. In addition, he serves as the methodological editor for the prestigious journal of Fertility and Sterility.
Research ScientistPrimary
Other Departments & Organizations
Education & Training
- Yale School of Public Health (2009)
- MS
- The First Military Medical University (2001)
- MD
- The First Military Medical University (1996)
Public Health Interests
Research at a Glance
Yale Co-Authors
Publications Timeline
Heping Zhang, PhD
Hugh Taylor, MD
Angelique Bordey, PhD
Fangbai (Janet) Sun, MPH
Cost-effectiveness analysis of expectant vs active management for treatment of persistent pregnancies of unknown location
WALTER J, BARNHART K, KOELPER N, SANTORO N, ZHANG H, THOMAS T, HUANG H, HARVIE H, Network E. Cost-effectiveness analysis of expectant vs active management for treatment of persistent pregnancies of unknown location. American Journal Of Obstetrics And Gynecology 2024, 231: 328.e1-328.e11. PMID: 38552817, DOI: 10.1016/j.ajog.2024.03.035.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsQuality-adjusted life yearsTwo-dose methotrexateUterine evacuationExpectant managementIncremental cost-effectiveness ratioPersistent pregnancyCost-effectiveness ratioSurgical managementCost-effectiveness acceptability curvesPersistent pregnancy of unknown locationLife yearsLower-risk patient populationsSerum human chorionic gonadotropinPregnancies of unknown locationLaparoscopic surgical managementRate of salpingectomyManagement of pregnancyMean quality-adjusted life yearsMulticenter randomized trialRisk patient populationLower mean costsCosts of surgical interventionsHuman chorionic gonadotropinLower quality-adjusted life yearsAcceptability curvesFibroids and unexplained infertility treatment with epigallocatechin gallate: a natural compound in green tea (FRIEND) – protocol for a randomised placebo-controlled US multicentre clinical trial of EGCG to improve fertility in women with uterine fibroids
Al-Hendy A, Segars J, Taylor H, González F, Siblini H, Zamah M, Alkelani H, Singh B, Flores V, Christman G, Johnson J, Huang H, Zhang H. Fibroids and unexplained infertility treatment with epigallocatechin gallate: a natural compound in green tea (FRIEND) – protocol for a randomised placebo-controlled US multicentre clinical trial of EGCG to improve fertility in women with uterine fibroids. BMJ Open 2024, 14: e078989. PMID: 38216200, PMCID: PMC10806662, DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2023-078989.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsUnexplained infertilityIntrauterine inseminationInstitutional review boardCumulative live birth rateUterine fibroidsLive birth rateCause of infertilityFood and Drug AdminstrationGonadotropin hormone-releasing hormoneGreen tea extractDouble-blind clinical trialNon-surgical treatment optionsTimed intrauterine inseminationUterine fibroid sizeOvarian stimulationQuality of Life Questionnaire scoresHormone-releasing hormoneLocal institutional review boardInfertility treatmentNational Institute of Child HealthInstitute of Child HealthMiscarriage rateBirth rateReproductive-age womenEndometrial quality
Assessing the Hepatic Safety of Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) in Reproductive-Aged Women
Siblini H, Al-Hendy A, Segars J, González F, Taylor H, Singh B, Flaminia A, Flores V, Christman G, Huang H, Johnson J, Zhang H. Assessing the Hepatic Safety of Epigallocatechin Gallate (EGCG) in Reproductive-Aged Women. Nutrients 2023, 15: 320. PMID: 36678191, PMCID: PMC9861948, DOI: 10.3390/nu15020320.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsReproductive-aged womenLiver function testsUterine fibroidsUnexplained infertilityClomiphene citrateSerum liver function testsEpigallocatechin gallateSigns of drugSerum folate levelsGreen tea catechinsHepatic safetyPremenopausal womenProspective cohortDaily doseLiver injuryFunction testsTreatment armsLiver toxicityClinical studiesCommon causeFolate levelsEarly safety assessmentInterim analysisNormal rangeUse of EGCG
Pre-IVF treatment with a GnRH antagonist in women with endometriosis (PREGNANT): study protocol for a prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
Taylor H, Li HJ, Carson S, Flores V, Pal L, Robbins J, Santoro NF, Segars JH, Seifer D, Huang H, Young S, Zhang H. Pre-IVF treatment with a GnRH antagonist in women with endometriosis (PREGNANT): study protocol for a prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. BMJ Open 2022, 12: e052043. PMID: 35715184, PMCID: PMC9207753, DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-052043.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsEndometriosis-associated infertilityPlacebo-controlled trialGnRH antagonistFertility treatmentOral GnRH antagonistEndometriosis-related infertilityFertilization-embryo transferLive birth rateUse of gonadotropinsEtiology of infertilityInstitutional review boardAntagonist pretreatmentCommon complicationObstetrical outcomesPeer-reviewed journalsSecondary outcomesIVF treatmentPrimary outcomeHormone agonistImplantation ratePregnancy rateLive birthsEndometriosisLocal protocolsOocyte numberEffects of preconception lifestyle intervention in infertile women with obesity: The FIT-PLESE randomized controlled trial
Legro RS, Hansen KR, Diamond MP, Steiner AZ, Coutifaris C, Cedars MI, Hoeger KM, Usadi R, Johnstone EB, Haisenleder DJ, Wild RA, Barnhart KT, Mersereau J, Trussell JC, Krawetz SA, Kris-Etherton PM, Sarwer DB, Santoro N, Eisenberg E, Huang H, Zhang H, . Effects of preconception lifestyle intervention in infertile women with obesity: The FIT-PLESE randomized controlled trial. PLOS Medicine 2022, 19: e1003883. PMID: 35041662, PMCID: PMC8765626, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1003883.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsHealthy live birthIntensive lifestyle interventionLifestyle interventionLive birthsWeight lossExercise interventionPrimary outcomeBirth outcomesMetabolic healthInfertility treatmentPhysical activityOvarian stimulation/intrauterine inseminationIntensive groupFirst trimester pregnancy lossIntensive lifestyle groupLifestyle modification groupPreconception lifestyle interventionStandard exercise interventionAcute weight lossTrimester pregnancy lossGastrointestinal side effectsSignificant weight lossLive birth incidenceLifestyle groupUnexplained infertility
Effect of an Active vs Expectant Management Strategy on Successful Resolution of Pregnancy Among Patients With a Persisting Pregnancy of Unknown Location
Barnhart KT, Hansen KR, Stephenson MD, Usadi R, Steiner AZ, Cedars MI, Jungheim ES, Hoeger KM, Krawetz SA, Mills B, Alston M, Coutifaris C, Senapati S, Sonalkar S, Diamond MP, Wild RA, Rosen M, Sammel MD, Santoro N, Eisenberg E, Huang H, Zhang H, Legro R, Guzick D, Branum A, Goldman M, Redmon B, Thomas M, Witter F, Brannigan R, Cato P, Coney P, Inoue L, Missmer S. Effect of an Active vs Expectant Management Strategy on Successful Resolution of Pregnancy Among Patients With a Persisting Pregnancy of Unknown Location. JAMA 2021, 326: 390-400. PMID: 34342619, PMCID: PMC8335579, DOI: 10.1001/jama.2021.10767.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsExpectant managementInitial management strategyUterine evacuationPregnancy resolutionCommon adverse eventsExpectant management strategyEctopic pregnancyEligible patientsSuccessful resolutionAdverse eventsPrimary outcomeInherent morbidityNonviable pregnanciesStable womenNoninferiority marginClinical trialsMedical CenterMAIN OUTCOMEHigh riskPregnancyPatientsMethotrexateActive managementSubstantial crossoverPrimary hypothesisSleep Habits of Women With Infertility
Eisenberg E, Legro RS, Diamond MP, Huang H, O’Brien L, Smith YR, Coutifaris C, Hansen KR, Santoro N, Zhang H. Sleep Habits of Women With Infertility. The Journal Of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2021, 106: e4414-e4426. PMID: 34180998, PMCID: PMC8530742, DOI: 10.1210/clinem/dgab474.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsPolycystic ovary syndromeShort sleep durationUnexplained infertilityHabitual snoringClinical symptomsSleep durationInfertile womenSleep disturbancesClinical trialsLive birth rateObstructive sleep apneaRandomized clinical trialsMain outcome measuresObstructive sleep apnea diagnosisSelf-reported sleep measuresClinical depression scoresSleep apnea diagnosisAmbulatory gynecologyCurrent smokingOvary syndromePCOS diagnosisProspective cohortSleep apneaInfertility practicePrevious diagnosis
Pregnancy registry: three-year follow-up of children conceived from letrozole, clomiphene, or gonadotropins
Legro RS, Diamond MP, Coutifaris C, Schlaff WD, Alvero R, Casson P, Christman GM, Rosen RM, Cedars MI, Hansen KR, Robinson R, Baker V, Usadi R, Dodson WC, Estes SJ, Kunselman A, Stetter C, Barnhart KT, Coward RM, Trussell JC, Krawetz SA, Santoro N, Huang H, Zhang H, Eisenberg E, Network R. Pregnancy registry: three-year follow-up of children conceived from letrozole, clomiphene, or gonadotropins. Fertility And Sterility 2020, 113: 1005-1013. PMID: 32386612, PMCID: PMC7376442, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2019.12.023.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsMeSH KeywordsAdultAge FactorsChild BehaviorChild DevelopmentChild, PreschoolClomipheneCognitionFemaleFertilityFertility AgentsFollow-Up StudiesGesturesGonadotropinsHumansInfantInfertility, FemaleLetrozoleLive BirthMaleOvulation InductionPolycystic Ovary SyndromePregnancyProspective StudiesRandomized Controlled Trials as TopicRegistriesTreatment OutcomeUnited StatesWeight GainConceptsGN groupMultiple pregnancy rateProspective cohort studyPolycystic ovary syndromeChildren of womenInfertility trialsUnexplained infertilityCohort studyII studyMultiple gestationsOvary syndromeHealth centersInfertility treatmentPregnancy rateInfertility therapyMAIN OUTCOMELTZ groupLetrozoleMacArthur-Bates Communicative Development InventoriesAcademic health centersGonadotropinAbnormal scoresClomipheneCC groupDevelopmental QuestionnaireThe effect of antioxidants on male factor infertility: the Males, Antioxidants, and Infertility (MOXI) randomized clinical trial
Steiner AZ, Hansen KR, Barnhart KT, Cedars MI, Legro RS, Diamond MP, Krawetz SA, Usadi R, Baker VL, Coward RM, Huang H, Wild R, Masson P, Smith JF, Santoro N, Eisenberg E, Zhang H, Network R. The effect of antioxidants on male factor infertility: the Males, Antioxidants, and Infertility (MOXI) randomized clinical trial. Fertility And Sterility 2020, 113: 552-560.e3. PMID: 32111479, PMCID: PMC7219515, DOI: 10.1016/j.fertnstert.2019.11.008.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsMonths of treatmentMale factor infertilityFactor infertilityLive birthsSemen parametersPlacebo groupPrimary outcomeSperm concentrationPlacebo-controlled trialLive birth rateCumulative live birthDNA fragmentationFemale partnersSperm DNA fragmentation indexLycopene dailyVivo pregnancyClomiphene citrateSecondary outcomesEntire cohortAsthenospermic menFertility centerIntrauterine inseminationMonth 4Tubal patencyClinical trialsFamilies with children resulting from ART: psychosocial and financial implications
Miller V, Diamond MP, Hansen KR, Steiner AZ, Cedars M, Legro RS, Krawetz SA, Coutifaris C, Huang H, Santoro N, Zhang H, Network N. Families with children resulting from ART: psychosocial and financial implications. Human Reproduction Open 2020, 2020: hoaa010. PMID: 32309638, PMCID: PMC7152781, DOI: 10.1093/hropen/hoaa010.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
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