Elizabeth Flanagan, PhD
Research Scientist in PsychiatryDownloadHi-Res Photo
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Research Scientist in Psychiatry
Reed College, BA, 1992
Auburn University, MS, 1999, Clinical Psychology
Auburn University, PhD, 2003, Clinical Psychology
APA approved internship 2002-2003 Wisconsin Psychiatric Institute and Clinics
F32 Post-doctoral Fellowship 2003-2006, Yale University
Research ScientistPrimary
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Education & Training
- PhD
- Auburn University (2003)
Medical Research Interests
Community Networks; Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; Mental Health Services; Personality Disorders; Public Policy; Schizophrenia Spectrum and Other Psychotic Disorders; Social Isolation; Social Justice
Research at a Glance
Yale Co-Authors
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Publications Timeline
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Research Interests
Research topics Elizabeth Flanagan is interested in exploring.
Anthony J. Pavlo, PhD
Chyrell Bellamy, MSW, PhD
Luz Ocasio
Rebecca Miller, PhD
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
Care integration goes Beyond Co-Location: Creating a Medical Home
Flanagan E, Wyatt J, Pavlo A, Kang S, Blackman K, Ocasio L, Guy K, O’Connell M, Bellamy C. Care integration goes Beyond Co-Location: Creating a Medical Home. Administration And Policy In Mental Health And Mental Health Services Research 2023, 51: 123-133. PMID: 38015324, DOI: 10.1007/s10488-023-01317-3.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPrimary care centersMental health centersCare integrationMedical recordsHealth centersMedical homeCommunity mental health centerMental healthPrimary care servicesSerious mental illnessPeer health navigationEarly mortalityPrimary careCare centerHealth navigationCare servicesMental illnessOne-yearCo-located servicesMHC staffFirst yearLimited awarenessFocus groupsStaffHealth
The Cycle of Classification: DSM-I Through DSM-5
Blashfield RK, Keeley JW, Flanagan EH, Miles SR. The Cycle of Classification: DSM-I Through DSM-5. Annual Review Of Clinical Psychology 2014, 10: 25-51. PMID: 24679178, DOI: 10.1146/annurev-clinpsy-032813-153639.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and Concepts
"I never really discuss that with my clinician”: U.S. Consumer perspectives on the place of culture in behavioural health care
Delphin-Rittmon, M., Bellamy, C., Ridgway, P., Guy, K., Ortiz, J., Flanagan, E.H., Davidson, L. “I never really discuss that with my clinician”: U.S. Consumer perspectives on the place of culture in behavioural health care. Diversity in Health and Care. 2013. :143-154.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Considering DSM-5: The Personal Experience of Schizophrenia in Relation to the DSM-IV-TR Criteria
Flanagan EH, Solomon LA, Johnson A, Ridgway P, Strauss JS, Davidson L. Considering DSM-5: The Personal Experience of Schizophrenia in Relation to the DSM-IV-TR Criteria. Psychiatry 2012, 75: 375-386. PMID: 23244014, DOI: 10.1521/psyc.2012.75.4.375.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsDSM-IV-TR criteriaDSM-IV-TRDiagnostic criteriaDSM-IV-TR diagnostic criteriaDSM-5Schizoaffective disorderSchizophreniaDescription of schizophreniaPersonal experienceGoal-directed behaviorSocial stigmaParticipants' personal experiencesParticipantsSevere disruptionDescriptive phenomenological analysisQualitative findingsRacial-Ethnic Differences in Referral Source, Diagnosis, and Length of Stay in Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment
Delphin-Rittmon M, Andres-Hyman R, Flanagan EH, Ortiz J, Amer MM, Davidson L. Racial-Ethnic Differences in Referral Source, Diagnosis, and Length of Stay in Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment. Psychiatric Services 2012, 63: 612-615. PMID: 22422017, DOI: 10.1176/appi.ps.201100322.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsSubstance abuse treatmentInpatient substance abuse treatmentLength of stayAbuse treatmentUse disordersRacial-ethnic differencesReferral sourceAfrican AmericansDrug use disordersCluster B personality disorder diagnosisAlcohol use disorderNon-Hispanic whitesPersonality disorder diagnosisStayDisorder diagnosisCrisis servicesDiagnosisCriminal justice settingsHispanicsTreatmentDisordersWhitesJustice settingsAmericansGroup
“Unfortunately, We Treat the Chart:” Sources of Stigma in Mental Health Settings
Flanagan EH, Miller R, Davidson L. “Unfortunately, We Treat the Chart:” Sources of Stigma in Mental Health Settings. Psychiatric Quarterly 2009, 80: 55-64. PMID: 19191027, DOI: 10.1007/s11126-009-9093-7.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsMental health settingsHealth settingsMental illnessSystemic pressureCommunity mental health centerMental health centersBackground StigmaHealth centersLabeling patientsSources of stigmaIllnessMixed qualitative-quantitative designPatientsSocietal stigmaSymptomsStigmaDeficitsInterpretive phenomenological analysisSettingPrimary themesQualitative-quantitative designPractitionersCharts
An Alternative Hierarchical Organization of the Mental Disorders of the DSM–IV
Flanagan EH, Keeley J, Blashfield RK. An Alternative Hierarchical Organization of the Mental Disorders of the DSM–IV. Journal Of Psychopathology And Clinical Science 2008, 117: 693-698. PMID: 18729621, DOI: 10.1037/a0012535.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and Concepts
Issues for DSM-V: Incorporating Patients Subjective Experiences
Flanagan EH, Davidson L, Strauss JS. Issues for DSM-V: Incorporating Patients Subjective Experiences. American Journal Of Psychiatry 2007, 164: 391-392. PMID: 17329461, DOI: 10.1176/ajp.2007.164.3.391.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
News & Links
- September 19, 2019Source: GEN Medium
Is It Possible to Cure the Desire for Revenge?
- December 18, 2018
Researchers take aim at gun violence by targeting desire for revenge
- February 09, 2014
A shared vision: Decreasing stigma and discrimination around mental illness