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Daniel Chamié, MD, PhD

Assistant Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine)
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Additional Titles

Director, Intravascular Imaging and Physiology Core Laboratories

Section Editor, Intravascular Imaging and Physiology In Focus, Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (JSCAI)

Associate Editor, Interventional Cardiology, Journal of Transcatheter Interventions, Official Publication of the Brazilian Society of Hemodynamics and Interventional Cardiology

Contact Info

Yale School of Medicine

135 College Street

New Haven, Connecticut 06510

United States



Assistant Professor of Medicine (Cardiovascular Medicine)

Director, Intravascular Imaging and Physiology Core Laboratories

Positions outside Yale

Section Editor, Intravascular Imaging and Physiology In Focus, Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (JSCAI); Associate Editor, Interventional Cardiology, Journal of Transcatheter Interventions, Official Publication of the Brazilian Society of Hemodynamics and Interventional Cardiology


Daniel Chamié, M.D., Ph.D., is an Interventional Cardiologist with expertise in complex percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI), intravascular imaging, and coronary physiology. Dr. Chamié holds an Assistant Professor of Medicine position at the Section of Cardiovascular Medicine at the Yale School of Medicine and is the Director of the Intravascular Ultrasound, Optical Coherence Tomography, and Coronary Physiology Core Laboratories at the Yale Cardiovascular Research Group.

Dr. Chamié received his M.D. degree in 2001 and completed his Internal Medicine (2003) and Cardiology (2005) residencies in Rio de Janeiro Brazil. Between 2006 and 2009, he completed his Hemodynamics and Interventional Cardiology training at the prestigious Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia, Sao Paulo, Brazil, followed by a 2-year research fellowship in Intravascular Imaging at the University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH. Next, Dr. Chamié returned to Brazil and served as faculty of the Interventional Cardiology Department at Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia in Sao Paulo for 10 years, expanding his skills in complex percutaneous coronary interventions and the clinical use of intravascular imaging and physiology. During his tenure in Brazil, Dr. Chamié directed the OCT core laboratory at the Cardiovascular Research Center, Sao Paulo, from 2012 to 2020, where he developed OCT analysis methods for several studies investigating novel devices (e.g. bioresorbable scaffolds, drug-eluting stents, specialty balloons) in various clinical scenarios (e.g. stable CAD, ACS, bifurcation lesions, high-bleeding risk patients, etc).

In August 2022, Dr. Chamié joined the Section of Cardiovascular Medicine at Yale School of Medicine in New Haven, CT, as an Instructor. Since then, he established the intravascular ultrasound, optical coherence tomography, and coronary physiology core laboratories and has closely collaborated with the cardiac catheterization laboratory team at Yale New Haven Hospital to advance the use of intravascular imaging modalities in clinical practice.

Internationally recognized as both a clinician and researcher, Dr. Chamié has participated as an investigator for several clinical trials, first-in-man studies, registries, and observational studies. He also served as a Commissioner for the Lancet Commission for Ischemic Heart Disease, working with a large group of Cardiology leaders to produce a forward-looking document aiming to increase awareness of the impact of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease, to impact on health policy interventions targeted at prevention, early detection, and treatment of atherosclerotic heart disease globally.

Dr. Chamié serves as a Section Editor for the “Imaging and Physiology In Focus" Section of the Journal of the Society of Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions (JSCAI), as a reviewer for high-impact peer-reviewed journals in the area of cardiovascular interventions (e.g. JACC, JACC Cardiovascular Interventions, Circulation Interventions, EuroIntervention, Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine, and JSCAI), and is regularly invited to speak at leading national and international conferences.

Within Yale, Dr. Chamié is actively involved in training and supporting fellows in training, interventional cardiology faculty, and conducting cutting-edge research in the areas of intravascular imaging, physiology, and coronary interventions.

Departments & Organizations

Education & Training

University of Sao Paulo, Medicine, Technology and Interventions in Cardiology (2019)
University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Case Western Reserve University (2012)
Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia (2009)
Instituto Estadual de Cardiologia Aloysio de Castro (2005)
Hospital Municipal Lourenco Jorge (2003)
Fundacao Educacional Serra dos Orgaos, Medical School (2001)

Board Certifications

  • Interventional Cardiology Board

    Certification Organization
    Brazilian Society of Hemodynamics and Interventional Cardiology
    Original Certification Date
  • Cardiology Board

    Certification Organization
    Brazilian Society of Cardiology
    Original Certification Date


Research at a Glance

Yale Co-Authors

Frequent collaborators of Daniel Chamié's published research.




Academic Achievements & Community Involvement

  • activity


  • activity

    JACC Cardiovascular Interventions

  • activity

    Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions

  • activity

    Cardiovascular Revascularization Medicine

  • activity

    JSCAI: Journal of the Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions

Get In Touch


Mailing Address

Yale School of Medicine

135 College Street

New Haven, Connecticut 06510

United States

Administrative Support