Serial Assessment of Coronary Artery Healing of a Biodegradable Polymer Drug-Eluting Stent at 1, 2, and 3 Months by Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)-The REPAIR Trial.
Silva G, Meneguz-Moreno R, Costa R, Chamié D, Dangas G, Manica A, Arruda J, Sousa A, Feres F, Costa J. Serial Assessment of Coronary Artery Healing of a Biodegradable Polymer Drug-Eluting Stent at 1, 2, and 3 Months by Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)-The REPAIR Trial. Journal Of Invasive Cardiology 2023, 35: e225-e233. PMID: 36920890, DOI: 10.25270/jic/22.00349.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOptical coherence tomographyDrug-eluting stentsCoherence tomographyStrut coverageSerial optical coherence tomographyEarly strut coverageImaging follow-upSingle-arm studyAcute coronary syndromeLocal drug toxicityPercutaneous coronary interventionType 2 diabetesFirst-generation drug-eluting stentsOpen-labelOCT assessmentBiodegradable polymer drug-eluting stentsDrug toxicityCoronary syndromeFollow-upMean agePolymer drug-eluting stentsCoronary interventionStentHealing patternPatients
Percutaneous Coronary Intervention by Radial Approach: Technique Incorporation and Outcomes at an Interventional Cardiology Training Center
de Aguiar Filho G, Siqueira D, Chaves Á, Coelho F, Costa J, Veloso M, Ohe L, Costa R, Chamié D, Staico R, Braga S, Feres F, Abizaid A, Sousa A, Sousa J. Percutaneous Coronary Intervention by Radial Approach: Technique Incorporation and Outcomes at an Interventional Cardiology Training Center. Journal Of Transcatheter Interventions 2012, 20: 367-372. DOI: 10.1016/s2214-1235(15)30080-6.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPercutaneous coronary interventionRadial artery accessArterial accessFemoral approachRadial approachComposite endpointTraining centersCoronary interventionComposite endpoint of deathMyocardial infarctionSingle-center studyVascular complication rateEndpoint of deathAcute coronary syndromePeriprocedural myocardial infarctionFemoral artery accessConsecutive patientsAngiographic profileComplication rateVascular complicationsCoronary syndromeMean agePeriprocedural MIInterventionPatients
Assessing the Temporal Course of Neointimal Hyperplasia Formation After Different Generations of Drug-Eluting Stents
Collet C, Costa J, Abizaid A, Chamié D, Staico R, Costa R, Siquera D, Obregon J, Feres F, Sousa A, Sousa J. Assessing the Temporal Course of Neointimal Hyperplasia Formation After Different Generations of Drug-Eluting Stents. JACC Cardiovascular Interventions 2011, 4: 1067-1074. PMID: 22017930, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcin.2011.07.010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDrug-eluting stentsDiabetes mellitusSirolimus-eluting stentsNeointimal hyperplasiaFollow-upTreated with sirolimus-eluting stentsPresence of diabetes mellitusLong-term follow-upMonths to 5 yearsDrug-eluting stent implantationDe novo lesionsGenerations of drug-eluting stentsBiolimus-eluting stentIntravascular ultrasound evaluationNeointimal hyperplasia formationIntravascular ultrasound assessmentPrimary endpointNo significant differenceUltrasound assessmentUltrasound evaluationMean ageTemporal courseDiabetic patientsPatientsStent
Distribuição espacial da placa vulnerável na árvore coronária: avaliação angiográfica de uma coorte consecutiva e não-selecionada de pacientes submetidos a angioplastia primária
da Silva J, Chamié D, Costa J, Abizaid A, Feres F, de Sá F, Lanza e Passos R, Mattos L, Staico R, Chaves Á, Sousa A, Sousa J. Distribuição espacial da placa vulnerável na árvore coronária: avaliação angiográfica de uma coorte consecutiva e não-selecionada de pacientes submetidos a angioplastia primária. Journal Of Transcatheter Interventions 2009, 17: 209-213. DOI: 10.1590/s2179-83972009000200013.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPoisson regression modelsAcute myocardial infarctionCoronary Artery Surgery StudyRisk of acute myocardial infarctionRegression modelsPatients treated with primary angioplastyMean reference vessel diameterST-elevation AMI patientsVulnerable plaquesConsecutive patients treated with primary angioplastyReference vessel diameterAMI patientsAnatomical-pathological studiesTertiary centerTIMI flowMean agePrimary angioplastyCoronary ostiumSurgery StudyCulprit vesselCoronary arteryMyocardial infarctionOccluded segment
The revascular active percutaneous interventional device for coronary total occlusions study
Chamié D, Abizaid A, Júnior J, Feres F, Abizaid A, Staico R, Costa R, Mattos L, Sousa A, Sousa J. The revascular active percutaneous interventional device for coronary total occlusions study. Catheterization And Cardiovascular Interventions 2008, 72: 156-163. PMID: 18655121, DOI: 10.1002/ccd.21560.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPercutaneous coronary interventionBenefit of recanalizationFirst-in-man evaluationAssociated with higher incidenceClinical follow-upAverage procedure timeAdverse cardiac eventsDuration of occlusionVessel reference diameterContralateral circulationFluoroscopy timeSymptomatic patientsSingle centerCardiac eventsProcedural successProcedure timeTarget lesionsMean ageFollow-upIn-hospitalPer-protocolOcclusion studiesCoronary interventionCoronary arteryHigher incidenceExeqüibilidade, eficácia e segurança do sistema de stent CardioMindTM no tratamento de lesões em vasos de fino calibre: um estudo seriado com angiografia e ultra-som intracoronário
Chamié D, Costa J, Abizaid A, Gottschald M, Feres F, Mattos L, Staico R, Costa R, Siqueira D, Abizaid A, Tanajura L, Chaves Á, Centemero M, Sousa A, Sousa J. Exeqüibilidade, eficácia e segurança do sistema de stent CardioMindTM no tratamento de lesões em vasos de fino calibre: um estudo seriado com angiografia e ultra-som intracoronário. Journal Of Transcatheter Interventions 2008, 16: 193-199. DOI: 10.1590/s2179-83972008000200013.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCoronary artery diseaseTreatment of small vessel coronary artery diseaseVessel coronary artery diseaseSmall vessel coronary artery diseaseEnd-points of efficacyNeointimal obstructionIntravascular ultrasoundStent systemIn-stent late lossCases of cardiac deathCohort of patientsImmediately post-procedureLong-term resultsLate lumen lossReference vessel diameterPercutaneous coronary interventionRate of restenosisNative coronary arteriesPost-procedureProcedural successClinical impactCardiac deathMean ageBinary restenosisLate lossStents auto-expansíveis versus balão-expansíveis para tratamento de lesões em vasos de fino calibre: estudo com ultra-som intracoronário tridimensional
Chamié D, Costa J, Abizaid A, Feres F, Devito F, Mattos L, Staico R, Abizaid A, Tanajura L, Fitzgerald P, Whitbourn R, Sousa A, Sousa J. Stents auto-expansíveis versus balão-expansíveis para tratamento de lesões em vasos de fino calibre: estudo com ultra-som intracoronário tridimensional. Journal Of Transcatheter Interventions 2008, 16: 341-352. DOI: 10.1590/s2179-83972008000300017.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMonths of follow-upSmall vesselsAssociated with poor short-Less vessel injuryIntravascular ultrasoundNeointimal hyperplasiaLong-term outcomesVolumetric intravascular ultrasoundPercutaneous coronary interventionRate of restenosisBalloon-expandable stentsSelf-expanding stentsMechanical propertiesHistorical cohortPoor short-Mean ageFollow-upTreatment of SVCoronary interventionIn-stentVessel injuryInclusion criteriaStentLuminal areaLuminal volume