Brad Yoo, MD, FACS
Associate Professor of Orthopaedics and RehabilitationCards
Posteromedial approach for the surgical management of posterior talar body fractures
Dhodapkar M, Salameh M, Yoo B. Posteromedial approach for the surgical management of posterior talar body fractures. Trauma Case Reports 2024, 54: 101099. PMID: 39381796, PMCID: PMC11458537, DOI: 10.1016/j.tcr.2024.101099.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchTalar body fracturesMedial malleolus osteotomyBody fracturesPosteromedial approachAnatomical reductionOptimal surgical approachTalar domeLoss of boneSurgical managementSurgical approachVisualization of fracturesIatrogenic damagePosterior aspectBlood supplyOsteotomy siteMedial aspectDeltoid ligamentPosterior talusOsteotomySustentaculum fracture fixation with lateral plate or medial screw fixation are equivalent
Roytman G, Salameh M, Rizzo S, Dhodapkar M, Tommasini S, Wiznia D, Yoo B. Sustentaculum fracture fixation with lateral plate or medial screw fixation are equivalent. Injury 2024, 55: 111532. PMID: 38614015, DOI: 10.1016/j.injury.2024.111532.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSubtalar jointCadaveric anklesSustentaculum tali fracturesFresh-frozen cadaveric anklesT-testAssess patient outcomesPaired t-testUn-paired t-testAnkle modelAnkleRight ankleLeft ankleMid-tibiaPatient outcomesRetrospective observational studyScrew fixationObservational studyMethod of fixationFracture fixationBiomechanical functionMedial approachBody massFixation methodsInterosseous ligamentNo significant differenceOutcomes of Distal Third Femur Fractures in Patients 18 Years and Older: A Pilot Study
Roytman G, Jabbouri S, O'Marr J, Raghuram A, Beitler B, Irshad S, Fram B, Yoo B, Leslie M, Riedel M, Tommasini S, Wiznia D. Outcomes of Distal Third Femur Fractures in Patients 18 Years and Older: A Pilot Study. Cureus 2024, 16: e55136. PMID: 38558586, PMCID: PMC10979706, DOI: 10.7759/cureus.55136.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Gouty Tophi Encompassing Retained Suture Material 7 Years After Achilles Tendon Rupture Repair
Dhodapkar M, Schneble C, Kahan J, Yoo B. Gouty Tophi Encompassing Retained Suture Material 7 Years After Achilles Tendon Rupture Repair. JBJS Case Connector 2022, 12: e22.00433. PMID: 36820881, DOI: 10.2106/ Case Reports and Technical NotesConceptsAchilles tendon rupture repairHistory of abscessRuptured Achilles tendonTreatment of patientsAchilles tendon repairHistory of goutUric acid levelsMonosodium urate crystalsTendon rupture repairAnkle massInitial repairMale patientsGouty tophiAchilles tendonTendon repairUrate crystalsRupture repairPatientsAcid levelsSuture materialAbscessGoutRepairDebridementTophiSimulating Prophylactic Fixation Methods for Osteoporotic Femoral Neck Fracture Prevention
Roytman G, Ramji A, Beitler B, Yoo B, Leslie M, Baumgaertner M, Tommasini S, Wiznia D. Simulating Prophylactic Fixation Methods for Osteoporotic Femoral Neck Fracture Prevention. Geriatric Orthopaedic Surgery & Rehabilitation 2022, 13: 21514593221141376. PMID: 36533207, PMCID: PMC9747871, DOI: 10.1177/21514593221141376.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchFemoral neck systemDynamic hip screwExternal forcesImpact scenariosFemoral neck fracturesSingle-leg stanceFemoral neckHigh stiffnessFall scenariosNeck fracturesFracture patternsLeg stanceConstruct stiffnessLateral impactStiffnessChoice of implantsDifferent implantsSawbone femurProphylactic stabilizationGeriatric patientsHigh morbidityFracture preventionProphylactic fixationSurgical correctionClinical trials
Isolated Fractures of the Anterior Process
Yoo B. Isolated Fractures of the Anterior Process. 2020, 251-262. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-37363-4_18.ChaptersAnterior process fractureProcess fracturesIndividual fracture patternLigamentous avulsionTreating orthopedistConcomitant injuriesOpen reductionFunctional recoveryInternal fixationAvulsed segmentIsolated fractureMidfoot instabilityFragment excisionOs calcisMidtarsal jointPoor chanceAnterior processSevere mechanismInjuryFracture patternsFracturesExcisionCalcisOrthopedistsAvulsion
Safe Zones for Cerclage Wiring of the Humeral Diaphysis
Kadar A, Kahan J, Leslie M, Yoo B, Baumgaertner M. Safe Zones for Cerclage Wiring of the Humeral Diaphysis. Clinical Anatomy 2019, 33: 552-557. PMID: 31301242, DOI: 10.1002/ca.23433.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDeep brachial arteryRadial nerveHumeral heightBrachial arteryCerclage wiresMidshaft humerusCerclage wiringNeurovascular structuresHumeral diaphysisFresh-frozen cadaveric humeriExtensive surgical explorationSurgical explorationNeurovascular injuryMedian nerveSuch injuriesNerveArteryMedial structuresInjuryCadaveric humeriHumerusCerclageLess riskPosterior structuresDiaphysis
Clinical Care
Brad Yoo, MD is a board-certified orthopaedic trauma surgeon and Associate Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and Rehabilitation. He specializes in treating severe fractures, post-fracture complications, as well as deformities and arthritis of the lower extremity.
Born and raised in Connecticut, Dr. Yoo graduated cum laude from Cornell University. He obtained his medical degree from New York Medical College, where he first found his passion for orthopaedics. Next came a residency in Baltimore, MD, at the University of Maryland Medical Center, the R. Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center, and the Johns Hopkins Hospital. He then spent a fellowship year specializing in orthopaedic trauma at the University of Washington Harborview Medical Center in Seattle.
Dr. Yoo has more than 20 years of experience treating patients and educating residents at tertiary level one trauma centers. Prior to joining Yale in 2018, Dr. Yoo spent almost a decade at the University of California, Davis Medical Center and was Chief of Orthopaedic Trauma at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland, OR. He is an active member of multiple orthopaedic societies, including AO North America, AO Trauma, the American Orthopaedic Association, and the American College of Surgeons.
Dr. Yoo practices the Golden Rule. He appreciates that injury can be an anxiety-provoking, disruptive event to both patients and their families. Through patient education, he hopes to make patients feel more comfortable with their conditions. With precise surgical intervention, he works to get patients back to their original functional status.
Clinical Specialties
Fact Sheets
Broken Ankle (Ankle Fracture)
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Board Certifications
Orthopaedic Surgery
- Certification Organization
- AB of Orthopaedic Surgery
- Original Certification Date
- 2009
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