Professor Emeritus of Nursing
Williams received a diploma in nursing from Chicago's Illinois Masonic Medical Center School of Nursing after earning a degree in history from Roosevelt University, also in Chicago. She received her Master of Science in Nursing from YSN and master’s and doctoral degrees in Education from Columbia University. She was awarded a Robert Wood Johnson Clinical Nurse Scholars Postdoctoral Fellowship for two years at the University of California, San Francisco where she focused on epidemiology and HIV/AIDS.For over 3 decades Williams has worked as a nurse practitioner caring for persons with AIDS in New Haven, San Francisco, and abroad. Her program of research grows directly from that clinical work. She designed and conducted some of the earliest studies of AIDS among drug users. Her work tested interventions to decrease HIV transmission, improve gynecologic care of women living with HIV, and increase patient adherence to antiretroviral medication. She served for many years on the Board of Trustees of Yale-China Association and from 2008-2009 as Interim Executive Director of that organization. She has been Guest Professor Nursing at Xiangya School of Nursing, in Hunan Province, China, since 2004. Williams is the Nurse Consultant for Harvard AIDS Initiative Vietnam where she has led the development of a national cohort of HIV/AIDS nurse educators.Williams’s awards include Research Article of the Year from the Association of Nurses in AIDS Care (1999 and 2005); the Ruth Steinkraus Cohen Memorial Award for Outstanding Women of Connecticut (2002), the Ruth B. Freeman Award for Distinguished Career in Public Health Nursing (American Public Health Association, 2002), Best Book of 1998 from The Nurse Practitioner (for HIV Nursing and Symptom Management), and the Women’s Health Research Award from the National Center for Excellence in Women’s Health (1998). She is a fellow in the American Academy of Nurses.Although Williams retired from Yale in 2010 after 3 decades and currently serves as Associate Dean for Research and Scholarship at UCLA School of Nursing, she maintains her Yale connections, including ongoing collaborations with colleagues at Yale School of Medicine, Yale School of Nursing, and Yale-China Association.
Clinical practice
AIDS Care Program, Yale-New Haven Hospital
Member, Medical Staff, Yale-New Haven Hospital
Nurse Practitioner, Primary Care Staff, AIDS Care Program, Yale New Haven Hospital
Departments & Organizations
Research at a Glance
Yale Co-Authors
Frequent collaborators of Ann Williams's published research.
Publications Timeline
A big-picture view of Ann Williams's research output by year.
Gerald Friedland, MD
Kaveh Khoshnood, PhD, MPH
Linda Honan, PhD, MSN, CNS (BC), RN, FAAN
Break through multidrug-resistant TB.
Gribble EA, Williams A. Break through multidrug-resistant TB. The Nurse Practitioner 2010, 35: 14-22; quiz 22-3. PMID: 20164730, DOI: 10.1097/01.NPR.0000368902.00453.3d.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchEffects of nurse‐delivered home visits combined with telephone calls on medication adherence and quality of life in HIV‐infected heroin users in Hunan of China
Wang H, Zhou J, Huang L, Li X, Fennie KP, Williams AB. Effects of nurse‐delivered home visits combined with telephone calls on medication adherence and quality of life in HIV‐infected heroin users in Hunan of China. Journal Of Clinical Nursing 2010, 19: 380-388. PMID: 20500277, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2702.2009.03048.x.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsQuality of lifeHome visitsAntiretroviral treatmentHeroin usersControl groupMedication adherenceTelephone interventionTelephone callsExperimental groupAntiretroviral treatment sitesWorld Health Organization QualitySelf-rating Depression ScaleHealth Organization QualityLevel of adherenceBetter health outcomesStandard careRoutine careRisk factorsDepression ScaleLife instrumentsDepressive symptomsOrganization QualityParticipants' qualityHealth outcomesHIV
Hormonal Contraception and Metabolic Outcomes in Women With or at Risk for HIV Infection
Womack JA, Scherzer R, Cole SR, Fennie K, Williams AB, Grey M, Minkoff H, Anastos K, Cohen MH, Tien PC. Hormonal Contraception and Metabolic Outcomes in Women With or at Risk for HIV Infection. JAIDS Journal Of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes 2009, 52: 581-587. PMID: 19950431, PMCID: PMC2886798, DOI: 10.1097/qai.0b013e3181b9e5ee.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsCombined Hormonal ContraceptionGreater HOMA-IRNon-HC usersHormonal contraceptionHOMA-IRLow HDLHIV infectionMetabolic outcomesDensity lipoproteinWomen's Interagency HIV StudyHomeostasis model assessment estimateDisorders of glucoseAdverse metabolic outcomesHigh-density lipoproteinLow-density lipoproteinUninfected womenAntiretroviral therapyHigher HDLAdverse outcomesInsulin resistanceContraceptive efficacyHIV StudyReproductive ageCardiovascular diseaseHIVConsequences of Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS in China: Recommendations for Integrated Care of HIV-Infected Drug Users
Li X, He G, Wang H, Williams AB. Consequences of Drug Abuse and HIV/AIDS in China: Recommendations for Integrated Care of HIV-Infected Drug Users. AIDS Patient Care And STDs 2009, 23: 877-884. PMID: 19799494, DOI: 10.1089/apc.2009.0015.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsHIV/AIDSDrug usersDrug abuseHealth care providers' attitudesCare providers' attitudesMethadone maintenance treatmentNeedle syringe programsInjection drug usersHIV/AIDS epidemicUnprotected sexual behaviorMedical care servicesDrug User QualityDrug abuse behaviorHIV infectionMaintenance treatmentNeedle sharingSyringe programsHigh prevalenceHepatitis virusProvider attitudesCare servicesHealth professionalsIntegrated careSevere mental problemsPsychosocial consequencesConsistent ART Adherence Is Associated with Improved Quality of Life, CD4 Counts, and Reduced Hospital Costs in Central China
Wang H, Zhou J, He G, Luo Y, Li X, Yang A, Fennie K, Williams AB. Consistent ART Adherence Is Associated with Improved Quality of Life, CD4 Counts, and Reduced Hospital Costs in Central China. AIDS Research And Human Retroviruses 2009, 25: 757-763. PMID: 19618996, PMCID: PMC2858929, DOI: 10.1089/aid.2008.0173.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsCD4 cell countART adherenceCell countHigher CD4 cell countsParticipants' medical recordsLower health care costsReduced hospital costsShorter hospital stayBetter physical functionVisual analog scaleCost of hospitalizationLevel of adherenceQuality of lifeHealth care costsImproved qualityLower hospital expensesHigher CD4CD4 countHospital stayHospital admissionMonth 6Month 3SF-36Analog scalePhysical functionStigma reported by people living with HIV in south central China.
Li X, Wang H, Williams A, He G. Stigma reported by people living with HIV in south central China. The Journal Of The Association Of Nurses In AIDS Care : JANAC 2009, 20: 22-30. PMID: 19118768, DOI: 10.1016/j.jana.2008.09.007.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
An Analysis of Electronically Monitored Adherence to Antiretroviral Medications
Knafl GJ, Bova CA, Fennie KP, O’Malley J, Dieckhaus KD, Williams AB. An Analysis of Electronically Monitored Adherence to Antiretroviral Medications. AIDS And Behavior 2008, 14: 755-768. PMID: 19107587, PMCID: PMC3155184, DOI: 10.1007/s10461-008-9512-z.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsAdaptive statistical methodsAdherence patternsMedication Event Monitoring System (MEMS) capsSimilar adherence patternsCD4 cell countHIV viral loadStatistical methodsMEMS dataAdaptive methodAntiretroviral medicationsViral loadMedication adherenceClinical trialsCopies/High adherenceAdherence measuresStudy participationCell countSubject characteristicsAdherenceComplete analysisSubjectsHormonal Contraception and HIV‐Positive Women: Metabolic Concerns and Management Strategies
Womack J, Richman S, Tien PC, Grey M, Williams A. Hormonal Contraception and HIV‐Positive Women: Metabolic Concerns and Management Strategies. Journal Of Midwifery & Women's Health 2008, 53: 362-375. PMID: 18586190, PMCID: PMC2776678, DOI: 10.1016/j.jmwh.2008.01.006.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsHIV-positive womenMore HIV-positive womenHormonal contraceptionMetabolic dysfunctionMetabolic dysregulationLong-term complicationsPresence of HIVAdditive side effectsHIV seropositivityMetabolic concernsReversible contraceptionSide effectsHIVContraceptionWomenComplicationsDysfunctionDysregulationManagement strategiesCliniciansNew CDC recommendations for HIV testing in older adults.
Tangredi LA, Danvers K, Molony SL, Williams A. New CDC recommendations for HIV testing in older adults. The Nurse Practitioner 2008, 33: 37-44. PMID: 18528202.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchSelf-Reported Adherence to Antiretroviral Treatment among HIV-Infected People in Central China
Wang H, He G, Li X, Yang A, Chen X, Fennie KP, Williams AB. Self-Reported Adherence to Antiretroviral Treatment among HIV-Infected People in Central China. AIDS Patient Care And STDs 2008, 22: 71-80. PMID: 18095837, DOI: 10.1089/apc.2007.0047.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH Keywords and ConceptsConceptsSelf-reported adherenceNon-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor resistanceReverse transcriptase inhibitor resistanceCurrent heroin useTranscriptase inhibitor resistanceVisual analog scaleNumber of patientsNumber of dosesProtease inhibitorsCross-sectional surveySubstance abuse treatmentAdherence prevalenceFree ARVAntiretroviral therapyAntiretroviral treatmentAnalog scaleMedication adherenceProspective studyARV resistancePrescribed dosesSelf-report questionnairesAdherence measuresHeroin useMultivariate analysisAIDS treatment