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Rolling tells a story that needs to be heard

Yale Medicine Magazine, 2004 - Fall/Winter


Thank you so much for including an article about Gretchen Berland’s documentary Rolling [“Life on Wheels,” Summer 2004]. I had heard a great deal about this film and became convinced even more that this was a “must-see.” I, too, use a wheelchair; many of the experiences portrayed seemed to have mirrored my own quite closely.

I was especially intrigued that Dr. Berland chose subjects who were not “down and out,” but rather were people who had had and continue to have enriching lives. I hope that I have been successful in convincing the chair of my department that Dr. Berland’s work is something that should be seen by the rest of the faculty. I am sure that by seeing Rolling, awareness of and sensitivity to the multitude of experiences of others in wheelchairs will be greatly enhanced.

Cindy R. Miller, M.D.
Section Chief, Pediatric Radiology
Yale-New Haven Hospital

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