Sex Differences in Maxi‐K channel and Klotho Expressions in ROMK Bartter’s Mouse Kidney
Kim J, Song K, Lee E, Xu S, Wang T. Sex Differences in Maxi‐K channel and Klotho Expressions in ROMK Bartter’s Mouse Kidney. The FASEB Journal 2020, 34: 1-1. DOI: 10.1096/fasebj.2020.34.s1.04872.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMaxi-K channelsKO miceKlotho expressionMouse kidneyBartter's syndromeWT miceMaxi-KFemale WTRenal outer medullary potassium channelSurvival rateWT mouse kidneysUrinary potassium excretionProtein levelsBK channelsFemale mouse kidneyPotassium excretionVolume depletionROMKElectrolyte imbalancePotassium channelsBK expressionII phenotypeLife-threateningSex differencesBlood pressure
Maxi-K channels contribute to urinary potassium excretion in the ROMK-deficient mouse model of Type II Bartter's syndrome and in adaptation to a high-K diet
Bailey M, Cantone A, Yan Q, MacGregor G, Leng Q, Amorim J, Wang T, Hebert S, Giebisch G, Malnic G. Maxi-K channels contribute to urinary potassium excretion in the ROMK-deficient mouse model of Type II Bartter's syndrome and in adaptation to a high-K diet. Kidney International 2006, 70: 51-59. PMID: 16710355, DOI: 10.1038/sj.ki.5000388.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCortical collecting ductLate distal tubuleType II Bartter syndromeRenal potassium wastingMaxi-K channelsPotassium secretionDistal tubulesBartter's syndromePotassium wastingPotassium excretionIberiotoxin (IBTX)-sensitiveRenal potassium lossSalt-wasting disorderUrinary potassium excretionWild-type miceRenal potassium excretionFree-flow micropunctureDistal convoluted tubuleIncreased renal potassium excretionHigh-K dietLoop of HenleROMK-deficientPersistent hypokalemiaROMK channelsMaxi-K