MD Program Financial Aid Application Instructions
- 1. Yale School of Medicine Application for Financial Aid
- 2. Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- 3. CSS Profile Application
- 4. 2023 Federal Income Tax Returns (Form 1040) - Required if Completed the CSS Profile Application
- 5. Student Non-tax Filer Income Statement
- 6. Certificate of Information
- 7. Request to Disclose Financial Aid Information (Optional)
- 1. Yale School of Medicine Application for Financial Aid
2025 – 2026 YSM Financial Aid Application – If you have saved progress in the existing application, please reference and submit. If you are starting a new 2025 – 2026 application, please use the following links:
- 2. Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
If you are a U.S. Citizen or Eligible Non-Citizen, you will need to complete the FAFSA after December 1st. You can complete your FAFSA online at Yale's School Code is 001426.
Be sure that you obtain a PIN number and FSA ID to sign electronically or submit the signature page as instructed.
File your 2023 tax return prior to submitting your FAFSA and provide consent and approval to release Federal Tax Information (FTI) when completing the FAFSA. Consent and approval are needed to retrieve and disclose federal tax information from each participant on the FAFSA form. With consent and approval, Federal Student Aid can obtain your federal tax information automatically from the IRS to help complete the FAFSA form. If consent and approval are not provided by the student and all contributors on the FAFSA form, the student will not be eligible for federal student aid. All participants must provide consent and approval even if they didn’t file a tax return.
If you do not consent to release Federal Tax Information, you will not be eligible for federal student aid.
- 3. CSS Profile Application
To be considered for Yale School of Medicine funds (Yale Scholarship and Yale Loans) you must complete a CSS Profile need analysis application. The CSS Profile Application must include your parents' financial information along with your own income and assets.
Beginning in the 2024-25 academic year, parental information is no longer required for students 30 and older.
- Married and to be married students:
If you are married, you must include your spouse's income and asset information. If you are planning to be married during the current academic year, you must also provide your spouse or significant other’s income and asset information. - Parents:
If your parents are legally divorced or separated, your custodial parent must complete the CSS Profile. The custodial parent will remain the same each year. If parents are not legally separated, we need both parents information.
The Yale School of Medicine, requires you to file a CSS Profile Application to receive financial aid. There is a charge for filing this form.
The CSS Profile application should be filled out online and submitted electronically. You can find the online application HERE.
- Married and to be married students:
- 4. 2023 Federal Income Tax Returns (Form 1040) - Required if Completed the CSS Profile Application
Please submit a signed copy of your parents complete tax return, including all schedules and company issued W-2 form(s). All students under the age of 30 applying for institutional financial aid must submit a copy of the 1040 for their parents.
- 5. Student Non-tax Filer Income Statement
If you the student did not and are not required to file a U.S. Federal or Puerto Rican tax return for 2023, you must provide a Student Non-Tax Filing Statement along with income documentation.
You can find this form on our Forms & Resources page.
- 6. Certificate of Information
Complete the Certificate of Information.
- 7. Request to Disclose Financial Aid Information (Optional)
All information in your financial aid file is considered confidential. If you want us to discuss any portion of your financial aid award with any other party, you must complete and submit a signed Statement of Disclosure form. If you do not sign this form, the details of your financial file will be kept confidential.
Do You Need Accessibility Help?
If you need assistance with any of the resources on this page, please reach out directly to: