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EL Anesthesiology Advanced Clinical Elective (2WK) Tailored

This is a 2-week clinical elective. Advanced Clinical Elective is an individualized program of instruction in anesthesia subspecialties, including cardiovascular, neurosurgical, obstetrical, and pediatric anesthesia.

Director: Dr. John Guzzi

Coordinator: Lynn Bouffard

Length of Rotation: 2 weeks (maximum-2 students)

Scheduling Restriction(s): Not offered July, August or September

Student’s Class Level: 3rd, 4th, 5th year

Prerequisite: N/A

Accept Visiting Students: No

Learning Objectives

SI Anesthesiology Subinternship

This is a full-time clinical elective. Advanced Clinical Elective is an individualized program of instruction in anesthesia subspecialties, including cardiovascular, neurosurgical, obstetrical and pediatric anesthesia.

Length of Rotation: 4 weeks (maximum-2 students)

Scheduling Restriction(s): Not offered July and August

Student’s Class Level: 3rd, 4th, 5th year

Prerequisite: N/A

Accept Visiting Students: Yes

Learning Objectives