Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation
- SI Orthopaedics & Rehabilitation Subinternship
The rotations in the Department of Orthopaedics and Rehabilitation are limited to the third, fourth, and fifth clinical years of medical school. The student is expected to be an active member of one of the orthopaedic teaching teams listed below. The student will have the opportunity to assist in the management of orthopaedic in-patients as well as receive operating room experience in both the inpatient and outpatient settings. Participation in the orthopaedic outpatient clinics will afford the student experience in the evaluation and treatment of common musculoskeletal conditions. It is expected that students take call with the orthopaedic resident in the emergency room to gain insight into the principles of acute fracture management. The student's clinic and operating room experience will be supplemented by weekly subspecialty conferences in addition to the Wednesday and Friday morning residents’ education program. The rotation is offered throughout the year without restrictions to start and end dates. Site assignments are made with the Registrar once the student/subintern has been scheduled.
Rotations Choices Include:- Inpatient: Adult Reconstruction and Orthopaedic Oncology, Orthopaedic Trauma and Fracture Care, Pediatrics Orthopaedics, Spine Surgery
- Outpatient: Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery, Sports Medicine and Arthroscopic Surgery, Foot and Ankle Surgery
Final rotation assignments will be made after successful scheduling of the subinternship, approximately one month in advance of the start date of the rotation. Once you receive your final schedule, you can contact Ms. Umlauf at 203-785-6907 and pick up “Orthopedic Surgery: Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System” a review article that is required to be read before the rotation begins.
Length of Rotation: 4 weeks (maximum- 5 students)
Scheduling Restriction: None; please contact Kathryn Umlauf with questions.
Student's Class Level: 3rd, 4th, 5th year
Prerequisite: 1st and 2nd years of Medical School education. Must speak English. Students should contact Kathy Umlauf at 203-785-6907 once they receive their schedule and pick up “Orthopedic Surgery: Diseases of the Musculoskeletal System,” an article that is required to be read before the rotation begins.
Accept Visiting Students: Yes – International Students must speak English and are required to have a prior orthopaedic rotation for a minimum of four weeks. International Students will also need to submit a personal statement as to why you want to do an away rotation at Yale and one letter of recommendation for an orthopaedic surgeon.
- EL Orthopedics & Rehabilitation Interdisciplinary Musculoskeletal Care Elective
Disorders and diseases of the musculoskeletal system are a leading cause of pain, physical disability, and doctor visits throughout the world, but physicians have historically received inadequate training during medical school on how to examine, diagnose, and manage these conditions. This four-week elective provides medical students with an experience of a multidisciplinary approach to care for patients with musculoskeletal diseases and disorders. Medical students who elect to take this course will spend time on a weekly basis to learn from teams in outpatient orthopedics, physical medicine and rehabilitation (also known as physiatry), pain medicine, physical therapy, diagnostic radiology, and rheumatology—specifically, students will gain an appreciation for how each specialty examines, diagnoses, and manages patients with conditions of the musculoskeletal system to close the gap in medical education described above and cultivate foundational clinical skills beneficial for all physicians given the prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and diseases in the United States such that all physicians, regardless of one’s ultimate choice in specialty/subspecialty training, will continually encounter patients with these conditions throughout their careers.
Length of Rotation: 4 weeks (maximum- 1 student)
Scheduling Restriction(s): n/a
Student's Class Level: 4th & 5th year
Prerequisite: Completion of all clerkships
Accept Visiting Students: No