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Promoting School Readiness Through Emotional Intelligence IES Early Childhood

Enrollment Information
This page includes enrollment information for the Promoting School Readiness Through Emotional Intelligence - IES Early Childhood project. On this page you will find information regarding who we are looking to enroll for this project, along with additional information of what involvement in this project will look like. If you have additional questions, contact information for this project is also listed below.

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can participate?
We are recruiting preschools who are interested in RULER.
What happens during the study?
  1. Complete enrollment and consent forms (5-10 minutes)
  2. Complete the School Needs Assessment Survey (15-20 minutes)
  3. Complete Educator Surveys in the fall and spring of each year (30-45 minutes)
  4. Complete Child Assessment Surveys for select children per classroom in the fall and spring of each year (10 minutes per child)
  5. Implement RULER over 2 years:
    • RULER Year 1
    • RULER Institute Online (12 hours for implementation team)
    • RULER Implementation Support Meetings (3 hours for implementation team) RULER Online Learning Modules (2 hours for all staff)
    • Infusion into staff meetings and other activities (varies)
    • RULER Year 2
    • Classroom Training Modules (5 hours for all staff)
    • RULER Implementation Support Meetings (3 hours for implementation team) Infusion into staff meetings and other activities (varies)
How is our information protected?
Yes. All data is anonymous. We will not provide or share any information that individually identifies children or their responses except for cases in which children are found to pose an imminent risk of harm to themselves or others, which legally requires reporting to DCF. We will not provide or share any information that individually identifies preschool staff or children. All data will be anonymous in any reporting of research findings and will become anonymous upon completion of the study.
What are the benefits of participating?
Your school will receive RULER training and resources to support implementation. In addition, as a participant, you will be part of a high-quality research project focused on teachers and children’s social and emotional learning. Finally, you will receive a report on the outcome of the study within six months of completion.

How do we sign up?
If you are interested in participating, please fill out this participation survey.
How are we compensated?
Your preschool will receive free RULER training and resources to support implementation (a value of $6,000 per school). Educators can receive up to $110 in compensation per year depending on the surveys returned.
Can other schools from our district participate?
We welcome other preschools from your district or network.
What is the process for getting enrolled?
After you fill out the participation survey, if your school is eligible to participate in the study, the director and teachers will receive the necessary consent forms to participate in the study.
I have questions. Can I meet with the research team?
Please contact Irem Korucu and Craig Bailey for more information.