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Trichotillomania Clinical Trials

Efficacy of Valbenazine for the Treatment of Trichotillomania in Adults

HIC# 2000034993

If you are an adult with trichotillomania, you may be eligible to participate in a research study run by the Yale School of Medicine. This study will examine the efficacy of Valbenazine for the treatment of trichotillomania. Valbenazine is a dopamine-depleting agent that is currently FDA-approved for tardive dyskinesia and has a relatively safe side-effect profile in initial trials.

While enrolled in the trial, you will receive regular psychiatric and medical assessments of symptoms at no cost. Additionally, you will receive a stipend of up to $590 over the course of 26 weeks for your participation.

If you are interested in the trial or wish to learn more, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone at 203-737-4809 or email at if you have any questions about the trial.

Trichotillomania And other BFRBs Sequencing Study (TABS)

Trichotillomania And other BFRBs Sequencing Study

HIC# 0301024156

Your family has been invited to be part of a study of families in which an individual has trichotillomania or other body focused repetitive behavior (BFRB). Although it is well known that genetic factors play a role in causing BFRBs, the responsible genes have not yet been discovered. Recent dramatic advances in genetic techniques hold out the promise that we may soon be able to identify such risk-conferring genes. The purpose of this study is to identify the genetic factors that cause trichotillomania and other BFRBs using a family-based approach. This will greatly contribute to our understanding of these conditions and may help develop new therapies in the future. This study requires participation from an individual impacted by trichotillomania or other BFRB and both biological parents. The study can be done in-person or remotely. We are not able to offer you a report of your genetic results because our studies are performed as research. Our research lab does not offer any treatment.

What do we need from you to participate?

  1. Genetic Samples: we will obtain a saliva sample for genetic analysis from the child and both parents.
  2. Questionnaire: we will ask you to complete a standardized questionnaire asking about BFRBs and related disorders as well as questions about your medical and psychiatric history.

If you have further questions or are interested in participating in our study, please tell us here.

You may also contact us at or 203-677-0842 .

Thank you for your interest in participating in this research study!

Study Information:

Study Title: Genetic and molecular studies of developmental neuropsychiatric disorders associated with cognitive and behavioral impairment Study

Sponsors: National Institute of Mental Health/NIH/DHHS, Yale Center for Clinical Investigation, Yale Child Study Center.

HIC: 0301024156