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Isom elected to serve on Assembly Committee of Area Resident-Fellow Members

May 23, 2017

Jessica Isom, MD, MPH, a second-year resident in the Yale Department of Psychiatry, has been elected to serve on the Assembly Committee of Area Resident-Fellow Members (ACORF) for the American Psychiatric Association (APA).

Isom will represent Area 1, which comprises psychiatric societies, branches, and associations in New England and Eastern Canada.

Membership on the committee is open to any resident or fellow within Area 1. Appointments were voted on during the APA Assembly meeting, which occurs before the APA Annual Meeting each year.

Committee members serve two sequential one-year terms. In the first year, Isom will serve as an Area RFM Member Deputy Representative (a non-voting member of the Assembly) while in the second year she will be an Area RFM Representative and have voting rights.

ACORF Representatives and Deputy Representatives serve as a reference and referral group for the Assembly when it seeks input on actions or proposed actions that affect RFMs. They also represent RFM interest in the APA and provide a voice on issues before the Assembly and Area Councils.

Isom earned her MD from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in 2015. She is secretary of the Yale Psychiatry Residents’ Association and has volunteered for several department initiatives, including lobbying in Washington, D.C., and mentoring high school students in New Haven.