HPV Status and Oral Health Symptom Patterning During Treatment and Survivorship in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer: A Longitudinal Analysis.
Dunnack Yackel H, Xu W, Wun Lee J, Cong X, Salner A, Duffy V, Judge M. HPV Status and Oral Health Symptom Patterning During Treatment and Survivorship in Patients With Head and Neck Cancer: A Longitudinal Analysis. Oncology Nursing Forum 2024, 51: 565-575. PMID: 39431692, DOI: 10.1188/24.onf.565-575.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHead and neck cancerOral health symptomsHuman papillomavirusNeck cancerHPV-negative head and neck cancersHealth symptomsHuman papillomavirus statusRetrospective longitudinal chart reviewSocial determinants of healthRegional cancer instituteDeterminants of healthLongitudinal chart reviewConcurrent chemotherapyHPV statusRadiation therapyLatent transition analysisChart reviewSymptom patternsSocial determinantsImprove outcomesCancer InstitutePatientsTime pointsEarly interventionLongitudinal analysis
Health disparities in preterm births
Brown J, Chang X, Matson A, Lainwala S, Chen M, Cong X, Casavant S. Health disparities in preterm births. Frontiers In Public Health 2023, 11: 1275776. PMID: 38162611, PMCID: PMC10757361, DOI: 10.3389/fpubh.2023.1275776.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPreterm birth rateNeonatal intensive care unitPreterm infantsPreterm birthNon-Hispanic white (WNeonatal Infant Stressor ScaleBirth rateClinical treatment informationHealth disparitiesImprove social determinants of healthIntensive care unitSocial determinants of healthOutcome inequalityDeterminants of healthImprove social determinantsElectronic health recordsNeurodevelopmental outcomesPretermHospital stayAdverse health outcomesAnthropometric measurementsLifesaving procedureLife course approachCross-sectional analysisCare unit“They're scared that somebody's gonna judge them”: Female African American youth in Foster Care's perspectives on sexual and reproductive health communication with caregivers
Ross C, Smith J, Gawel M, Walters T, Song Y, Cong X, Shook N. “They're scared that somebody's gonna judge them”: Female African American youth in Foster Care's perspectives on sexual and reproductive health communication with caregivers. Journal Of Pediatric Nursing 2023, 75: 8-15. PMID: 38091927, DOI: 10.1016/j.pedn.2023.11.024.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSexual and reproductive healthSexual and reproductive health informationHealthcare providersCare perspectiveSRH communicationYouths' sexual and reproductive healthSexual and reproductive health communicationAccurate SRH informationSexual and reproductive health topicsSexual and reproductive health knowledgeFemale African American adolescentsAdverse childhood experiencesReproductive health communicationSemi-structured interviewsTrauma-informed approachBiological parentsCare dependencyTranscribed interviewsClinical encountersCommunication interventionsCaregiversQualitative studySRH informationHealth communicationPurposive samplingSymptom Patterning Across the Cancer Care Trajectory for Patients Receiving Chemoradiation for Head and Neck Cancer
Yackel H, Xu W, Lee J, Cong X, Salner A, Duffy V, Judge M. Symptom Patterning Across the Cancer Care Trajectory for Patients Receiving Chemoradiation for Head and Neck Cancer. Cancer Nursing 2023, 47: 261-270. PMID: 36881642, DOI: 10.1097/ncc.0000000000001227.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSurvivorship periodHead and neck cancerLatent class analysisCancer care trajectorySymptom patternsOptimal symptom managementState Cancer InstituteModerate symptomatologyNeck cancerCare trajectoryClass analysisRetrospective longitudinal chart reviewSymptom managementLongitudinal chart reviewLatent classesReport symptomsCancer InstituteTaste alterationsChart reviewNumerous symptomsSurvivorshipLatent transition analysisSymptomsCancer treatmentActive treatment
Associations of Mitochondrial Function, Stress, and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Early Life: A Systematic Review
Zhao T, Alder N, Starkweather A, Chen M, Matson A, Xu W, Balsbaugh J, Cong X. Associations of Mitochondrial Function, Stress, and Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Early Life: A Systematic Review. Developmental Neuroscience 2022, 44: 438-454. PMID: 35995037, PMCID: PMC9928905, DOI: 10.1159/000526491.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeurodevelopmental outcomesPreterm infantsEarly life stressPostnatal stressSystematic reviewInfluence neurodevelopmental outcomesMitochondrial function/dysfunctionEarly lifeAssociated with stress exposurePreferred Reporting ItemsFull-termPrimary research articlesBIOSIS databasesInfluence of biological sexLife stressLack of longitudinal dataInfant stressInfantsReporting ItemsPretermInvasive samplingOutcomesStress exposureBehavioral changesFunction/dysfunctionCOVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 induces autoantibodies against type I interferons in a healthy woman
Ning W, Xu W, Cong X, Fan H, Gilkeson G, Wu X, Hughes H, Jiang W. COVID-19 mRNA vaccine BNT162b2 induces autoantibodies against type I interferons in a healthy woman. Journal Of Autoimmunity 2022, 132: 102896. PMID: 36029717, PMCID: PMC9385769, DOI: 10.1016/j.jaut.2022.102896.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsType I interferonHealthy womenI interferonAutoantibody productionPre-vaccinationAssociated with COVID-19 disease severityBetamethasone dipropionate ointmentMRNA vaccine BNT162b2Human PBMCs in vitroPBMCs in vitroDose of vaccineImmune response to infectious diseasesCOVID-19 disease severityType I IFNResponse to type I IFNsAutoimmune featuresNeutralizing autoantibodiesVaccine BNT162b2Case reportChronic disease pathogenesisInduce autoantibodiesClinical manifestationsAutoimmune responsePlasma levelsResponse to infectious diseasesAssociations of neurotransmitters and the gut microbiome with emotional distress in mixed type of irritable bowel syndrome
Barandouzi Z, Lee J, del Carmen Rosas M, Chen J, Henderson W, Starkweather A, Cong X. Associations of neurotransmitters and the gut microbiome with emotional distress in mixed type of irritable bowel syndrome. Scientific Reports 2022, 12: 1648. PMID: 35102266, PMCID: PMC8803858, DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-05756-0.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsEmotional distressNeurotransmitter levelsHealthy controlsIrritable bowel syndrome groupIrritable bowel syndromeRegulation of neurotransmittersDepressive symptomsSerotonin levelsGut-brain axisEmotional symptomsHC groupPlasma neurotransmittersDistressGut microbiome profilesNeurotransmitterGut microbiomeNorepinephrine levelsBowel syndromeMicrobiome profilesPersonsNorepinephrineNested case-control studySymptomsCase-control studySerotoninPsychosocial and Sensory Factors Contribute to Self-Reported Pain and Quality of Life in Young Adults with Irritable Bowel Syndrome
Chen J, Barandouzi Z, Lee J, Xu W, Feng B, Starkweather A, Cong X. Psychosocial and Sensory Factors Contribute to Self-Reported Pain and Quality of Life in Young Adults with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Pain Management Nursing 2022, 23: 646-654. PMID: 35074280, PMCID: PMC9300766, DOI: 10.1016/j.pmn.2021.12.004.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSelf-reported painQuality of lifePressure pain thresholdBrief Pain InventoryPsychosocial factorsSelf-efficacyPain interferenceIBS-QOLIrritable bowel syndromeAssociated with pain interferenceCross-sectional analysis of baseline dataPain thresholdAnalysis of baseline dataYoung adultsImprove pain managementMediation analysisCross-sectional analysisSensory factorsRandomized controlled trialsPain InventoryPain managementIntervention studiesAlcohol intakeCold pain thresholdGeneral community
Chronic cannabis smoking-enriched oral pathobiont drives behavioral changes, macrophage infiltration, and increases β-amyloid protein production in the brain
Luo Z, Fitting S, Robinson C, Benitez A, Li M, Wu Y, Fu X, Amato D, Ning W, Funderburg N, Wang X, Zhou Z, Yu X, Wagner A, Cong X, Xu W, Maas K, Wolf B, Huang L, Yu J, Scott A, Mcrae-Clark A, Hamlett E, Jiang W. Chronic cannabis smoking-enriched oral pathobiont drives behavioral changes, macrophage infiltration, and increases β-amyloid protein production in the brain. EBioMedicine 2021, 74: 103701. PMID: 34826801, PMCID: PMC8626580, DOI: 10.1016/j.ebiom.2021.103701.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCannabis smokersActinomyces meyeriCannabis smokingCentral nervous systemOral pathobiontsChronic cannabis smokersMacrophage infiltrationCannabis use disorderOral microbiomeOral microbial dysbiosisSaliva microbiomeNon-smoking controlsIncreased macrophage infiltrationCannabis exposureUse disorderMicrobial 16S rRNA sequencingCannabisCNS abnormalitiesProtein productionActinomyces odontolyticusOral bacteriaBehavioral changesNon-smokersMicrobial dysbiosisNervous systemTrends, composition and distribution of nurse workforce in China: a secondary analysis of national data from 2003 to 2018
Lu H, Hou L, Zhou W, Shen L, Jin S, Wang M, Shang S, Cong X, Jin X, Dou D. Trends, composition and distribution of nurse workforce in China: a secondary analysis of national data from 2003 to 2018. BMJ Open 2021, 11: e047348. PMID: 34706946, PMCID: PMC8552175, DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-047348.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNursing workforceSecondary analysisTheil L indexRural areasWithin-province inequalitySecondary outcome measuresAnalysis of national dataPhysician ratioRural-urban areasNursing educationHealth servicesSecondary analysis of national dataReform of policyNursesIncreasingly aging populationEducation levelHospital/community settingsNational dataAging populationWorkforceGini coefficientAssociate degreeEpidemic challengesInequality trendsOverall inequalitySex Differences in Gut Microbial Development of Preterm Infant Twins in Early Life: A Longitudinal Analysis
Chen J, Li H, Hird S, Chen M, Xu W, Maas K, Cong X. Sex Differences in Gut Microbial Development of Preterm Infant Twins in Early Life: A Longitudinal Analysis. Frontiers In Cellular And Infection Microbiology 2021, 11: 671074. PMID: 34458157, PMCID: PMC8387566, DOI: 10.3389/fcimb.2021.671074.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsStatistical Analysis of Metagenomic ProfilesNeonatal intensive care unitGut microbiotaGut microbiomeFunction of gut microbiotaCharacteristics of gut microbiotaReconstruction of Unobserved StatesPhylogenetic Investigation of CommunitiesGut microbial developmentGut microbiota patternInfant gut microbiotaGut microbiota compositionGut microbiome diversityInvestigation of CommunitiesInfant gut microbiomePostnatal ageNeurobehavioral developmentMetagenomic functionsMixed-sex groupsPhylogenetic investigationMetagenomic profilesEnvironmental factorsMicrobiota compositionKEGG pathwaysMicrobiome diversityMulti-Omics Analysis on Neurodevelopment in Preterm Neonates
Casavant S, Chen J, Xu W, Lainwala S, Matson A, Chen M, Starkweather A, Maas K, Cong X. Multi-Omics Analysis on Neurodevelopment in Preterm Neonates. Nursing Research 2021, 70: 462-468. PMID: 34380978, PMCID: PMC8563389, DOI: 10.1097/nnr.0000000000000548.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPreterm infantsIntensive care unitNecrotizing enterocolitisFeeding intoleranceNeurodevelopmental impairmentNeonatal intensive care unit periodAdverse outcomesHost genetic variationIntestinal microbiomePreterm infants born <Care unitNeonatal intensive care unitInfants born <Weeks gestational ageGut microbiomeIntensive care unit periodFollow-up visitRegulation of intestinal healthPreterm neonatesGestational agePotential adverse outcomesNeurodevelopmental outcomesPain sensitivityPretermMulti-omics analysisThe Role of Emotion Regulation in Pain Management Among Women From Labor to Three Months Postpartum: An Integrative Review
Srisopa P, Cong X, Russell B, Lucas R. The Role of Emotion Regulation in Pain Management Among Women From Labor to Three Months Postpartum: An Integrative Review. Pain Management Nursing 2021, 22: 783-790. PMID: 34215526, DOI: 10.1016/j.pmn.2021.05.011.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPain intensityElectronic databases CINAHLDecreased pain intensityPreferred Reporting ItemsDatabases CINAHLMindfulness-based interventionsProQuest DissertationsIntegrative reviewWomen's painEmotional distressMonths postpartumReporting ItemsPain managementReduce painSystematic reviewProlonged trainingDistraction strategiesPregnant womenPostpartumPainSelf-practicedPrenatal periodInterventionEmotion regulation strategiesWomenPilot Study of Absolute Telomere Lengths in Preterm Infants
Casavant S, Li H, Reese B, Chen M, Cong X. Pilot Study of Absolute Telomere Lengths in Preterm Infants. Nursing Research 2021, 70: 481-486. PMID: 34173371, PMCID: PMC8563375, DOI: 10.1097/nnr.0000000000000535.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeonatal intensive care unitPreterm infantsSample of preterm infantsAbsolute telomere lengthIncreased risk of neurodevelopmental disordersTelomere lengthAssociated with epigenetic alterationsRisk of neurodevelopmental disordersAssociated with painIntensive care unitPreterm infant samplesTime of dischargeBorn pretermInfant demographicsStudy of adultsAntibiotic usePretermPolymerase chain reactionPilot studyQuantitative polymerase chain reactionIncreased riskPainful proceduresShorter telomere lengthCare unitEpigenetic alterationsIntegrated Review of the Assessment of Newborns With Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
Casavant S, Meegan T, Fleming M, Hussain N, Gork S, Cong X. Integrated Review of the Assessment of Newborns With Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome. Journal Of Obstetric Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing 2021, 50: 539-548. PMID: 34116058, PMCID: PMC8429083, DOI: 10.1016/j.jogn.2021.04.014.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeonatal abstinence syndromeAssessment of newbornsNeonatal abstinence syndrome diagnosisIntegrative reviewAbstinence syndromeMethodology of WhittemoreSeverity of neonatal abstinence syndromeSymptoms of neonatal abstinence syndromeMedical Subject Headings termsLength of hospital stayManual reference searchAbstinence ScaleDecreased length of hospital stayTreated with buprenorphineTreated with naltrexoneSubject heading termsOpioid use disorderExcluded articlesFinnegan ScaleQualitative studyMeasure symptomsHospital stayStudy designHeading termsNewborn's responsePositive Effects of Kangaroo Mother Care on Long-Term Breastfeeding Rates, Growth, and Neurodevelopment in Preterm Infants
Wang Y, Zhao T, Zhang Y, Li S, Cong X. Positive Effects of Kangaroo Mother Care on Long-Term Breastfeeding Rates, Growth, and Neurodevelopment in Preterm Infants. Breastfeeding Medicine 2021, 16: 282-291. PMID: 33533688, DOI: 10.1089/bfm.2020.0358.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeonatal intensive care unitKangaroo mother careEffect of kangaroo mother careKangaroo mother care groupKMC infantsPositive effects of kangaroo mother careChinese NICUsControl groupPreterm infant-mother dyadsMonths of corrected ageMother careImpact of Kangaroo Mother CareBreastfeeding outcomesNeonatal behavioral neurological assessmentChinese preterm infantsMonths of CAKangaroo mother care practiceLong-term breastfeeding ratesPreterm infant healthBehavioral neurological assessmentInfant feeding regimensBody weightIntensive care unitRandomized controlled studyPhysical growth
Experience of living with pain among older adults with arthritis: A systematic review and meta-synthesis
Chen J, Hu F, Yang B, Cai Y, Cong X. Experience of living with pain among older adults with arthritis: A systematic review and meta-synthesis. International Journal Of Nursing Studies 2020, 111: 103756. PMID: 32927408, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2020.103756.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOlder adults' experiencesOlder adultsArthritis painAdult experienceMeta-synthesisMeta-synthesis of qualitative studiesQualitative studyProQuest Dissertations and Theses databasePatient-centered interventionsHealth care providersOlder adults' perceptionsUnrelieved chronic painDecreased quality of lifeExperience of painQuality of lifeQualitative data collectionHare's methodologyWeb of ScienceCare providersHealthcare needsBetter careISI Web of ScienceProvider supportQualitative research designGroups of keywordsUsing electrodermal activity to validate multilevel pain stimulation in healthy volunteers evoked by thermal grills
Posada-Quintero H, Kong Y, Nguyen K, Tran C, Beardslee L, Chen L, Guo T, Cong X, Feng B, Chon K. Using electrodermal activity to validate multilevel pain stimulation in healthy volunteers evoked by thermal grills. AJP Regulatory Integrative And Comparative Physiology 2020, 319: r366-r375. PMID: 32726157, PMCID: PMC7509251, DOI: 10.1152/ajpregu.00102.2020.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsVisual analog scaleThermal grillTg stimulationSelf-report pain scalesStimulation levelsLevel of painPain assessment researchAnalog scalePain scalePain studiesHealthy volunteersInduce painPainful stimulationPainCooperative patientGold standardWarm stimuliStimulationPotential harmStimuliSubjectsPhysiological measuresPatientsLevels
Feeding modes, duration, and diarrhea in infancy: Continued evidence of the protective effects of breastfeeding
Diallo A, McGlothen‐Bell K, Lucas R, Walsh S, Allen C, Henderson W, Cong X, McGrath J. Feeding modes, duration, and diarrhea in infancy: Continued evidence of the protective effects of breastfeeding. Public Health Nursing 2019, 37: 155-160. PMID: 31709650, DOI: 10.1111/phn.12683.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAssociated with higher oddsHigher oddsIncidence of diarrheaMother-infant dyadsInfant Feeding Practices Study IIPublic health interventionsEarly breastfeeding cessationProtective effectSecondary data analysisDiverse population groupsHealth interventionsCommunity settingsBreastfeeding interruptionBreastfeeding practicesBreastfeeding cessationBreastfeeding objectivesExclusive breastfeedingFormula feedingU.S. infantsDiarrheaStudy IIBreastfeedingPopulation groupsMonthsOddsBreastfeeding experiences and perspectives on support among Chinese mothers separated from their hospitalized preterm infants: a qualitative study
Yang Y, Brandon D, Lu H, Cong X. Breastfeeding experiences and perspectives on support among Chinese mothers separated from their hospitalized preterm infants: a qualitative study. International Breastfeeding Journal 2019, 14: 45. PMID: 31695726, PMCID: PMC6824106, DOI: 10.1186/s13006-019-0242-9.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNeonatal intensive care unitPreterm infantsHospitalized preterm infantsMothers of preterm infantsMaternal-infant separationHigh-risk infantsExpressed breast milkIntensive care unitBreastfeeding experienceMother-infant attachmentCare unitBreast milkInfantsBreastfeedingMilk supplyPretermDescriptive studyMothersConclusionsThe studyMethodsA qualitative descriptive studyChinese mothersHealth professional supportNeonatesDifficulties mothersBabies