Showing 1 of 1 PublicationsA fate map of the Arabidopsis embryonic shoot apical meristemIrish V, Sussex I. A fate map of the Arabidopsis embryonic shoot apical meristem. Development 1992, 115: 745-753. DOI: 10.1242/dev.115.3.745.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCitations 181 CITATIONS 181 Total citations 14 Recent citations n/a Field Citation Ratio n/a Relative Citation Ratio Altmetric ConceptsEmbryonic shoot apical meristemShoot apical meristemApical meristemDry seed embryosFate of cellsVariegated sectorsLeaf primordiaSeed embryosFate mapMeristemAxillary budsMeristematic layerInflorescencesLeavesPale greenCell numberProbable fateCellsFateArabidopsisPrimordiaEmbryosPlantsBudsSeedsDownload Full List
A fate map of the Arabidopsis embryonic shoot apical meristemIrish V, Sussex I. A fate map of the Arabidopsis embryonic shoot apical meristem. Development 1992, 115: 745-753. DOI: 10.1242/dev.115.3.745.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchCitations 181 CITATIONS 181 Total citations 14 Recent citations n/a Field Citation Ratio n/a Relative Citation Ratio Altmetric ConceptsEmbryonic shoot apical meristemShoot apical meristemApical meristemDry seed embryosFate of cellsVariegated sectorsLeaf primordiaSeed embryosFate mapMeristemAxillary budsMeristematic layerInflorescencesLeavesPale greenCell numberProbable fateCellsFateArabidopsisPrimordiaEmbryosPlantsBudsSeeds