606 IMpower110: Tertiary lymphoid structures (TLS) and clinical outcomes in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treated with first-line atezolizumab or chemotherapy
Srivastava M, Gayevskiy V, Ma V, Estay I, Rodas M, Rajendran B, Hoang T, Ballinger M, Amin R, Herbst R, Marinis F, Giaccone G, Jassem J, Spigel D, Schalper K, Koeppen H, Shames D, Johnston R, Giltnane J, Nabet B. 606 IMpower110: Tertiary lymphoid structures (TLS) and clinical outcomes in advanced non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treated with first-line atezolizumab or chemotherapy. 2023, a690-a690. DOI: 10.1136/jitc-2023-sitc2023.0606.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
When immunotherapy meets surgery in non-small cell lung cancer
Herbst RS, Wang M, Chen L. When immunotherapy meets surgery in non-small cell lung cancer. Cancer Cell 2022, 40: 603-605. PMID: 35660136, DOI: 10.1016/j.ccell.2022.05.010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchANtiangiogenic Second-line Lung cancer Meta-Analysis on individual patient data in non-small cell lung cancer: ANSELMA
Remon J, Lacas B, Herbst R, Reck M, Garon EB, Scagliotti GV, Ramlau R, Hanna N, Vansteenkiste J, Yoh K, Groen HJM, Heymach JV, Mandrekar SJ, Okamoto I, Neal JW, Heist RS, Planchard D, Pignon JP, Besse B, group A, Besse B, Lacas B, Pignon J, Remon J, Berghmans T, Dahlberg S, Felip E, Berghmans T, Besse B, Dahlberg S, Felip E, Garon E, Groen H, Hanna N, Heist R, Herbst R, Heymach J, Lacas B, Adjei A, Heist R, Mandrekar S, Neal J, Okamoto I, Pignon J, Ramlau R, Remon J, Reck M, Scagliotti G, Vansteenkiste J, Yoh K. ANtiangiogenic Second-line Lung cancer Meta-Analysis on individual patient data in non-small cell lung cancer: ANSELMA. European Journal Of Cancer 2022, 166: 112-125. PMID: 35286903, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejca.2022.02.002.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNon-small cell lung cancerProgression-free survivalAdvanced non-small cell lung cancerFirst-line therapyCell lung cancerIndividual patient dataHazard ratioYounger patientsLung cancerPulmonary thromboembolic eventsPatient dataSecond-line treatmentFirst-line treatmentRisk of hypertensionFixed-effects modelOS benefitPFS benefitThromboembolic eventsOverall survivalSubgroup analysisAntiangiogenicsMeta-AnalysisPatientsMedical needChemotherapy
Postoperative Chemotherapy Use and Outcomes From ADAURA: Osimertinib as Adjuvant Therapy for Resected EGFR-Mutated NSCLC
Wu YL, John T, Grohe C, Majem M, Goldman JW, Kim SW, Kato T, Laktionov K, Vu HV, Wang Z, Lu S, Lee KY, Akewanlop C, Yu CJ, de Marinis F, Bonanno L, Domine M, Shepherd FA, Zeng L, Atasoy A, Herbst RS, Tsuboi M. Postoperative Chemotherapy Use and Outcomes From ADAURA: Osimertinib as Adjuvant Therapy for Resected EGFR-Mutated NSCLC. Journal Of Thoracic Oncology 2021, 17: 423-433. PMID: 34740861, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtho.2021.10.014.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsAdjuvant chemotherapy useDisease-free survivalAdjuvant chemotherapyChemotherapy useStage IBDisease stageEGFRm NSCLCStage IIPostoperative chemotherapy usePrevious adjuvant chemotherapyADAURA studyAdjuvant osimertinibIIIA NSCLCAdjuvant therapyDFS benefitMedian durationPrespecified analysisPatient ageRecurrence rateEffective treatmentNSCLCChemotherapyPatientsMeaningful improvementsOsimertinibOutcomes With Pembrolizumab Monotherapy in Patients With Programmed Death-Ligand 1–Positive NSCLC With Brain Metastases: Pooled Analysis of KEYNOTE-001, 010, 024, and 042
Mansfield AS, Herbst RS, de Castro G, Hui R, Peled N, Kim DW, Novello S, Satouchi M, Wu YL, Garon EB, Reck M, Robinson AG, Samkari A, Piperdi B, Ebiana V, Lin J, Mok TSK. Outcomes With Pembrolizumab Monotherapy in Patients With Programmed Death-Ligand 1–Positive NSCLC With Brain Metastases: Pooled Analysis of KEYNOTE-001, 010, 024, and 042. JTO Clinical And Research Reports 2021, 2: 100205. PMID: 34590048, PMCID: PMC8474394, DOI: 10.1016/j.jtocrr.2021.100205.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBaseline brain metastasesPD-L1 TPSStable brain metastasesBrain metastasesKEYNOTE-001Metastatic NSCLCPembrolizumab monotherapyAdverse eventsPD-L1Treatment-related adverse eventsBrain metastasis statusEfficacy of pembrolizumabObjective response rateProgression-free survivalCell lung cancerDuration of responseKEYNOTE-010KEYNOTE-024KEYNOTE-042Data cutoffOverall survivalLung cancerMetastasis statusPresence of baselineChemotherapy
SY6-1 Cancer immunotherapy; A paradigm shift in the first-line treatment of lung cancer
Herbst R. SY6-1 Cancer immunotherapy; A paradigm shift in the first-line treatment of lung cancer. Annals Of Oncology 2019, 30: vi32. DOI: 10.1093/annonc/mdz325.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLung cancerImmune checkpoint inhibitorsFirst-line treatmentMinority of patientsTumor mutational burdenPresence of tumorEfficient trial designMarker of resistanceCheckpoint inhibitorsTreatment of cancerCancer deathCancer immunotherapyPredictive markerSmoking ratesMutational burdenNew therapiesTrial designImmune systemCancerTherapyImmunotherapyChemotherapyPatientsTreatmentMarkersImmunotherapy in Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer: Facts and Hopes
Doroshow DB, Sanmamed MF, Hastings K, Politi K, Rimm DL, Chen L, Melero I, Schalper KA, Herbst RS. Immunotherapy in Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer: Facts and Hopes. Clinical Cancer Research 2019, 25: 4592-4602. PMID: 30824587, PMCID: PMC6679805, DOI: 10.1158/1078-0432.ccr-18-1538.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsConceptsNon-small cell lung cancerImmune checkpoint inhibitorsCell lung cancerPD-L1Lung cancerNonsquamous non-small cell lung cancerOngoing translational workPD-1 axisFirst-line therapyPD-L1 expressionProportion of patientsTumor mutational burdenAdvanced diseaseOverall survivalTumor inflammationMutational burdenPatientsNovel markerChemotherapyTherapyIndicative biomarkersCancerTranslational workBiomarkersSurvival
Should chemotherapy plus immune checkpoint inhibition be the standard front‐line therapy for patients with metastatic non–small cell lung cancer?
Goldberg SB, Herbst RS. Should chemotherapy plus immune checkpoint inhibition be the standard front‐line therapy for patients with metastatic non–small cell lung cancer? Cancer 2018, 124: 4592-4596. PMID: 30383887, PMCID: PMC6443243, DOI: 10.1002/cncr.31681.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNon-small cell lung cancerCell lung cancerLung cancerNonsquamous non-small cell lung cancerAdvanced non-small cell lung cancerMetastatic non-small cell lung cancerCell death protein 1 (PD-1) inhibitorsStandard front-line therapyFirst-line settingImmune checkpoint inhibitionFront-line therapyNew treatment optionsProtein 1 inhibitorCheckpoint inhibitionTumor histologyTreatment optionsRecent trialsPatientsCancerChemotherapyTherapyHistologyMajor advancementsTrialsFirst comprehensive report of impact of genomic alterations, chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy on outcomes in the genomics driven squamous master protocol LungMAP.
Papadimitrakopoulou V, Redman M, Gandara D, Hirsch F, Mack P, Langer C, Edelman M, Aggarwal C, Socinski M, Gettinger S, Waqar S, Griffin K, Leighl N, Owonikoko T, Bradley J, Ramalingam S, Stinchcombe T, Blanke C, Kelly K, Herbst R. First comprehensive report of impact of genomic alterations, chemotherapy, targeted therapy and immunotherapy on outcomes in the genomics driven squamous master protocol LungMAP. Journal Of Clinical Oncology 2018, 36: 9019-9019. DOI: 10.1200/jco.2018.36.15_suppl.9019.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Cancer of the Lung
Lu C, Morgensztern D, Chiang A, Onn A, Sepesi B, Vaporciyan A, Chang J, Komaki R, Wistuba I, Herbst R. Cancer of the Lung. 2017, 1-30. DOI: 10.1002/9781119000822.hfcm085.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchLung cancerLung cancer mortalityStandard therapy optionsCancer-related deathNovel therapeutic strategiesCancer mortalityTherapy optionsHeterogeneous diseaseTherapeutic strategiesTobacco consumptionCancerMolecular pathwaysCurrent standardImmunotherapyChemotherapySurgeryRadiotherapyLungTherapyMortalityDiseaseSignificant excitementCareP2.03b-053 Role of KRAS Mutation Status in NSCLC Patients Treated on SWOG S0819, a Phase III Trial of Chemotherapy with or without Cetuximab Topic: Biomarkers
Mack P, Moon J, Herbst R, Kim E, Semrad T, Redman M, Tsai R, Solis L, Gregg J, Hatcher S, Varella-Garcia M, Hirsch F, Blanke C, Kelly K, Gandara D. P2.03b-053 Role of KRAS Mutation Status in NSCLC Patients Treated on SWOG S0819, a Phase III Trial of Chemotherapy with or without Cetuximab Topic: Biomarkers. Journal Of Thoracic Oncology 2017, 12: s967-s968. DOI: 10.1016/j.jtho.2016.11.1334.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchP3.02c-042 IMpower110: Phase III Trial Comparing 1L Atezolizumab with Chemotherapy in PD-L1–Selected Chemotherapy-Naive NSCLC Patients Topic: IT
De Marinis F, Jassem J, Spigel D, Lam S, Mocci S, Sandler A, Lopez-Chavez A, Deng Y, Giacconne G, Herbst R. P3.02c-042 IMpower110: Phase III Trial Comparing 1L Atezolizumab with Chemotherapy in PD-L1–Selected Chemotherapy-Naive NSCLC Patients Topic: IT. Journal Of Thoracic Oncology 2017, 12: s1299-s1300. DOI: 10.1016/j.jtho.2016.11.1837.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
480TiP IMpower110: Phase III study on 1L atezolizumab (atezo) in PD-L1–selected chemotherapy (chemo)-naive NSCLC patients (pts)
De Marinis F, Jassem J, Spigel D, Lam S, Mocci S, Sandler A, Lopez-Chavez A, Deng Y, Giaccone G, Herbst R. 480TiP IMpower110: Phase III study on 1L atezolizumab (atezo) in PD-L1–selected chemotherapy (chemo)-naive NSCLC patients (pts). Annals Of Oncology 2016, 27: ix154. DOI: 10.1016/s0923-7534(21)00638-4.Peer-Reviewed Original Research480TiP IMpower110: Phase III study on 1L atezolizumab (atezo) in PD-L1–selected chemotherapy (chemo)-naive NSCLC patients (pts)
De Marinis F, Jassem J, Spigel D, Lam S, Mocci S, Sandler A, Lopez-Chavez A, Deng Y, Giaccone G, Herbst R. 480TiP IMpower110: Phase III study on 1L atezolizumab (atezo) in PD-L1–selected chemotherapy (chemo)-naive NSCLC patients (pts). Annals Of Oncology 2016, 27 DOI: 10.1093/annonc/mdw594.044.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPS01.56: IMpower110: Phase III Trial Comparing 1L Atezolizumab with Chemotherapy in PD-L1–Selected Chemotherapy-Naive NSCLC Patients Topic: Medical Oncology
Herbst R, De Marinis F, Jassem J, Lam S, Mocci S, Sandler A, Lopez-Chavez A, Deng Y, Giaccone G, Spigel D. PS01.56: IMpower110: Phase III Trial Comparing 1L Atezolizumab with Chemotherapy in PD-L1–Selected Chemotherapy-Naive NSCLC Patients Topic: Medical Oncology. Journal Of Thoracic Oncology 2016, 11: s304-s305. DOI: 10.1016/j.jtho.2016.09.091.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchBiomarker-enriched efficacy of cetuximab-based therapy: Squamous subset analysis from S0819, a phase III trial of chemotherapy with or without cetuximab in advanced NSCLC.
Hirsch F, Redman M, Herbst R, Kim E, Semrad T, Bazhenova L, Masters G, Oettel K, Guaglianone P, Reynolds C, Karnad A, Arnold S, Varella-Garcia M, Moon J, Mack P, Blanke C, Kelly K, Gandara D. Biomarker-enriched efficacy of cetuximab-based therapy: Squamous subset analysis from S0819, a phase III trial of chemotherapy with or without cetuximab in advanced NSCLC. Journal Of Clinical Oncology 2016, 34: 9090-9090. DOI: 10.1200/jco.2016.34.15_suppl.9090.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
355TiP Phase III clinical trials of atezolizumab compared with standard chemotherapy in PD-L1–selected chemotherapy-naïve patients with advanced NSCLC
Herbst R, de Marinis F, Jassem J, Spigel D, Shankar G, Mocci S, Sandler A, Lopez-Chavez A, Li S, Giaccone G. 355TiP Phase III clinical trials of atezolizumab compared with standard chemotherapy in PD-L1–selected chemotherapy-naïve patients with advanced NSCLC. Annals Of Oncology 2015, 26: ix103. DOI: 10.1093/annonc/mdv528.12.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Predictive Factors Of Long-term Five Years Overall Survival Among Patients With Limited Small Cell Lung Cancer Treated With Radiation Treatment And Chemotherapy By Treatment Time Periods
Wei X, Allen P, O'Reilly M, Fossella F, Liao Z, Heymach J, Herbst R, Chang J, Cox J, Komaki R. Predictive Factors Of Long-term Five Years Overall Survival Among Patients With Limited Small Cell Lung Cancer Treated With Radiation Treatment And Chemotherapy By Treatment Time Periods. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics 2011, 81: s588. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2011.06.1102.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
The Advantage of using PET SUV to Evaluate Tumor Response by RECIST Criteria in Patients with Stage IIIA/B Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) after Concurrent Chemotherapy and Tarceva with Radiotherapy
Wei X, Allen P, Blumenschein G, Hong W, Herbst R, O'Reily M, Heymach J, Erasmus J, Lee J, Komaki R. The Advantage of using PET SUV to Evaluate Tumor Response by RECIST Criteria in Patients with Stage IIIA/B Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) after Concurrent Chemotherapy and Tarceva with Radiotherapy. International Journal Of Radiation Oncology • Biology • Physics 2010, 78: s498. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2010.07.1165.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
Summary of Selected Presentations from the 8th Annual Targeted Therapy in Lung Cancer Symposium
Camidge R, Gaspar L, Goss G, Kelly K, Ramalingam S, Reckamp K, Simon G, Tsao M, West H, Herbst R, Johnson D, Bunn P, Govindan R. Summary of Selected Presentations from the 8th Annual Targeted Therapy in Lung Cancer Symposium. Journal Of Thoracic Oncology 2009, 4: 930-935. PMID: 19550249, DOI: 10.1097/jto.0b013e3181a9a03b.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsLung cancerTargeted therapyGastrointestinal stromal tumorsCancer-related deathChronic myeloid leukemiaCancer SymposiumCytotoxic chemotherapyStromal tumorsMyeloid leukemiaBreast cancerCancerTherapyMolecular targetsCancer therapyTreatmentStriking improvementConsiderable optimismAnnual MeetingCancer genomicsChemotherapyInternational AssociationPatientsLeukemiaTumorsYears