Richard PrumWilliam Robertson Coe Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Professor of Forestry and Environmental StudiesCardsAdditional TitlesProfessorProfessorDepartment ChairCuratorLearn moreabout Additional TitlesContact Inforichard.prum@yale.eduLearn moreabout Contact InfoAboutNewsGet In TouchRichard PrumAboutCopy LinkTitlesWilliam Robertson Coe Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology and Professor of Forestry and Environmental StudiesProfessor; Professor; Department Chair; CuratorAppointmentsDepartment of Ecology & Evolutionary BiologyProfessorPrimaryDepartment of Ecology & Evolutionary BiologyOther Departments & OrganizationsDepartment of Ecology & Evolutionary BiologyNewsCopy LinkNewsFebruary 11, 2014Q&A: What studying networks can tell us about the world and ourselvesRead moreabout Q&A: What studying networks can tell us about the world and ourselvesJanuary 15, 2010Two faculty get “genius” grantsRead moreabout Two faculty get “genius” grantsGet In TouchCopy
Department of Ecology & Evolutionary BiologyProfessorPrimaryDepartment of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology
February 11, 2014Q&A: What studying networks can tell us about the world and ourselvesRead moreabout Q&A: What studying networks can tell us about the world and ourselves