Diagnostic application of KRAS mutation testing in uterine microglandular proliferations
Hong W, Abi-Raad R, Alomari AK, Hui P, Buza N. Diagnostic application of KRAS mutation testing in uterine microglandular proliferations. Human Pathology 2015, 46: 1000-1005. PMID: 25997988, DOI: 10.1016/j.humpath.2015.03.010.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdenocarcinomaAdultAgedAged, 80 and overBiopsyCell ProliferationCervix UteriDiagnosis, DifferentialDNA Mutational AnalysisEndometrial HyperplasiaEndometrial NeoplasmsFemaleHumansMiddle AgedMutationPredictive Value of TestsProto-Oncogene ProteinsProto-Oncogene Proteins p21(ras)ras ProteinsConceptsKRAS mutation analysisEndometrial adenocarcinomaMicroglandular hyperplasiaMicroglandular patternKRAS mutationsCareful morphological assessmentEndometrial mucinous carcinomaKRAS mutation testingCases of EMAMutation analysisFrequent KRAS mutationsElectronic medical recordsDifferential diagnostic toolHigh mitotic activityEndometrial biopsyImmunohistochemical workupUterine cervixMucinous carcinomaClinical historyDiagnostic challengeDiagnostic dilemmaGlandular proliferationMucinous lesionsMedical recordsEAC cases
KRAS mutation testing in clinical practice
Perincheri S, Hui P. KRAS mutation testing in clinical practice. Expert Review Of Molecular Diagnostics 2014, 15: 375-384. PMID: 25487540, DOI: 10.1586/14737159.2015.986102.Peer-Reviewed Reviews, Practice Guidelines, Standards, and Consensus StatementsConceptsKRAS mutation testingKRAS mutationsMetastatic colorectal carcinomaLung cancer patientsMutations of KRASCommon human malignanciesMutation testingCombinatorial therapeutic strategiesCancer patientsColorectal carcinomaThyroid cancerClinical aggressivenessClinical OncologyTherapeutic strategiesClinical practiceMolecular testingCytological specimensHuman malignanciesPrecision medicinePatientsCancerEssential biomarkersDownstream effectorsCurrent practiceMutations
Frequent KRAS mutation in complex mucinous epithelial lesions of the endometrium
Alomari A, Abi-Raad R, Buza N, Hui P. Frequent KRAS mutation in complex mucinous epithelial lesions of the endometrium. Modern Pathology 2013, 27: 675-680. PMID: 24186144, DOI: 10.1038/modpathol.2013.186.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPositive predictive valueMucinous lesionsKRAS mutationsMucinous changeMucinous adenocarcinomaEndometrial mucinous carcinomaHigh positive predictive valueComplex atypical hyperplasiaRisk stratification algorithmAtypical complex hyperplasiaImportant prognostic indicatorFrequent KRAS mutationsKRAS mutation analysisComplex hyperplasiaHysterectomy specimensClinical progressionEndometrial lesionsMucinous carcinomaAtypical hyperplasiaPrognostic indicatorMucinous differentiationEpithelial lesionsCurettage casesStratification algorithmPredictive valueTall Cell Variant of Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma: Clinicopathologic Features with BRAFV600E Mutational Analysis
Bernstein J, Virk RK, Hui P, Prasad A, Westra WH, Tallini G, Adeniran AJ, Udelsman R, Sasaki CT, Roman SA, Sosa JA, Prasad ML. Tall Cell Variant of Papillary Thyroid Microcarcinoma: Clinicopathologic Features with BRAFV600E Mutational Analysis. Thyroid 2013, 23: 1525-1531. PMID: 23682579, DOI: 10.1089/thy.2013.0154.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAgedCarcinoma, PapillaryDNA Mutational AnalysisFemaleHumansLymphatic MetastasisMaleMiddle AgedMutationPrognosisProto-Oncogene Proteins B-rafThyroid NeoplasmsConceptsTall cell variantPapillary thyroid microcarcinomaPapillary microcarcinomaCell variantLymphovascular invasionNode metastasisThyroid microcarcinomaAdvanced stageCentral compartment lymph node metastasisLateral cervical node metastasesStage III/IVACentral compartment lymph nodesLateral cervical nodesMultifocal papillary carcinomaLymph node dissectionCervical node metastasisLymph node metastasisPapillary thyroid carcinomaNode dissectionTotal thyroidectomyCervical nodesLymph nodesClinicopathologic featuresMultifocal tumorsAggressive featuresScreening for EGFR and KRAS mutations in non-small cell lung carcinomas using DNA extraction by hydrothermal pressure coupled with PCR-based direct sequencing.
Liu Y, Wu BQ, Zhong HH, Hui P, Fang WG. Screening for EGFR and KRAS mutations in non-small cell lung carcinomas using DNA extraction by hydrothermal pressure coupled with PCR-based direct sequencing. International Journal Of Clinical And Experimental Pathology 2013, 6: 1880-9. PMID: 24040454, PMCID: PMC3759496.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdenocarcinomaAdenocarcinoma of LungAdultAgedAged, 80 and overBiopsyCarcinoma, Non-Small-Cell LungCarcinoma, Squamous CellDNA Mutational AnalysisErbB ReceptorsExonsFemaleGene FrequencyGenetic Predisposition to DiseaseGenetic TestingHumansLung NeoplasmsMaleMiddle AgedMutationParaffin EmbeddingPhenotypePolymerase Chain ReactionPrecision MedicinePredictive Value of TestsPressurePrognosisProto-Oncogene ProteinsProto-Oncogene Proteins p21(ras)ras ProteinsTissue FixationYoung AdultConceptsNon-small cell lung carcinomaCore needle biopsyCell lung carcinomaKRAS mutationsNSCLC patientsSurgical resectionEGFR mutationsLung carcinomaNeedle biopsyKRAS mutation analysisTyrosine kinase inhibitorsKRAS gene mutationsDirect sequencingMutation analysisFemale patientsAdenocarcinoma componentLung cancerPatientsEGFRExon 19Kinase inhibitorsExon 18Gene mutationsStatistical significanceResection
BRAF V600E mutation in papillary thyroid microcarcinoma: a genotype–phenotype correlation
Virk RK, Van Dyke AL, Finkelstein A, Prasad A, Gibson J, Hui P, Theoharis CG, Carling T, Roman SA, Sosa JA, Udelsman R, Prasad ML. BRAF V600E mutation in papillary thyroid microcarcinoma: a genotype–phenotype correlation. Modern Pathology 2012, 26: 62-70. PMID: 22918165, DOI: 10.1038/modpathol.2012.152.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsPapillary thyroid microcarcinomaThyroid microcarcinomaPapillary thyroid carcinomaFollicular variantThyroid carcinomaLateral cervical node metastasesOsteoclastic-type giant cellsCervical node metastasisInfiltrative tumor borderGroup of tumorsBRAF V600E mutationClassic nuclear featuresGenotype-phenotype correlationStromal calcificationLymphovascular invasionNode metastasisClinicopathologic featuresLymphocytic infiltrationAggressive featuresTumor sizeCystic changesPapillary microcarcinomaAbsence of mutationsHigh prevalenceMicrocarcinomaBRAF mutation testing in clinical practice
Ziai J, Hui P. BRAF mutation testing in clinical practice. Expert Review Of Molecular Diagnostics 2012, 12: 127-138. PMID: 22369373, DOI: 10.1586/erm.12.1.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsDNA Mutational AnalysisHumansMAP Kinase Signaling SystemMolecular Targeted TherapyMutation, MissenseNeoplasmsProtein Structure, TertiaryProto-Oncogene Proteins B-rafConceptsHairy cell leukemiaBRAF mutation testingPapillary thyroid carcinomaMalignant melanomaThyroid carcinomaCell leukemiaClinical practiceCutaneous malignant melanomaSerine/threonine-protein kinase BRAFCurrent clinical practiceImportant biological markerMEK/ERKTreatment paradigmClinical trialsHigh prevalenceBRAF inhibitorsBRAF mutationsMutation testingPrecision cancer therapyTherapeutic guidanceMutant BRAFLethal diseaseBiological markersCancerHuman cancersPapillary thyroid carcinomas with and without BRAF V600E mutations are morphologically distinct
Finkelstein A, Levy GH, Hui P, Prasad A, Virk R, Chhieng DC, Carling T, Roman SA, Sosa JA, Udelsman R, Theoharis CG, Prasad ML. Papillary thyroid carcinomas with and without BRAF V600E mutations are morphologically distinct. Histopathology 2012, 60: 1052-1059. PMID: 22335197, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2559.2011.04149.x.Peer-Reviewed Original Research
BRAF Mutation Testing of Thyroid Fine-Needle Aspiration Specimens Enhances the Predictability of Malignancy in Thyroid Follicular Lesions of Undetermined Significance
Adeniran AJ, Hui P, Chhieng DC, Prasad ML, Schofield K, Theoharis C. BRAF Mutation Testing of Thyroid Fine-Needle Aspiration Specimens Enhances the Predictability of Malignancy in Thyroid Follicular Lesions of Undetermined Significance. Acta Cytologica 2011, 55: 570-575. PMID: 22156468, DOI: 10.1159/000333274.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdultAgedAged, 80 and overBiopsy, Fine-NeedleCarcinomaCarcinoma, PapillaryCell Transformation, NeoplasticDNA Mutational AnalysisFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedPractice Guidelines as TopicPredictive Value of TestsPrognosisProto-Oncogene Proteins B-rafRiskTerminology as TopicThyroid Cancer, PapillaryThyroid GlandThyroid NeoplasmsThyroid NoduleConceptsPapillary thyroid carcinomaBRAF mutation analysisBRAF mutationsUndetermined significanceFollicular lesionsUndetermined significance/follicular lesionFine needle aspiration cytology specimensAUS/FLUS categoryMutation analysisBRAF-positive casesIndeterminate thyroid FNAsAspiration cytology specimensRisk of malignancySurgical pathology outcomeFine-needle aspiration specimensBRAF mutation testingNegative predictive valueSurgical pathology reportsThyroid follicular lesionsPredictability of malignancyThyroid fine-needle aspiration specimensSurgical interventionFinal diagnosisPathology outcomesPathology reportsReflex BRAF Testing in Thyroid Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy with Equivocal and Positive Interpretation: A Prospective Study
Adeniran AJ, Theoharis C, Hui P, Prasad ML, Hammers L, Carling T, Udelsman R, Chhieng DC. Reflex BRAF Testing in Thyroid Fine-Needle Aspiration Biopsy with Equivocal and Positive Interpretation: A Prospective Study. Thyroid 2011, 21: 717-723. PMID: 21568726, DOI: 10.1089/thy.2011.0021.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchMeSH KeywordsAdolescentAdultAgedAged, 80 and overBiomarkers, TumorBiopsy, Fine-NeedleCarcinomaCarcinoma, PapillaryChildDNA Mutational AnalysisFemaleHumansMaleMiddle AgedPoint MutationPolymorphism, Single-Stranded ConformationalProspective StudiesProto-Oncogene Proteins B-rafThyroid Cancer, PapillaryThyroid GlandThyroid Neoplasms
Atypical angiomyolipoma of kidney in a patient with tuberous sclerosis: a case report with p53 gene mutation analysis.
Ma L, Kowalski D, Javed K, Hui P. Atypical angiomyolipoma of kidney in a patient with tuberous sclerosis: a case report with p53 gene mutation analysis. Archives Of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine 2005, 129: 676-9. PMID: 15859641, DOI: 10.5858/2005-129-0676-aaokia.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsHMB-45Tuberous sclerosisP53 mutationsPerivascular epithelioid cell tumorCommon benign mesenchymal tumorsFocal p53 immunoreactivityP53 gene mutation analysisSmooth muscle-like cellsEpithelioid cell tumorBenign mesenchymal tumorsMuscle-like cellsGene mutation analysisAtypical angiomyolipomaEpithelioid angiomyolipomaRenal angiomyolipomaCase reportMesenchymal tumorsCell tumorsAML progressionAML casesP53 immunoreactivityFrequent mitosesP53 abnormalitiesAngiomyolipomaEpithelioid cells