In Support of the Decriminalization of Personal Drug and Paraphernalia Use and Possession: Position Statement of AMERSA, Inc (Association for Multidisciplinary Education, Research, Substance Use and Addiction)
Hill K, Dunham K, Doneski K, Sue K, Thakarar K, Butner J. In Support of the Decriminalization of Personal Drug and Paraphernalia Use and Possession: Position Statement of AMERSA, Inc (Association for Multidisciplinary Education, Research, Substance Use and Addiction). Substance Use & Addiction Journal 2024, 46: 4-12. PMID: 39215532, DOI: 10.1177/29767342241277619.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchDrug offensesDrug useCriminalization of drug useSocial safety netDecriminalization of drugsHarm reduction servicesWell-beingHarm reduction strategiesConsequences of drug useWell-being of peopleNegative consequences of drug useCommunity supervisionAddiction treatment servicesHealth of PWUDCriminal sanctionsSafety netReduction servicesTreatment servicesDecriminalizationAddiction servicesIllicit drugsOffensesNegative consequencesPWUDUnited StatesProviders’ knowledge and perception of xylazine in the unregulated drug supply: a sequential explanatory mixed-methods study
Hill K, Minahan-Rowley R, Biegacki E, Heimer R, Sue K. Providers’ knowledge and perception of xylazine in the unregulated drug supply: a sequential explanatory mixed-methods study. Harm Reduction Journal 2024, 21: 148. PMID: 39148036, PMCID: PMC11328386, DOI: 10.1186/s12954-024-01052-4.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSequential explanatory mixed-methods studyExplanatory mixed-methods studyMixed-methods studyHealthcare providersHealthcare providers' experiencesHealthcare providers treating patientsSample of providersProviders treating patientsDrug supplyProvider experienceProvider knowledgeIn-depth interviewsImprove careSense of helplessnessConvenience sampleHealthcare educationThematic analysisInterview transcriptsQualitative phasePurposive samplingProvidersHealthcareOpioid supplyAbsence of literatureResultsSeventy-eightDevelopment of a Patient and Clinician Informed Website on Injection Drug Use Related Infective Endocarditis.
Chan C, Minahan-Rowley R, Biegacki E, Sue K, Weimer M. Development of a Patient and Clinician Informed Website on Injection Drug Use Related Infective Endocarditis. Substance Use & Addiction Journal 2024, 29767342241267077. PMID: 39087514, DOI: 10.1177/29767342241267077.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchInjection drug use-related infective endocarditisSemi-structured interviewsInjection drug usePatient participationPatient websitesInjection practicesInfective endocarditisPatient education resourcesHelpfulness of informationHistory of injection drug useDrug useMixed-methods studyHealthcare cliniciansBaseline surveyOpioid use disorderPrevention strategiesInformation websitesEducational materialsCounseling patientsHospitalized adultsPromote educationWebsite sectionsCliniciansSurvey feedbackUse disorderDrawing on Black and Queer Communities' Harm Reduction Histories to Improve Overdose Prevention Strategies and Policies.
Johnson S, Sue K. Drawing on Black and Queer Communities' Harm Reduction Histories to Improve Overdose Prevention Strategies and Policies. The AMA Journal Of Ethic 2024, 26: e580-586. PMID: 38958427, DOI: 10.1001/amajethics.2024.580.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchIn Support of Overdose Prevention Centers: Position Statement of AMERSA, Inc (Association for Multidisciplinary Education and Research in Substance Use and Addiction)
Dunham K, Hill K, Kazal H, Butner J, Hull I, Sue K, Li L, Doneski K, Dinges B, Rife-Pennington T, Kung S, Thakarar K. In Support of Overdose Prevention Centers: Position Statement of AMERSA, Inc (Association for Multidisciplinary Education and Research in Substance Use and Addiction). Substance Use & Addiction Journal 2024, 45: 328-336. PMID: 38747578, DOI: 10.1177/29767342241252590.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPrevention CenterRates of fatal overdoseSubstance Use and AddictionDrop-in serviceEvidence-based strategiesHarm reduction strategiesMultidisciplinary Education and ResearchUnited StatesLifesaving servicesMedical careAdvocacy effortsIncrease accessPosition statementSocial servicesFatal overdoseEducation and ResearchDrug supplyTrained personnelPWUDPolicy changesFederal levelReduction strategiesInternational dataSterile suppliesServices“It’s Like A Partnership”: Exploring the Primary Care Experiences and Patient-Defined Goals of People Who Use Drugs
Dunham K, Rivas C, Medina Blanco P, Kolod B, Salvati C, Clark K, Sue K, Hagaman A, Weiss J. “It’s Like A Partnership”: Exploring the Primary Care Experiences and Patient-Defined Goals of People Who Use Drugs. Journal Of General Internal Medicine 2024, 39: 1681-1689. PMID: 38578536, PMCID: PMC11255174, DOI: 10.1007/s11606-024-08743-5.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchPrimary care goalsPrimary care experiencesPrimary careSemi-structured interviewsCare goalsCare experiencesPatient-defined goalsDesignA qualitative studyOrganizational-level supportPatient health outcomesPrimary care providersPatient-provider collaborationThematic analysis approachHarm reduction settingsBackgroundPrimary carePatient involvementCare outcomesCare teamCare providersHealthcare goalsHealth outcomesHealthcare decisionsDeductive codingQualitative studyHarm reduction
In Support of Community Drug Checking Programs: Position Statement of AMERSA, Inc. (Association for Multidisciplinary Education and Research in Substance use and Addiction)
Hill K, Dunham K, Brokos Z, Butner J, Hull I, Sue K, Li L, Thakarar K. In Support of Community Drug Checking Programs: Position Statement of AMERSA, Inc. (Association for Multidisciplinary Education and Research in Substance use and Addiction). Substance Use & Addiction Journal 2023, 45: 4-9. PMID: 38258861, DOI: 10.1177/29767342231212787.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHarm reduction strategiesPosition statementSerious adverse eventsImportant harm reduction strategyPublic health practitionersAdverse eventsUnregulated drug supplyFatal overdosesHealthcare providersComposition of drugsHealth consequencesHealth practitionersDrugsDrug supplyInsufficient dataDrug checkingUnited StatesClinical considerations for the management of xylazine overdoses and xylazine‐related wounds
Sue K, Hawk K. Clinical considerations for the management of xylazine overdoses and xylazine‐related wounds. Addiction 2023, 119: 606-608. PMID: 37939387, DOI: 10.1111/add.16388.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchHousing-based syringe services programs to improve access to safer injecting equipment for people who inject drugs in Vancouver, Canada: a spatially oriented qualitative study
Chayama K, Ng C, Fleming T, Small W, Sue K, McNeil R. Housing-based syringe services programs to improve access to safer injecting equipment for people who inject drugs in Vancouver, Canada: a spatially oriented qualitative study. Harm Reduction Journal 2023, 20: 126. PMID: 37679789, PMCID: PMC10483728, DOI: 10.1186/s12954-023-00862-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsSyringe services programSyringe distribution programsInjecting equipmentSingle room occupancy hotelsDrug-related risksDistribution programHarm reduction measuresHarm reduction supportsLow-threshold accessMethodsBetween JanuaryPWIDDrug useSyringe possessionPeer staffMost participantsIllicit drugsDrugsService programsSyringesSupportive housingParticipantsImproving the Health of People Who Inject Drugs Through COVID-19–Related Policies
Hill K, Thakarar K, Eslinger H, Prosperino L, Sue K. Improving the Health of People Who Inject Drugs Through COVID-19–Related Policies. Public Health Reports 2023, 138: 862-864. PMID: 37610106, PMCID: PMC10576482, DOI: 10.1177/00333549231192468.Commentaries, Editorials and LettersRecognition and Treatment of Wounds in Persons Using Xylazine: A Case Report From New Haven, Connecticut
Dowton A, Doernberg M, Heiman E, Barelli P, Golden M, Wang H, Leventhal J, Morford K, Sue K. Recognition and Treatment of Wounds in Persons Using Xylazine: A Case Report From New Haven, Connecticut. Journal Of Addiction Medicine 2023, 17: 739-741. PMID: 37934550, DOI: 10.1097/adm.0000000000001198.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsOpioid use disorderUse disordersDrug useCase report presentsIndex of suspicionInjection drug useDrug supplyCare management strategiesHarm reduction strategiesOverdose presentationsCutaneous manifestationsWithdrawal syndromeClinical complicationsCase reportIntravenous useWound carePatientsTreatment of woundsInfectious diseasesChronic woundsXylazineSkin woundsWoundsMore reportingDiagnosisChanging approaches to treating opioid withdrawal in the USA
Hughes M, Edinoff A, Sue K. Changing approaches to treating opioid withdrawal in the USA. The Lancet Psychiatry 2023, 10: 378-380. PMID: 37167986, DOI: 10.1016/s2215-0366(23)00145-1.Commentaries, Editorials and LettersPerspectives of Clinicians and Staff at Community-Based Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Settings on Linkages With Emergency Department–Initiated Buprenorphine Programs
Sue K, Chawarski M, Curry L, McNeil R, Coupet E, Schwartz R, Wilder C, Tsui J, Hawk K, D’Onofrio G, O’Connor P, Fiellin D, Edelman E. Perspectives of Clinicians and Staff at Community-Based Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Settings on Linkages With Emergency Department–Initiated Buprenorphine Programs. JAMA Network Open 2023, 6: e2312718. PMID: 37163263, PMCID: PMC10173026, DOI: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.12718.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsCommunity-based cliniciansOpioid use disorderEmergency departmentOUD treatmentMedication treatmentSubstance use disorders trainingUrban academic emergency departmentEffectiveness-implementation studyAcademic emergency departmentDisorder treatment settingsPerspectives of cliniciansCommunity-based treatmentCommunity-based treatment programsStaff perspectivesImplementation science frameworkBuprenorphine programTreatment cliniciansPeer navigatorsReferral sitesPromoting ActionMAIN OUTCOMEED staffBuprenorphineFocus groupsUse disordersDoing Our Best in a Broken System: The Urgent Need for Expansion of Medication for Opioid Use Disorder Treatments in the United States
Cohen S, Tilley J, Yocheved A, Sue K. Doing Our Best in a Broken System: The Urgent Need for Expansion of Medication for Opioid Use Disorder Treatments in the United States. Journal Of Addiction Medicine 2023, 17: 495-496. PMID: 37579123, DOI: 10.1097/adm.0000000000001143.Commentaries, Editorials and Letters
Safety in solitude? Competing risks and drivers of solitary drug use among women who inject drugs and implications for overdose detection
Rosen J, Glick J, Zhang L, Cooper L, Olatunde P, Pelaez D, Rouhani S, Sue K, Park J. Safety in solitude? Competing risks and drivers of solitary drug use among women who inject drugs and implications for overdose detection. Addiction 2022, 118: 847-854. PMID: 36468191, PMCID: PMC10073256, DOI: 10.1111/add.16103.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsThreat of violenceCross-sectional qualitative studyDepth interviewsHarm reduction strategiesPublic spaceOverdose riskDrug useThematic analysisQualitative studyEmergent designSocial environmentRisk environmentNaloxone possessionBaltimore CityInterviewsWWIDReduction strategiesOpioid withdrawalViolenceFatal overdoseStreet interceptViolence at Rikers Island: Does the Doctor Make It Worse? A Clinician Ethnographer’s Work Amidst Carceral Structural Violence
Sue K. Violence at Rikers Island: Does the Doctor Make It Worse? A Clinician Ethnographer’s Work Amidst Carceral Structural Violence. Culture, Medicine, And Psychiatry 2022, 1-20. PMID: 36445550, PMCID: PMC9707201, DOI: 10.1007/s11013-022-09812-2.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchStructural violenceSpaces of violenceField of anthropologyComplex social phenomenaCarceral institutionsSocial sufferingEngaged dialogueClinical ethnographyViolenceHealth justiceSocial phenomenaCommunity membersInterpersonal violenceIncarcerated peopleSocial criticismNew York CityNational spotlightRikers IslandMultiple axesPersonal reflectionJail systemYork CitySubjectivityLaborArticleXylazine and Overdoses: Trends, Concerns, and Recommendations.
Alexander RS, Canver BR, Sue KL, Morford KL. Xylazine and Overdoses: Trends, Concerns, and Recommendations. American Journal Of Public Health 2022, 112: 1212-1216. PMID: 35830662, PMCID: PMC9342814, DOI: 10.2105/ajph.2022.306881.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsIllicit drug supplyDrug supplyNovel treatment strategiesPublic health interventionsPublic health systemHarm reduction strategiesTreatment strategiesOverdose deathsHealth interventionsStriking prevalenceHealth systemXylazineExposure levelsPrevalencePotential riskPotential toxicityOpioidsOverdosesThe practice and embodiment of “goofballs”: A qualitative study exploring the co-injection of methamphetamines and opioids
Ivsins A, Fleming T, Barker A, Mansoor M, Thakarar K, Sue K, McNeil R. The practice and embodiment of “goofballs”: A qualitative study exploring the co-injection of methamphetamines and opioids. International Journal Of Drug Policy 2022, 107: 103791. PMID: 35830749, PMCID: PMC10894463, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2022.103791.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDowntown Eastside neighbourhoodDrug use practicesQualitative studyLittle qualitative researchUse practicesRole of pleasureDepth interviewsQualitative datasetQualitative researchEmbodied experienceDistinct practicesPolysubstance useEffects of opioidsInterviewsPracticeEffects of methamphetamineExperienceSupply interventionsImportant gapOpioidsStimulant useDrugsInitiativesMethamphetamineVancouverUsing a structural vulnerability framework to understand the impact of COVID‐19 on the lives of Medicaid beneficiaries receiving substance use treatment in New York City
Zhen‐Duan J, Gade N, Falgas‐Bagué I, Sue KL, DeJonckheere M, Alegría M. Using a structural vulnerability framework to understand the impact of COVID‐19 on the lives of Medicaid beneficiaries receiving substance use treatment in New York City. Health Services Research 2022, 57: 1104-1111. PMID: 35340033, PMCID: PMC9111318, DOI: 10.1111/1475-6773.13975.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsNew York CityLow-income individualsStructural vulnerabilityPrimary qualitative dataDepth qualitative interviewsQualitative research approachCOVID-19 pandemicThematic analysis approachYork CityDepth interviewsEconomic disparitiesQualitative interviewsVulnerability frameworkEthnic minority adultsFood insecurityStructural competencyQualitative dataSocial relationshipsHousing conditionsThematic analysisCommunity resourcesResearch approachCOVID-19Theoretical frameworkHome ordersCharacterizing stimulant overdose: A qualitative study on perceptions and experiences of “overamping”
Mansoor M, McNeil R, Fleming T, Barker A, Vakharia S, Sue K, Ivsins A. Characterizing stimulant overdose: A qualitative study on perceptions and experiences of “overamping”. International Journal Of Drug Policy 2022, 102: 103592. PMID: 35114520, PMCID: PMC9381030, DOI: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2022.103592.Peer-Reviewed Original ResearchConceptsDowntown Eastside neighbourhoodCurrent overdose crisisOverdose crisisNorth America's overdose crisisDepth qualitative interviewsStimulant overdosesHarm reduction campaignsOpioid-related overdose risksQualitative interviewsDominant focusHarm reduction effortsThematic analysisQualitative studyHarm reduction interventionsReduction campaignsRole of stimulantsIndividual experiencesLess attentionReduction effortsCrisisInterviewsExperiencePublic healthOverdose riskReduction interventions